Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 19, 2012

This B+ list all movie actress told a friend that her foreign born A+ list all movie actor significant other refuses to ever service her orally. He tells her that he feels claustrophobic when he is down there. Oh, but he fully expects her to perform the service for him and has made it clear it is what he prefers to actual sex with her.

Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling


Unknown said...

So he is not the perfect guy. Any guy that won't go down on his lady but expects a bj is a selfish loser.

Harry Knuckles said...

Sometimes it's not really the guys fault. It can get pretty stinky down there ladies if you don't keep it clean.

Brian Brown said...

He tells her that he feels claustrophobic when he is down there

HA HA HA HAHA, What is he, 22 or something?

Of course maybe she has one of those vag's that is all beat up and ugly and he's just scared.

What a douchebag, either way

Not A Ninny said...

Claustrophobic? "Oh help me! I'm a grown man being smothered to death with labia! Call 911!!!"

Granted, with some women it's easy to get lost in the Forests of Venus, but I can't say I've ever felt threatened by a cooch.

MM said...


discoflux said...

*scratches Ryan Gosling off The List*

Barton Fink said...

So Eva Mendes spend a lot of time s***ing Gosling's gosling. Great. She gave up meth for that?

FSP said...

I heard she's smelly down there.

LottaColada said...

@FSP & Yvettie

Lol where did you hear this?

Unknown said...

If her pussy stinks then why is he with her??

VIPblonde said...

Definitely a Dealbreaker!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Kelly said...

That made me laugh!

Unknown said...

Hello this guy is so gay.

Unknown said...

Yeah, unless I hear that this is his pattern with his previous ladyfriends, methinks that there's something wrong with her ladybits and he's trying not to embarrass her.

Unknown said...

Yeah, unless I hear that this is his pattern with his previous ladyfriends, methinks that there's something wrong with her ladybits and he's trying not to embarrass her.

Unknown said...

If she is that repulsive sexually why is he still with her. We know why she's clinging to him.

I am shocked that no one else mentioned he has to be gay if this blind is true.

Unknown said...

Oh Harry speaking of stinky down there, oh please, particularly the uncircumcized boys who don't practice good hygiene.

JoElla said...

I dunno gang, maybe she gets him in a head lock?

That would make someone feel claustaphobic

SophiaB said...

Too funny. Tx @VIP. I feel SO refreshed now!

FSP said...

@Lotta - just something I've heard.

@texas - I dunno, I don't know the chump.

tara17 said...

Sounds to me like he's not into women in general.

Unknown said...

good to know he isn't the perfect boyfriend everyone imagines him to be

tara17 said...

To those stating her labybits are stinky, first off, "huh??". 2nd, it's possible for people to wash and groom, the guy just isn't into it.

Unknown said...

Maybe she doesn't shave down there.
Since it looks hairy in the movie Training day.

Count Jerkula said...

Dude is gay. If you are a fan of vagina, you fully embrace it.

Brian said...

I bet if she had a penis between her legs he would.

She probably has hair up to her belly button and is smelly down there.

H888FUL said...

Yeah, sounds gay. But I'm gonna need proof that Mendes doesn't have a dick. She could have a man made vagina because she looks like "she" was born a man. All the gorgeous Cubans out there and that creature is the one in Hollywood? WTF??

Am I the only female here that HATES that? Don't mind s-ing some d though lol.

Gertie Raus said...

Blue Valentine had a really intense scene with RG going down on Michelle Williams. Did that cause his claustrophobia issues?!?

TV Junkie said...

We should do a "Your Turn" with the following questions: How many guys have gone down on you? How many of them were good at it? My answers: plenty; 2.

Pip said...

Ha, TV Junkie!

Evil Kumquat said...

I have never understood the appeal of blow jobs.

Sure they feel good, but between the teeth, hardness of the fingers and the size of the oral cavity, they just don't feel as good as the soft, hot friction of a well-tightened vagina.

