Thursday, October 10, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 27, 2012

If you want to work for this A list reality star with A list name recognition, you better be female and you better be willing to have sex with him. Even when he goes on vacation, only staff that will be accommodating to his needs get a chance to work for him.

Simon Cowell


Cleodacat said...

Ewwwww but not surprised.

sandybrook said...

I guess in Britain you cant sue for sexual harrassment...I wonder how he gets away with it here?

MontanaMarriott said...

Sexual harassment lawsuit in 5.....4.....3....

Unknown said...

Who is he hurting?? Seems like all job applicants know the score.

Count Jerkula said...

Get it, Bro. If the broads know the deal going in, then it is no problem.

Unknown said...

I used to think he was full on gay.

selenakyle said...

I'd fuck the doorknob before this ugly creep. I swear I cannot believe he's not gay. Methinks the abundance of rumors about all this womanizing and BFF's-wife-impregnating are cover ups...

Harry Knuckles said...

If I was in Simon's position I would be doing exactly the same thing. In fact I would have a massive harem of young girls. Two massive harems! One in Los Angeles full of 18 year old girls and another one in Nevada full of 16 year old girls.

KTVerclempt said...


Del Riser said...

Is this one of the interview questions? If the girls/women are of age and go into this arrangement willingly, I don't see that anything can be done legally.
It does make you wonder what the girls/women will teach their daughters one day.

Murphy said...

So did Britney have to sleep with him?

Ginger said...


hothotheat said...

I'm sure he saves this sort of thing for unknowns. He knew just Britney's presence would bring viewers (and money).

Count Jerkula said...

Iceberg: Simon is not perpetuating that. The women who are whoring themselves to him are perpetuating that.

And really, if those women decide to put a price on their vaginas, who are you to tell them they can't? Whether they are selling pussy, getting abortions or filling their veins with smack, it is their bodies, they can do with it what they like.

@Del Riser: I would imagine he bangs them first, then, if he enjoys it, he puts them on payroll.

auntliddy said...

what a surprise said no one ever.

Unknown said...

Someone sue this guy already!!!!!!

Unknown said...

And this ladies is why women are getting nowhere in the workplace, see the two dudes posting on this thread, women need to get a little self respect, mothers need to ingrain this in their daugthers, if they all said no, guys like Simon would have to pay for the sex from people specifically in that line of work rather than all his female employees as he should, cheap creep or start harrassing the male employees.

Remember when the media used to do great for investigative stories, let's go undercover and do a brilliant expose on the creep.

Unknown said...

PS Sometimes I think it is all BS and Simon is just painting this fake image of him as horndog.

Count Jerkula said...

@Iceberg: I appreciate that you took the time to say I am right. When you chose to attack me and not my position on the matter, that is in effect what you did.

@Tina: How do you know these women Simon employs weren't whores to begin with and he is just giving them a shot at moving towards "legitimate" work? It would probably do wonders for a resume to have Personal Assistant to Simon Cowell on there.

We all know he takes care of his favorites very well. I would think he acts similarly with the middling of the bunch. Maybe not a house and allowance, but put the good word in for employment with one of the many entertainment industry companies he has contact with.

Gayeld said...

Actually, the majority of the Count's opinions are well thought out and articulate. Crude, which is part of his general charm, but intelligent and honest to the way he sees things. He also doesn't talk down to those who ask him for clarification. I don't always agree with him, but I always find him interesting.

Iceberg, otoh, I find bland and tasteless.

Seattle_Strips said...

He may be taking care of his faves well, Count, but someday someone is going to get the goods on him, and get a REAL payday. Gloria Allred is probably standing by, just waiting...

TalksTooMuch said...

I know this isn't the point, but I cannot hate on a dude that likes to get his freak on that much. You go, Simon, you do you and everyone else that is down.

Little Broken Bird said...

I really cannot believe he is straight. I think he puts this kind of gossip out himself. His mother is a huge homophobe, and he's a huge mamas boy. It would kill her if she ever found out. He's paid this Lauren to have his baby, so mama gets her grandchild. After she's gone I bet any money he comes out.

Sherry said...

I like its own battles. But let's be clear iceberg. Did you want the count to understand you or did you want the count to agree with you? Because those two are not the same thing. I think he understood. No need to be insulting.

Sherry said...

NOT LIKE he can't fight his own battles. My phone truly is possessed by the devilish.

Sherry said...


OKay said...

@Iceberg and @Tina - I know you think that Count is completely unevolved, but he's actually quite insightful. He just sees things from a different angle, and his quirks are why we love him. :)

Tipsy mummy said...

Still gets my gaydar going for some reason

Sherry said...

Tina: There are a holy HOST of reasons why women don't get ahead in the work place. The normal work place. One old fat fuck and a buncha twinkies willing to go for it aren't the problem.

