Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blind Item #1

This C+ list mostly movie actor has one of the more strange pick up lines you have heard. "I used to be the boyfriend of (B list mostly movie actress who is A+++ list when it comes to name recognition and C list when it comes to acting talent). Apparently that line works enough to get him a date or two. It is kind of sad really.


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Mitchellaneous said...

Chris Kline?!

Cathy said...

Sounds like an ex of Aniston.

Cathy said...

A Katie Holmes ex would work too.

a non a miss said...

Someone who dated Jessica Biel?

prolixe said...

Aniston ex sounds really good. She's not un-talented, just not as talented as her name would suggest.

Tate Donovan for the ex?

libby said...

prolixe---AND Enty loves to mention that about Aniston, the talent/fame differential.

Although the Chris Klein guess is good.

CJ said...

I wa thinking Tate Donovan too.

Unknown said...

Tate Donovan also dated Bullock...

Not A Ninny said...

Oh bullshit! Don't even, this overhyped fake crap! There has never been an A+++ movie actress who was a C in terms of talent, unless you me Liz Taylor.

Don't feed the ghosties. Crap, utter crap. Totally fucking fake.

Not A Ninny said...

"...count Liz Taylor."

prolixe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie 2 said...

@B. Profane: The A++++ rating only applies to name recognition. LiLo would fit in that category (even if she is D-list and untalented.) (I'm not suggesting her for the blind; I like the Holmes suggestion).

Shocky said...

Tate Donovan isn't mostly movie, is he? I think of him more from TV.

libby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
a non a miss said...

Oh B- we get it. You don't like the number blinds. You act like my mother when she bitches about the weather. Why bother?

libby said...


j/k, but you might want to get that looked at, B.

Not A Ninny said...

No, no, no, you silly people. Think about it:

--A+++ name recognition means one of the most famous names in the history of film all-time. Like Liz or Hepburn.

--"B-list mostly movie..." means someone who is still working in films. Who has that kind of fame who is still working? Except for Meryl, nobody. Noooo-body. No, don't even try to debate it, nobody.

--"C-list when it comes to acting talent," rules out Meryl, except that she was already rule out.

Don't you get when you're being fucked with?

WareCat said...

Chris Klein all the way. This is a recycled blind.

libby said...

B, give it a rest. That's not what any of that means.
Enty's ratings are done by a MAN. Arbitrary.
There's not some certain algebraic formula Enty is ignoring.

If I say anything more, B, I'll have to concern-troll you. Sometimes it's best to just walk away for a day or two. I do it. Good luck.

a non a miss said...

I know how much these terrible numbered blinds upset you Bill but please understand that this is a gossip blog and is solely for entertainment purposes. There's no reason to have a hissy fit.

Not A Ninny said...

Keep trying to guess who I am, ghosties! I can bust your cyber-anonymity far easier than you can mine--and you have more to lose. I could give a shit less. It literally would not hurt my professional stature at all to be outed; can you say the same? How you gonna get another carpet gig?

Jesus, keep the idiotic bullshit in check, huh? Obviously a lot of the content for the blog is pre-written and cued for the next morning, and just as obviously the most overblown crapola is written by some sleazy flack with a bottle of wine in her.

Here's a clue for free, one that I give to my worst students: try not fucking up for once. You might get in the habit and find it edifying.

Seachica said...

I'm convinced that we aren't dealing with multiple entys. We have multiple B Profanes. Today apparently is the cranky, whiney one. I much prefer the off color, slightly witty one.

Cathy said...

@B, none of us care who you are, much less enough to try and guess. And I doubt the writer of this blog cares either.

hunter said...

how is not fucking up a clue?

a non a miss said...

I know who you are Bill. You were super easy to find on the interweb. You have a nice website.

KS said...

Oh god, don't get B started with clues! Your will be scratching your head for DAYS!

tealily said...

B, I think this is more of a case of sloppy writing than anything else. Classic this site, really.

Star said...

Michael Argano-he used to date Kristen Stewart. She would be the B actress with A+++ name and C talent wise

libby said...

B. This is one of those times, call someone.

Trey said...

Star, I like your guess.

c_anne said...

I occasionally post on here but always enjoy the light hearted banter. I look forward to checking in with the site every day. Lately though it seems like there are a lot of cranky pants haters. If you hate the page so much don't get on it. Let the people who do enjoy it do their thing. Thanks!

Oh, and I usually suck at BIs. I have nothing for this one.

Trey said...

That sure is a lot of anger over a blind item on a gossip site.

Not A Ninny said...

Oh please:

--I don't have a website. I'm super-paranoid (for professional reasons) about web presence, social media footprint, etc.

--If I was wrong about who or what I have intimated with regard to CDAN, why haven't I just been banned? Because banning me from commenting would be incriminating.

--I regularly point out that there is strong evidence that the founder of CDAN, whoever he/she/that yeti is, is an authentic, probably very senior and established entertainment professional.

In short, how about not posting ludicrous BI clues instead of getting into a serious pissing contest with me. That path has server you all better in the past.

__-__=__ said...

Did someone say wine?????? I'll have a glass. Please and thank you!

Not A Ninny said...

Libby, I'm just fine, honey. Don't worry about me.

