Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 19, 2012

This B- list actress, who is really closer to C list is strictly movies at this point, although it is fair to say she probably got most of her fame from a very hit show that was one of the more memorable network shows ever. She is also someone who has squandered her fame with her off screen issues. Anyway, our actress had a dilemma until recently. She had a long time female lover but then found another female lover and was cheating on both and getting confused about who she was seeing and where and finally just came out and admitted to both what she was doing. Instead of being upset, now all three are together all the time.

Michelle Rodriguez


Barton Fink said...

It's sad that she can't cheat any more. Maybe she'll meet someone else.

Señior Seamhead said...


Honey Bunny said...

I hope she meets me. I'd do Michelle. Lol.

The Real Dragon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Del Riser said...

It's nice it worked out for all of them.

The Real Dragon said...

YES Bitch. Show me ur ways

Love u gurl!

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

Can I just sit over in the corner and watch quietly?

I might grunt occasionally...

Katie said...

Most of her fame on a hit tv show my ass nobody liked her character on Lost the only thing she is famous for is Fast and Furious.

The Real Dragon said...

@katie I liked ana lucia way more than Kate. Fast franchise gets her gets 8 million each picture. Still winning!

msgirl said...

I say good on her for being honest!

Unknown said...

Polyamorous it's the new trend

Harry Knuckles said...

I'm not trying to be vulgar or anything but this gives me such a boner. A threeway of just girls. I would realy really really like to see that.

Kels said...


HannahBanana said...

P. I. M. P. status.

sandybrook said...

Kumbaya time! It is way hot.

TalksTooMuch said...

Dude, ew!

CanadianMiss said...

Whatever, they're all good with the arrangement. Good for them.

Anonymous said...

Enty's provided some fap material for some readers here. I wonder if that would hold if Michelle were the fem with two butches? Dudes don't seem as turned on by rubber shlongs, $2 haircuts and Birkenstocks

SophiaB said...

Don't worry, Harry. You don't have to TRY to be vulgar. You just are... so go with that. Be honest. Works for the Count. It could work for you... just turn up the charm level a skoche, and you might have something...

OKay said...

Rent a movie, Harry! It's practially mainstream now. :)

OKay said...

*I mean, a *special* movie...

Harry Knuckles said...

Thanks for the tip Sophia. I'm going to try it - turn up the charm a skoche. It will be easy for me because I have a lot of charm in reserve.

plokzy said...


Meanie Rhysie said...

Thanks guys, for providing me with an appetite suppressant! /hurls

Mhdz said...

Playa playa!

AndrewBW said...

But who are the other two?

TalksTooMuch said...

SOPHIA! WHY are you encouraging Sr. Knuckles?

Sherry said...

So would I Bunny. Just don't cross her. She'll beat on your door with her big dildo.

Sherry said...

I suspect the other two are not famous. She doesn't typically go for girls in the business that I have ever noticed.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I thrice this notion!


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