Thursday, March 03, 2011

Paula Abdul Calls 911 To Escape Boyfriend

Apparently Paula Abdul still has not quite mastered the whole power locks thing in cars or her boyfriend was being an ass. Either way, Paula was in Santa Barbara on Valentine's Day afternoon when she called 911. TMZ obtained a copy of the 911 tape and Paula is crying while she tells 911 that she wants to get out of the car but her boyfriend won't let her leave. At some point, the guy pulls over and lets Paula out. Police visited Paula later that day and no charges were filed. Paula says it was a verbal argument. You know what I am wondering? I have known people in the past who get drunk or wasted in a car and then start getting hysterical and want to leave and do not even realize they are in a moving car. It is equally likely her boyfriend was being an ass, but it is a kind of strange situation. Even if you are having a fight with someone, are you just going to drop them off on the side of the road?


MontanaMarriott said...

Paula is a mess, from her days sleeping with all the Jackson brothers to her drunk induced haze on AI, and now this, SMDH

Ray said...

Why not Enty...Tony Romo did it to Jessica Simpson

bluebonnetmom said...

It could have been a bad part of town, she could have been out of it. He could have been trying to protect her. Or he could be a controlling jerk. Who knows?

Pookie said...

valentine's day. you're doing it wrong.

lyz said...

True story....I knew a guy who was in an argument with his girlfriend in the car. He's driving. Going over a big bridge. She is screaming that she wants out of the car. There's no where to pull over and what's he going to do, drop her off on the side of the road?? No, he keeps driving, trying to calm her down. The girl opens the door and JUMPS OUT! Seriously. And of course, she dies. The police investigated b/c they thought perhaps he pushed her...while driving 55 over a giant bridge...but witnesses driving near them said no way, she jumped. Really sad situation.

califblondy said...

The surprising thing about this story was that Paula had a boyfriend. Who knew?

timebob said...

I honestly thought Paula had gotten her life together after her wake up call of losing AI.

Guess not.

and how the heck is Paula's boyfriend?

Murphy Brown 2020 said...

Dang. What a coldhearted snake.

Meg said...

LOL @ Pookie

@Lynz - That is crazy and horrible! :(


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