KS said...

Sorry to Hijack, but I just have to. Courtesy of AlexT:

Enty Outing, a short re-enacting:

B.P.: zomg, everyone, I know who Enty is! I can't believe it, it was RIGHT THERE FOR ANYONE TO FIND.

Everyone: zomg, where?!

B.P.: Well, I can't SAY where, then the site would shut down and Enty would disappear forever. But if you think real hard and click your heels and type in [mysterious combination of words, redacted] in [location, also redacted] it's, like, SO OBVIOUS. But you may guess.

User #1: Is it bigger than a breadbox?

B.P.: I can't say. That would be too obvious.

User # 2: Does this person have anything to do with Lindsay Lohan?

B.P.: YES. I have found that by clicking a secret combination of search terms and then comparing them to my personal algorithm of post subjects, I have definitely found that there is a certain connection between Enty and his subjects, usually a 4th degree of separation or less! But I can't be more specific.

Much turmoil ensues as everyone attempts B.P's secret combination

Himmmmmmm: Hi Everyone, I'm here! Not that I'm RDJ or anything, wink nudge!

Everyone: Not now, Ironman.

Users #3,4,5,6-14: I've tried everything and nothing even remotely relevant is coming up.

B.P. That's because you're not doing it right! You have to do it while facing east and whistling the theme to Andy Griffith! BECAUSE HE DIED. THAT IS A CLUE.

Users #15-42: What the fuck are you even talking about?!

A few users: I...think I have something...

B.P: Here, let me give you a hint! It's <...comment deleted....>
There, I had to delete it to remove any traces.

Everyone: That was not helpful.

B.P. Well, it's not like I can leave it up there for people to SEE!

Everyone, eventually: Fuck this. Someone email me. My email address is

And that was the Mystery of Enty.

a non a miss said...

Haha thanks Mikey!

Don't worry Bill- I won't post a link to the website you have (but haven't updated in a decade)

dia papaya said...

What about Jared Leto? Dated Cameron Diaz for a bit.

Where's the wine? Where!!!! Pour me a Cougar Town sized glass please! It's too early for all this fighting.

Trey said...

lol Mikey, thanks for that recap.

dia papaya said...

Thanks Mikey! That was the best post evah!!!

What happened to AlexT! That shit was funny :)

Not A Ninny said...

Oh look, it's the un-funny satire misdirection ploy again. That works once only.

How about we all just agree that the ghosty in question needs a kick upside the head and downgrade the clue to "A+ name recognition"?

prolixe said...


RCB, please email that link. :b

{Passing Dia some Willamette Pinot}

I have to do reading assessments with sixth graders in a couple of hours. I'm now prepared. :b

KS said...

B Profane, NO ONE agrees with you. Let it go!

dia papaya said...

Thanks @prolixe! I'm still recovering from the Portland Comic Con. It was nerd overload!!! But I got to touch Norman Reedus (who I know you don't find hot, but trust me he is!), and a few other famous people.

9AM isn't too early for wine, right?

Mango said...

@ B. Profane - A+++ name recognition on CDaN does NOT mean the likes of Katharine Hepburn (did you mean Katharine? Or Audrey?) It means CURRENT actors, current tabloid fodder, NOT actors and actresses in the hall of fame.

So NO, B. Profane, it is NOT Kirk Douglas telling all the hot octogenarians at the dialysis center that he banged MYRNA LOY back in 1949 so he can get into their bloomers.

Amber said...

OFFS. Glad I took a break for this bullshit.
@B - WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE? It's an entertainment blog, FFS. It's a freaking puzzle. Get over it.

prolixe said...

@dia, Kathie Lee says no, just add some OJ & call it NoPoMimoso! :b

Did you see James Marsters or Bruce Campbell? I so wanted to go but I had a conference that day. :/

A friend of mine (sci-fi writer) was at San Diego Comicon and she said the same thing, Norman Reedus is a stud!

Not A Ninny said...

OK, look, it's all Enty's little whores coming out of the woodwork, trying to obfuscate. Not going to work.

So...who wants their SSN, home phone, cell, address history and full credit report posted worldwide, on hard sites beyond reach of US law? Anyone? No takers? CC numbers? Bank account numbers? Porn search history?

You want to play hardball because you don't like me calling you sleazy flacks, we can do that. Fine with me.

Cathy said...

"How about we all just agree that the ghosty in question needs a kick upside the head and downgrade the clue to 'A+ name recognition'?"

Because none of us are as bothered by this as you are.

MacAttack said...

man, this B Profane is annoying as fuck! is it me or does he have multiple personalities? seems to have a different job every other comment, knows everything about law/lawyers despite having never actually studied law, "He had girlfriends that did." dude, give it a rest.

Trey said...

I'd really rather not have my porn search history posted. Since you asked.

Mango said...

-If I was wrong about who or what I have intimated with regard to CDAN, why haven't I just been banned? Because banning me from commenting would be incriminating.

Actually, it would make more sense to ban you if your claims and comments were right. And you haven't been banned. Copy that?

And wtf are "ghosties"???

dia papaya said...

@prolixe - Yes to James and yes to Bruce! Didn't get a photo with them though.