I have worked at some very large corporations and not one of the women I worked with was engaged in inappropriate behavior with sr. staff.
(Although with the way the men were advanced you'd think they were sucking some dick.)

Things are changing but they always move at a glacial pace.

When I first started working people would ask if my "husband" was okay with me working outside the home. I couldn't get a business loan for my own company without a man to sign for it. (This was early 80's) Can you imagine if that happened now?

Patience grasshopper.

ForSure said...

I know someone who works for him, she's definitely never slept with him. She never will, she doesn't need him to get work.

Sarahlou said...


Unknown said...

Count Jerkula you are right, he does seem to treat his women well, and as long as everything is consensual, what can one say. But the problem likely is he is the rare exception.

Speaking more generally, when you are facing a pile of bills etc, women and men find themselves putting their self respect aside. This is why there are laws about harassment in the work place.

But I am still shocked he has not found himself in a lot of trouble but then he has more than enough money to get out of or fund any potential trouble whether a baby mama and baby on the way etc. If he keeps treating them right he doesn't have to worry.

The only thing from an objective business perspective, he may not have the best people working for him but he seems to be doing OK so far. Or maybe he doesn't sleep with them all, as someone suggested. I get the sense it might be part of a urban legend Cowell is tickled to perpetuate.

Count Jerkula said...

@Iceberg: Again you show the weakness of your position by lobbing insults. I think you are blinded by man hate.

Iceberg said...

He's hurting all women by perpetuating our being treating like objects to be used by men. And this is illegal.

You put all the blame in the situation on Simon, when that is not the case. You are allowing your man hate to cloud your judgement. Were you filled with outrage at the blind reveal that told us of Rhianna having her gay back up dancers eat her puss back stage? How about Sharon Stone letting her friends paw her paid boy toy's bare chest?

Wait, this is CDAN and you are a twunce. That means women are always pathetic, babe in the woods victims and can't fend for themselves. Amazing how you claim to be in favor of improving how women are perceived, yet you perceive them as incompetent to make decisions and take control of their own lives. Is that projection, jealousy, or abject man hate? I figure man hate.

I'll leave you and the readers with this: 24, attractive, $80-100k in student loan debt. You work for and bang Simon for a year, while traveling the world, so you can be 25, attractive and debt free w/ countless contacts for employment opportunities in the entertainment industry? Don't answer that here, just think about it.

Prudence said...

I'm sorry, but Simon Cowell is totally gay!

Prudence said...

You hit it right on the head! He tries so very hard to portray himself as this straight womanizing player and I wouldn't put it past him at all to put these fake stories out

Little Broken Bird said...

Times are a changing.

Little Broken Bird said...

Gayer than Tom Cruise covered in glitter, wearing high heels, denim cut offs, riding a pink unicorn over a rainbow!

Habibti said...

I think all successful music executives are like that. You have to put out to make it anywhere in LA it seems.

di butler said...


Mouse said...

Count: I'm surprised at the position you've taken on this story. For someone who presents himself as a sexual sophisticate, I would have thought you would be able to understand the power dynamics involved.

Someone like Simon Cowell wields a great deal of power not only in the music industry, but the entertainment industry in general. The idea that in order to have a job you must not only be (a) a woman - which is sexist but (b) willing to have sex is sexual exploitation. Yes, it can be argued that some of these young women are happy to be sleeping with a celebrity and getting the opportunity to travel the world. But as an employer, to make sex a condition of employment is illegal because it does in fact perpetuate the concept that a woman's value is tied to her sexual availability. To say that it is the women themselves who do this is simply wrong. They did not create these circumstances; they are simply trying to survive in it.

This scenario is different from say, Pamela Anderson parlaying her fame and looks to make a living as a courtesan. The difference lies in the power dynamics: in the former case, a powerful employer is setting an employment standard that is exploitative and denies gainful employment to qualified individuals because they do not wish to have sex with him. In the latter, the power lies with the person offering sexual favors to people willing to pay for it. Two very different things.

Count Jerkula said...

@Mouse: If they know the deal going in, then it is no big deal. If they don't like the terms, they can find employment elsewhere.

And lets be realistic, these broads are being hired for their fucking skills, not typing or their ability to coordinate a calendar. The employment factor is just a way to write off the whore mongering.

Mouse said...

@Count: I don't have a problem with the women who agree to his terms; what I'm saying is that the terms themselves are exploitative.

If, as you say, the "job openings" are simply a cover for hiring prostitutes, then I don't have a problem with this either (prostitution should be legal, in my view). My take on the story was that these were legitimate jobs where sex was a condition of employment. THAT, I have a problem with.

NaughtyNurse said...

Simon isn't hiring innocent, babes in the woods! He is hiring women who are perfectly willing to--in fact CHOOSING to work, have plenty of sex and live a life of luxury with him while being paid well. It would be completely different if he hired women and then cornered him on his yacht and forced them to have sex or get tossed off at the next port.


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