Monday, July 29, 2013

Random Photos Part Three

Fergie had a baby shower over the weekend and since you could not be there, here are some photos. Fergie was there which makes sense.

Kelly Osbourne was there which makes less sense.
Julianne Hough was there because she and Josh Duhamel were in a movie together.
Adam Lambert was there because he is Adam Lambert and he promised to wear those shoes.
RuPaul was there because you never know when you are going to need the world's greatest drag queen.
Not sure why Gabriel Aubry was there.
Josh Duhamel showed up with a bike because that is the perfect baby shower gift.
Not at the party, but with her own baby shower in the past was Kimberly Stewart.
Kate Upton says she is a long way from having a baby shower.


Sherry said...

What the hell is that woman dong on the table? Was it a shower or a burlesque show?

Kinda like Upton's pants/shoe combo there.

Just Another HR Lady said...

Can't say I've ever been to a baby shower where someone was laying on a table singing. I guess we are different...although it does look like more fun than Diaper Hot Potato or guess how many jelly beans in a jar. Man, I hate baby showers. ;-)

trainrides said...

Gabriel Aubry

Gabriel Aubry

Gabriel Aubry

Count Jerkula said...




Re: Lambert, I can't stand faux weathered, "distressed" clothing. If the closest you've come to doing something that may put a rip in a pair of jeans is wiping your ass, then just don't wear them.

Double the hate for douches who buy distressed baseball caps so they can look like a long time fan instead of a front running cocksucker.

The Real Dragon said...

@Trainrides. When ur down pass him down to me.

trainrides said...

@The Real Dragon When I'm down? Oh, you mean when I'm done with him. Don't we just love typos ;)

The Real Dragon said...

@trainrides. LMAO yes.

mygeorgie said...

RuPaul & Aubry at a shower?....THAT'S how u doo it!

skimpymist said...

There's always that one douche that has to steal the thunder of the host. Who is that twat ?

Jessie said...

Well, I'd like to think that's Ru Paul on the table but she's classier than that.

Frufra said...

I gotta second the Count on the distressed clothes thing. I also abhor distressed furniture. I want old furniture or new furniture, not some new POS that's made to look old.

I do, however, think Adam looks cute as a button there, shredded pants and all.

Anonymous said...

Ru always looks so sullen.


Kelly said... said she called it her "Gay-be" shower.

Unknown said...

Fergie looks cute here.

eris hilton said...

I am MASSIVELY jealous that RuPaul was there, and i love what he wore!! LOL!!

NovaNightly said...

What I don't get is that picture of Fergie taken from her baby shower is recent...and yet she is the EXACT same size she was back in March.

Hegg said...

Aubry was the entertainment. Him and RuPaul danced while playing tapes of Halle Scary yelling at him and telling him she will ruin his career or Martinez is going to kill him.

ReallyDonna said...

Swear to Christ, Fergie has been knocked-up for-fucking-ever.


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