Bruce Campbell is freakin' hilarious! I could have listened to him talk for hours. He was ripping apart the PDX weird ones.

Mr. Spike was funny too, but was all "I'm a musician now" and was hawking his band

Julie said...

wow, I took a few days off from reading the comments on this site and it seems I missed a lot!

Mango said...

Re the blind, the first name that popped into my head was Tate Donovan. He might be utterly innocent but he has NOT aged well and looks, well, kind of creepy. So I'm going to judge a book by it's cover and agree with those who named him.

Cathy said...

At 8:19 B. Profane said:
Keep trying to guess who I am, ghosties! I can bust your cyber-anonymity far easier than you can mine--and you have more to lose. I could give a shit less. It literally would not hurt my professional stature at all to be outed; can you say the same? How you gonna get another carpet gig?

At 8:45 B. Profane said:
I don't have a website. I'm super-paranoid (for professional reasons) about web presence, social media footprint, etc.

Make up your damn mind - which is it??

OneGirlRevolution said...


It's a fucking entertainment blog.

And B, if you know anything about the law, you would know that your outburst could be construed as premeditation to harassment and/or stalking if you carried out your threats. Making them online could violate provisions of the interstate commerce act and elevate any actions you might chose to take to a federal crime. But threaten away.

Brea McCain said...

What the hell is going on in here? I thought blinds are suppose to be fun. And whoever has the wine pour me some. It's afternoon where I am.

Cantara said...

I have an ex-friend who would pick up film-struck coeds with the line, "I'm J-- G--'s father." That's how he got his second wife.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Oh, and I was one of the ones who figured out where all of your convoluted bullshit led. Enty isn't who you think he much as you want to make it so.

Cantara said...

I have an ex-friend who would pick up film-struck coeds with the line, "I'm J-- G--'s father." That's how he got his second wife.

Cathy said...

@Cantara - when I read that, I was thinking of Jon Gosselin and it make me chuckle.

SusanB said...

*perks up* Bruce Campbell? I LOVE Bruce Campbell. He's why I watch Burn Notice. And I saw a movie a few weeks ago, can't remember the name, where he thinks he's Elvis and he's in a nursing home with (I think) Ossie Davis who thinks he's JFK who was dyed black. Hilarious.

And wanted to add - I don't give a damn if Enty is a housewife from Kansas City. And (no offense) I don't give a damn who B. Profane is. I read this for entertainment.

And @Mango - ROFL at the Myrna Loy reference. I think of you every time I go into Publix.

Cantara said...

I have an ex-friend who would pick up film-struck coeds with the line, "I'm J-- G--'s father." That's how he got his second wife.

Cantara said...

I have an ex-friend who would pick up film-struck coeds with the line, "I'm J-- G--'s father." That's how he got his second wife.

dia papaya said...

@SusanB - I love Sam Axe! He makes that show for me. And the movie is called Bubba Hotep.

Ossie Davis - "They dyed me this color!" Awesome film!

fritters said...

Oh boy. I always find it...interesting(?)...when posters gripe about people enjoying the blinds or taking Enty too seriously and then become fanatical in their quest to prove why they're right and all the other posters are glib, as tommy would say. I about taking things too seriously.

Although I don't comment much at all, I read the blog and the comments every day, and the CDAN community is clearly intelligent on the whole. I don't get why certain posters feel it's necessary to try to "teach" everyone to see the light, so to speak.

It's a gossip blog, people. No one is curing cancer, solving the deficit, or fixing that pesky Middle East turmoil. People around here seem to be pretty aware of that. No need to for crusades against the site.

Really, who gives a flying eff if someone is A+ or A+++ or O- or whatever. As others have mentioned, it's subjective. And a freaking gossip site. Who caresss!! The general idea of "someone famous in name, but not nearly as famous in their body of work" remains the same no matter how many +'s Enty puts after the A.

End of rant. Soap box now available for use

Jamie 2 said...

Completely OT, but Downton Abbey fans might enjoy this (Do not read unless you've finished Season 3):

fritters said...

Oh boy. I always find it...interesting(?)...when posters gripe about people enjoying the blinds or taking Enty too seriously and then become fanatical in their quest to prove why they're right and all the other posters are glib, as tommy would say. I about taking things too seriously.

Although I don't comment much at all, I read the blog and the comments every day, and the CDAN community is clearly intelligent on the whole. I don't get why certain posters feel it's necessary to try to "teach" everyone to see the light, so to speak.

It's a gossip blog, people. No one is curing cancer, solving the deficit, or fixing that pesky Middle East turmoil. People around here seem to be pretty aware of that. No need to for crusades against the site.

Really, who gives a flying eff if someone is A+ or A+++ or O- or whatever. As others have mentioned, it's subjective. And a freaking gossip site. Who caresss!! The general idea of "someone famous in name, but not nearly as famous in their body of work" remains the same no matter how many +'s Enty puts after the A.

End of rant. Soap box now available for use

seaward said...

Aww, I remember the last time BP went crazy threatening to "expose" fellow commenters. He was VERY adamant that Enty could not ban people, it was physically impossible!! But now we know it's only because it would be incriminating.

I'm with whoever said there are multiple BPs. Good god, man, get a hold of yourself.

fritters said...

Whoops, my bad on the double post. Guess I really meant what I said ha.

ulalume said...

WOW. How did this comment thread get so hostile? Who cares if they're fake? They're still fun to guess.

Rosemary Young said...

Tate Donovan was in "Argo." That's a much better line (as of last Sunday, at least) than the fact that he used to date Jennifer Anniston.

lazyday603 said...

I read in Wired Magazine that B Profane is a web-bot. Just a highly sophisticated software program doing automated responses on internet message boards. Kind of impressive if it weren't so annoying.

Agent**It said...

I think everybody has MPD:)

SusanB said...

@Jaime 2 - thanks for the link! Hysterical!

prolixe said...

@SusanB & Dia - Bubba Hotep - OMS, that was hilarious!

I, too, love Sam Axe on Burn Notice. I also have a secret crush on Garret Dillahunt (he played Simon Escher and is now the awesome dad on Raising Hope). I'll put up with Gabrielle Anwar's crazy eyebrows for some Chin Axe!

lazyday603 said...

I can't believe that Cantara has four ex-friends who would pick up film-struck coeds with the line, "I'm J(ennifer)-- G(arner)--'s father." That's three more than I would have guessed.

Roman Holiday said...

I might have to start reading my mysteries from a book, cause things be getting crazy in here :)

Pun intended!!

OneGirlRevolution said...

@Rosemary...I got about 30 minutes near the end of Argo and went, "hey...that looks kind of like Tate Donovan" then I imdb'd it. He was completely (well, almost) unrecognizable.

Amber said...

@Lola - My BF and I started watching Cowboys & Aliens, and I was like, "Oh that guy kinda looks like Daniel Craig!" The look I got...

lazyday603 said...

@Jamie, that Downton Abbey spoof reads just like a John Irving novel. Did you ever read "The World According to Garp". Over & over he introduces characters just so he has more bodies to kill off in some horrific way. Irving needs to type less & medicate himself more.

EmEyeKay said...

@lazyday, I'm starting to wonder if we're the same person... we have far too much in common. ITA with your Irving comment!

Christ, I've finally done it, become a split personality, and now I'm talking to myself on the internet.

OneGirlRevolution said...


Please don't post my Internet porn....

OneGirlRevolution said...


In your defense, that was a total WTF movie for Daniel Craig.

Pip said...

Someone needs to boot Profane off of this site. Threatening to give out our SSN? What the fuck is wrong with you? This is a fucking gossip site. Get over yourself. No one gives a shit if you think it is all fake.

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

@B.--Perhaps all the + signs were a typo? It's not as if we don't see those daily around here...Also, I might have to argue w/you about Elizabeth Taylor being C-list talentwise; I'd say she was at least a B or B+. Yes, she made a lot of crap movies, but when she was good, she was really good. (Not trying to pick a fight; just putting in my $.02 worth.)

(Would it be worth mentioning that right now we're in a Mercury Retrograde period? Mercury went Rx on Saturday the 23rd, and won't be going direct until March 17. Mercury Rx tends to bring about all kinds of confusion where communication is involved--anything from travel to electronics is fair game. Try not to sign contracts or start new projects if you can help it; it is, however, a good time to revise, rework, rewrite, etc. Laugh if you will, but I've seen this mess things up far too many times to not keep it in mind when things go completely haywire...ask me sometime why you should never try to move cross-country during a Mercury Rx period, eh? In other words, everyone should calm down & realize that things may not be what they appear to be, and just sit tight. /mama hen mode )

No idea who the blind is about, but if it's a true one, then that guy really needs to get a life, and so do the women he picks up using that line. *shakes head*

Silly Girl said...

This was a nice thread to come back to. I've had a helluva morning and this gave me enough to relax. I'd love a cigarette right now, but I quit smoking two years and 59 days ago. If anyone still smokes, please enjoy one for me.
Thanks again to all for making this an awesome trip down "Let's out Enty" Lane!

Silly Girl said...

Please don't post my porn history. Or my husbands. :)

lazyday603 said...

I really liked Cowboys and Aliens. Great mashup of genre films.

Unknown said...

i'm falling in love with B Profane! don't hate penetrate!

All about Eve said...

@Mango, Bwahahahaha! Kirk Douglas!!!

All about Eve said...

All this drama over a BI! Geez!

I'm guessing Tate Donovan too, never found him attractive.

The Black Cat said...

"Enty's little whores" nice talk but I guess it takes one to know one.
It would be nice if our B Profane was a bot but unfortunately I think this sad sack is a shining example of someone needing a little attention, even if it is the negative kind. Nothing more, nothing less. And don't worry about your personal info getting loose out there on the Internets, I think B Profane has been watching too many spy thrillers. Sad that they get their kicks threatening innocent people, there's a name for that.
Oh but I better shut up now, might hurt the poor little scumbags feelings. It's not nice to make fun of the mentally ill but in cases like this, so very gratifying.

lazyday603 said...

That having your porn history exposed might not be such a bad thing. Think of all the new sites we would all learn about. The internet is a big place & I'm sure there's all kinds of great porn I haven't come across. It will be one of those "the wisdom of the crowd" exercises.

Amber said...

It's also kind of dumb to threaten people on the internet when you don't know who those people know. (And no, that's not a veiled threat/implication. Just a fact.)

Amber said...

LOL @ lazyday

Bravura said...

Oh man, I love it when people get all hyped up on the internet and threaten to "post personal information" or destroy a person through cyber slander. Please. What are you? Anonymous? Unless you are some elite hacker (which I highly doubt because every single hacker I've known of has never threatened IN WRITING to do what you're threatening to do), all of this is hot air.

One, you've already incriminated yourself by posting your intent on this site should someone not agree with you. Sure, you can "delete" your comments, but there is such a thing as computer forensics which have no problem digging through servers and such to pull said information. Someone as intelligent as you should be well aware of this, right?

Secondly, so you're going to post someone's SSN, their personal information, and basically hack into their system to exploit them through whatever means for your own personal gain. Congratulations. You've committed a cyber crime. You do realize there are entities within the FBI and such that frown upon such things?

So please, keep on trolling and blustering away in your mission to scare people into submission. This is an entertainment site. The information provided on here is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES.

Get over yourself. No one cares who you are. Seriously. And if you, indeed, are someone of note, acting like this only paints you in a petty, selfish light.

Now if you excuse us, we have some celeb gossip to get back to. ;)

Mango said...

(Not trying to pick a fight; just putting in my $.02 worth.)

@ Robin - What the fuck??? You do NOT have to apologize for having an opinion.

B. Profane can pound sand. He's a big old attention whore-- and he has the nerve to call us whores? Look at his posts - verbose pieces of puffery about himself. It's all about him. He even tried to make the fucking Oreo thread yesterday about him but there were no takers. Thank god.

Dear B. Profane: We don't give a shit who Enty is. We come here for the gossip and the laughs and the comradery among the posters and you continually SUCK OUT THE FUN.


Please, find another site to troll if you are going to continue to pull this bullshit every couple of months.

EmEyeKay said...

@Lola, no worries :) That's not my style...

Brea McCain said...

B didn't come back. Does that mean that he is placing all of our info on the web or did he finally take his meds?

Roman Holiday said...

I know you all will hate me for this but I find B. P to be very entertaining. I guess he will disappear for a month or so like he did the last time he caused a shitstorm, then he'll be back because he can't keep away from all the witty and insightful comments (not being snarky). And I will love his posts all over again!

B said...

I don't post a lot, but read every day. Is it sick that I sometimes find more entertainment out of these type of threads than the BIs themselves? Just me?

@Mango - bahahaha re: Kirk Douglas

And I kind of like the Michael A./Kristen Stewart guess. Got nothing of my own.

Roman Holiday said...

@ B, yes these are always the best threads!! People getting all crazy over something that will never have an impact on their life whatsoever!

rexruther said...

Go back to talking about your "honeys" asking for pearl necklaces, b. That was less gross than what you're doing now. Smh.

OneGirlRevolution said...


But it might be your split personality's. ;P

OneGirlRevolution said...

As a side comment to the Oreo thread...

If you like Oreos but the ingredients gross you out, try Newman's Own "Oreo" cookies. They actually taste better, have no weird ingredients and are organic to boot!

OneGirlRevolution said...


Ewwwwwwww! I am NOT sorry I missed that.

libby said...


I googled 'interracial DP' the other day.


libby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
M52799 said...

Ok seriously, what's wrong with B Profane? All this threatening because he didn't like Enty referring to someone as A+++? Wow, get a life B. and I don't give a flying f**k if you post who I am on here. Do you really think I would lose my job or something because people found out that I read CDAN and occasionally post a comment? PSYCHO!!! Oh, and I'll get you started. My first name is Michelle.

libby said...


Oh, hi Michelle.
B needs to be the guy who knows everything, whose word is gold on any and ALL subjects (including whether or not things that happened in YOUR life actually happened--he even knows that). He needs attention. That's why he starts shit, whether it's arguing over this, calling us whores, making a cryptic puzzle about Enty's real identity----I fell for it for awhile. Then I started recognizing the very very sad aspects to B, and I understand a bit where they come from. He can't help it. But I wish he would.

welcome, Michelle! Keep commenting!

Sherry said...

Fritters I am not familiar with you but I just fell in love. Amen!

Nobody Special said...

"Don't you know who I am?!" "Pay attention to me!" "You are all idiots! You don't get it! I'm important!" "Women can't get enough of me! I'm very attractive!" "Watch as I spectacularly crash and burn on a regular basis!"

This could be Lindsay Lohan talking, but it's paraphrases from B.Profane. It's kind of hilarious when you think about it.

OneGirlRevolution said...


Well now I'm gonna post all of your shit online. I have the power! ;)

(I was posting in response to the lard (now crisco) in Oreos...blech.)

tealily said...

B, it must be because you and B. Profane are ONE AND THE SAME!!!! (j/k)

OneGirlRevolution said...

I think the first time I got into it with B was about a legal matter that I had been personally involved in and he told me I was wrong and he knew because he had dated a lawyer (a very, very, VERY important lawyer IIR).

feraltart said...

Robin, can that make people nastier? Might explain a few things. Also, in Chinese Astrology it is the Year of the Snake, a bit of a difficult year. However, how you handle adversity at the start of the year determines the general run of your year, if you handled it with good grace your year will be better, if not your year will be even crappier than expected.

SusanB said...

Hmm - interesting - haven't heard from B Profane since Lola mentioned the various crimes he could be prosecuted for if he carries out his threats. Guess he's getting in contact with Anonymous for them to start investigating all of us.

AliasFan4Lyfe said...

Johnny Simmons, he used to go out with Emma Watson.

Jamie 2 said...

In case he deletes it later, here's a recap of B. Profane's posts in this thread so far:

Oh bullshit! Don't even, this overhyped fake crap! There has never been an A+++ movie actress who was a C in terms of talent, unless you me Liz Taylor.

Don't feed the ghosties. Crap, utter crap. Totally fucking fake.
7:33 AM
"...count Liz Taylor."
7:34 AM
No, no, no, you silly people. Think about it:

--A+++ name recognition means one of the most famous names in the history of film all-time. Like Liz or Hepburn.

--"B-list mostly movie..." means someone who is still working in films. Who has that kind of fame who is still working? Except for Meryl, nobody. Noooo-body. No, don't even try to debate it, nobody.

--"C-list when it comes to acting talent," rules out Meryl, except that she was already rule out.

Don't you get when you're being fucked with?
7:58 AM
Keep trying to guess who I am, ghosties! I can bust your cyber-anonymity far easier than you can mine--and you have more to lose. I could give a shit less. It literally would not hurt my professional stature at all to be outed; can you say the same? How you gonna get another carpet gig?

Jesus, keep the idiotic bullshit in check, huh? Obviously a lot of the content for the blog is pre-written and cued for the next morning, and just as obviously the most overblown crapola is written by some sleazy flack with a bottle of wine in her.

Here's a clue for free, one that I give to my worst students: try not fucking up for once. You might get in the habit and find it edifying.
8:19 AM
Oh please:

--I don't have a website. I'm super-paranoid (for professional reasons) about web presence, social media footprint, etc.

--If I was wrong about who or what I have intimated with regard to CDAN, why haven't I just been banned? Because banning me from commenting would be incriminating.

--I regularly point out that there is strong evidence that the founder of CDAN, whoever he/she/that yeti is, is an authentic, probably very senior and established entertainment professional.

In short, how about not posting ludicrous BI clues instead of getting into a serious pissing contest with me. That path has server you all better in the past.
8:45 AM
Libby, I'm just fine, honey. Don't worry about me.
8:46 AM
Oh look, it's the un-funny satire misdirection ploy again. That works once only.

How about we all just agree that the ghosty in question needs a kick upside the head and downgrade the clue to "A+ name recognition"?
8:53 AM

OK, look, it's all Enty's little whores coming out of the woodwork, trying to obfuscate. Not going to work.

So...who wants their SSN, home phone, cell, address history and full credit report posted worldwide, on hard sites beyond reach of US law? Anyone? No takers? CC numbers? Bank account numbers? Porn search history?

You want to play hardball because you don't like me calling you sleazy flacks, we can do that. Fine with me.
9:07 AM

AliasFan4Lyfe said...

never mind, i just saw " C list when it comes to acting talent" Emma's a great actress. so i change my vote to Michael Arangano

libby said...

Lola, if the fact that i googled 'interracial DP' somehow gets on the internet, I am in TROUBLE!!!

libby said...

Thanks Jamie 2, seriously. Good thinking!

Jamie 2 said...

From the post at 8:19AM:

" It literally would not hurt my professional stature at all to be outed..."

First, love, learn the definition of "literally."

Second, if it wouldn't hurt your "professional stature" to have your "students" pass the above comments around class with your real name attached, including all the rage, profanity, condescension, threats, & contradictions - I'm going to guess you teach auto mechanics 101 at a trade school.

(Apologies to anyone who really does.)

EmEyeKay said...

Gah! @Lola, don't make me more paranoid!

Jamie 2 said...

@Libby, holy shit. How do you know all this stuff?

Folks, google "Interracial DP Define" and DON'T click on any of the links.

Well, unless that's your thing, of course.

Tyler said...

Star said...

Michael Angarano-he used to date Kristen Stewart. She would be the B actress with A+++ name and C talent wise
Great guess Star! Kristen fits the unusually divergent actress description to a Tee.

KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mango said...

@ Jamie2 - Normally I don't get emailed replies to a thread (hate the clutter) but when I know a thread is going to blow up, or when someone is going to delete their posts I'll click the email box because reading the thread later when posts have been deleted makes little sense.

FSP said...

Awwwww man, I miss all the good stuff.

libby said...

Jamie---I was a waitress for YEARS. No subject is off limits with co-workers, unless it's NOT about sex.

a non a miss said...

Feel free mikey!

High Heels said...

Just wanted to pop in to say: I don't care either.

My first thought was Chris Kline.

ulalume said...

@Lola - I LOVE Newman O's! They're way better than Oreo's and after eating Newman O's, I can't even eat oreo's, they taste like sugary wax!

KS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Love Bruce Campbell and Bubba Ho Tep. I left this post about 930 this morning because I didn't really care about cheesy pick up lines. But Holy Hell wtf happened here? I'm only half way through and now I need wine too. Sheesh.

jel said...

@alex t still wins! Loved that whole weekend.

shopgirl said...

Wow, this thread made my day! I think I peed into my tights a couple of times. Sure made the hours go by fast. Thanks everyone.

Anonymous said...

Well that was interesting. I'm glad no one took the rabbit hole bait this time. B. Profane owes me a Sunday he took away from me months ago on that wild goose chase. I now take his comments with a grain of salt. Good job @Lola out legaling ( is that even a word?) him.

Mango said...

@ SusanB - I found this thread on BuzzFeed the other day:

Reasons Why Publix Is The Best Grocery Store To Ever Exist


Kelly Simmons said...

All I can think of after this thread is

"Tiger Blood"
"Sugar Tits"

This is some phenomenal ranting today. Would have made a great recording!

Nobody Special said...

Is this the blog, rej carebear?

Sorry no clickability

Jamie 2 said...

@Nobody Special: What makes you think that is him? You must have some reason other than you found a blog with an idiot egomaniac posting. Aren't they all like that?

KS said...

Jaime, because the name of the author is B. Profane.

Although I don't think that is him, because there are two bloggers named B. Profane.

RCB, did I get your e-mail wrong?

figgy said...

Mikey, your earlier post was hilarious, thanks!

I can't believe how heated up some people get here. About Enty, at each other, etc. Bizarre.

The Original CDAN Reader said...

Okay, this is way out of left field. I re-read his tantrums a few times I think B. Profane is simultaneously spewing venom at us and Enty (or the Enties, as he calls them).

WE aren’t the Ghosties, it’s the women he claims are Enty’s ghost writers. The only way his PMS attack makes sense is if HE is the subject of the blind! It’s totally him and he’s all embarrassed and felling exposed and has a bee in his bonnet. This is also why he's so attached to the "correct" ranking of the ex in question.

Just like JSierra mentioned last week, we ALL obscure our identity on here and I think you guys took the past clues that B. dropped about himself as truth. All of that spouting could be as fake as Pammy’s tits. I think that B. is the C+ actor and he got shot down after using some bullshit line on chick recently and Enty’s blind is about HIM.

Consider the possibility and re-read his rants. The bile is originally directed at ENTY, with B.’s responses down thread eventually directed to everyone else who was like, WTF?

Then again, I could still be on Investigation – you know the rest!

Agent**It said...

Mango, Publix is my BFF.

Agent**It said...

CDAN Reader,I laughed out loud.

prolixe said...

Haha, CDAN Reader, that is beautiful! Bust a nut with a Le'Ann tantrum!

The Original CDAN Reader said...

Totally OT: For anyone that watches Justified, I think that Drew Thompson is really his wife, Eve.

He used some of that stolen $$ to get a sex change so he could hide in plain sight. She really has NO photos of them together after being married for 20+ years? Bitch, please. So…yeah, that’s how MY hamster brain works.

prolixe said...

Clickable link for Nobody Special. Hmmm.

TV Junkie said...

OMG Dia!! I LOVE Norman Reedus! So jealous!! I was explaining to my bf during the last episode how he's so sexy, but not necessarily classically handsome. But really just so sexy!

Jamie 2 said...

@Agent**It: ITA. My Publix rocks. What is that all about?

OneGirlRevolution said...

Libby, I posted it in a super secret place, out of the reach of the general public and the internet feds. It's so super secret that I'M not sure where I posted it.

Was that wrong?


OneGirlRevolution said...

We don't have Publix. :(

OneGirlRevolution said...

@CDAN, I love your conspiracy theory however, if B had dated anyone of note, especially an A+(++) actress, I've no doubt he would have managed to slip that into a conversation at some point.

I'm kinda surprised B hasn't deleted anything.

Agent**It said...

Jaimie 2. Because they are still a privately owned company..:)

OneGirlRevolution said...

@katydid...I have my moments. :)

(I'm not ALWAYS cranky/crotchety ;) )

Mouse said...

I'm with you on this one, dude

Mango said...

@ Jamie2 - I moved to CA last year from FL and was bitching and moaning one day here that I missed Publix (the whole grain bread fresh from the bakery, their fried chicken, their stores are so clean, etc. None of the chains here can compete.) SusanB once had a chicken tender sandwich for dinner in my honor, lol and she mentioned Publix today upthread so I posted a link from BuzzFeed about the store.

Sorry to bore anyone who isn't lucky enough to live near one, but they rock.

SusanB said...

@mango...thanks for the link! I'm going there tomorrow morning. Sad it'll be the highlight of my week.

CanadianMiss said...

I actually had the same tought as cdan reader. Just not in so much detail. After all, B has, on several occasions, spoken of the great importance of people he used to date.

Mango said...

@ CDAN Reader - I'm confused. Okay, we (the readers) are not the "ghosties", but are we "Enty's little whores coming out of the woodwork"?

prolixe said...

@Mango, that's what B said - whoever said anything about what he said was one of Enty's whores coming out of the woodwork.

Agent**It said...

"Not now Ironman" was my favorite comment of the year. Hands down.

OneGirlRevolution said...


I believe that yes, we are Enty's whores. But I also think B means that at least some of the posters are also enty ghostwriters who come in to defend the lead "enty" so that he isn't exposed.

OneGirlRevolution said... too!

a non a miss said...

I wish I was ghost writing for this site! I guess I have to settle for being a whore.

prolixe said...

Judging from the sheer amount of b*ery Enty gets for grammar, misspellings, and downright unreadable posts... any possible ghosts must be good at faking it hard.

JSierra said...

DIA PAPAYA DON'T YOU PLAY WITH MY HEART LIKE THAT. YOU TOUCHED NORMAN!!!??? Please bombard me with ridiculous details ASAP.

Please, no, someone stop them from revealing that I regularly comment on a gossip site! The shame it will bring my family is unthinkable! My coworkers and boss will be mortified! The world as I know it will destruct! Aahahdhdhdjsdkjfhakjfhafh!!!!!

My name is Jillian, I live in Texas, I am 23 years old and I love Harry Potter and Norman Reedus. I am out, and proud!

Mango said...

Thank you for the clarification.

Since most of the posters were regulars, I didn't understand the "Enty's little whores" comment.
I don't think being a regular reader and poster makes me, nor the others one of Enty's "whores" anymore than it would B. Profane.

Count Jerkula said...

I am appalled that b profane called the broads here whores. I imagine there are quite a few here that never exchanged sex for cash and still possess souls.

Go ahead and post my porn search history. These people need to know where to find the good stuff.

Silly Girl said...

I think I just fell in love with you, Count.

Jamie 2 said...

"So NO, B. Profane, it is NOT Kirk Douglas telling all the hot octogenarians at the dialysis center that he banged MYRNA LOY back in 1949 so he can get into their bloomers."

I love you forever, Mango, on the basis of that comment alone. It was brilliant. If every writer on 30 Rock had even tried to write a response, they'd have failed at being so pitch-perfect.

Kelly said...

omg, me too @FSP

The Original CDAN Reader said...

@ Mango Yes, B. was calling us and any commenter who dared to disagree with him or question his authority one of Enty’s whores. He’s like a wounded animal lashing out right now so he pushed a button to get everyone twisted up into knots and it worked! Please don’t take the bait. B. could have easily called us Enty’s minions, or lap dogs, or lackeys, etc., but those names don’t have the fire power of WHORE. Sticks and stones, B.! Sticks and stones.

Amber said...

@Count - is it okay to exchange sex for burritos? I'm asking for a friend.

Jamie 2 said...

@Amber: Homemade or Taco Bell?

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

All I could think about while reading this thread (besides not LOLing my head off) was this:

I really gotta start reading this site earlier in the day!

EmEyeKay said...

My GOD you people crack me up!

"Not now, Iron Man" was the best, yes!

Sarah said...

What brings a lurker out of the woodwork? Maybe something like this, so Thankyou B Profane! BTW you sound a lot like my ex, sure you're not in Australia?

Sarah said...

What brings a lurker out of the woodwork? Maybe something like this, so Thankyou B Profane! BTW you sound a lot like my ex, sure you're not in Australia?

Mango said...

@ Amber - I was going to comment that I like tacos (and I do, the hard shell corn ones) but it just sounded dirty. I don't want to get the Count all excited n stuff.

@ Jamie 2 - Awww, thanks@

mooshki said...

I just skimmed this thread because it's almost bed time, so can someone confirm for me that the gist of it is: B.Profane is into interracial DP and wants us all to be his whores?

Amber said...

@Jamie - chipotle or better!

Amber said...

@Mango - haha pink tacos

@Mooshki - add extorting us whores with personal information security, and I'd say you've got it!

Popnursing said...

Yea Mikey!!

Popnursing said...

And... I can't remember what the BI was about. lol. But I'm so excited to be meeting so many new whores! Welcome everyone!

Sarah said...

Whores & ghosties & extortion oh my!

Frufra said...

Wish I would have been around for all this!

Mango said...

@ Zeeky - Thanks for the link!

I like the olde English one. I'm thinking it should hand written, with a quill on parchment, and delivered by messenger pigeon. But that would take too long and I'm used to the instant gratification of the internets.

Not that today has been particularly gratifying. :-/

Jamie 2 said...

Hahahaha, Hi I'm a whore.

Mooshki, way to pick a name I can't type when I've been at the wine, but I think you may be onto something about B. Profane wanting us all to be his whores. I have no confirmation that he's into that internet DP thingy, but the brain cells are shedding like dandruff here. Also, until today, I didn't know there was a DP inter-racial-network-

Oh, fuck it. Just ask Libby. She knows everything.

astrogirl said...

Some people take the Crazy in CDaN way too literally.

Unknown said...

This is exactly who I thought of when I read this. Too bad. I liked him in "Sky High".

prolixe said...

Hi, Sarah! Welcome to WhoreTown! :b

jel said...

CDAN Reader, we are huge justified watchers here and just finally got to watch this weeks episode tonight. Best show on TV at this moment in my husband and my opinion. Like your theory, but I also think it could be Shelby.

OneGirlRevolution said...

Lol @prolixe.

Sunny said...

FORMER whore, asshole!

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