And sorry, ladies, but plenty of vaginas still reek even when shaved and recently washed.

Only been a handful of women I've gone down on that was okay; the rest I never got near because they were just too vaginal smelling.

JSierra said...

Well looks like I'm watching blue Valentine tonight!

No Agenda Groupie said...

What a dick

Rosemary Young said...

So the Gosling does not fly south after all... :-(

Jeneral said...

Maybe she is spreading this vicious rumor in an attempt to make him less attractive to other women. If so, well played, Eva.

Tippie Hippie said...

Maybe she isn't proper in that area and if she keeps giving and not receiving she obviously isn't thinking properly

hothotheat said...

I never cared for Colonel Lingus myself. I just have other stuff I'd rather be doing if we're focusing on me....

Don't mind doing the bj's though.

hothotheat said...

@Jeneral I'd do that if I was with the Gosling ;)

Sean said...

You know, I would be quite happy to take care of that for Eva.

shopgirl said...

Scratching both Gosling & Evil Kumquat off my list. Adding the Count. Lol

Seattle_Strips said...

Maybe she needs to stop being a hipster and SHAVE?

What holds bacteria and creates odor is HAIR. BOTH sexes should shave/trim closely, IMO. Don't get me started on how stinky beards are: old food + old spit + smoke/environmental smells = ick, nast!

M. Brown said...

Always got the gay vibe from him. Saw a profile of him where as a kid he took on the Deniro/ Pacino way if speaking to appear tough because he was always bullied. So in addition to being in the closet I think he has a tough guy complex. Basically Tom Cruise without the cult.

RowdyRodimus said...

Just spit on the cooch and you have no problems with smell or taste. Dumbass. (Yes I enjoy eating puss, even more so than getting head or even the actual intercourse aspect of it.)

Jolene Jolene said...

AGREED. What a turn off, and nothing has ever turned me off about this guy before now. Gives me the sads. :(

Dani said...

You won't give but you expect to receive? 2 words....FUCK THAT.

amused bush said...

Regarding the "smell/taste", besides washing, eat more fruit!
Pineapple, papaya, and strawberries work particularly well.

TalksTooMuch said...

Back when I used to get it on, pre-marriage, obvs, a shared shower or bath used to get rid of a lot of concern about anybody smelling like anything, except sweet, sweet lovin. Maybe not every time, aint nobody got time fo dat, but here and there, it's a great way to feel refreshed, etc etc.

Nancy said...

Guys like that stink. If you aren't going to do it than don't expect similar in return. I've never understood the appeal of Gosling anyway.

Just Another HR Lady said...

I don't know, if you look back at pretty much any pic of he and Rachel McAdams, it's pretty clear that she was one satisfied woman when they were together.

If this is true, maybe he's just not into Eva. If it's just sex, sure he'll take a BJ, but why make any other effort.

Just Another HR Lady said...

@v you got it...fruit and fruit juices, mango, pineapple, etc = sweet vajayjay. And cut out the caffeine.

Lioness70 said...

Dude is a dog, not gay.

This is the old douche move of keeping a woman around only for the sex until someone better comes along. The day that happens, Ms. Shh in Starbucks is history.

BackyardChupacabra said...

Oh that poor girl! How horrible to have to blow Gosling!

Its just U said...

If this is true then poor girl.
I don't have that problem. My man loves it. Can't get enough. He spends hours at it.
And I'm ok with that. Very, very ok.

Gertie Raus said...

@BackyardChupacabra, your Blogger handle rules. That is all :)

Kels said...

Wow, it must be Eva's pussy right? Ryan can't just be a huge dick right? Has to be her. I cannot with people. If he's straight and he doesn't eat pussy and expects bj's, he's not a man. He's a selfish child.
He's also a Scorpio so Eva will never win this one. Leave him!

85134943 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harry Knuckles said...

Tina, I will defer to your expertise on this matter.

di butler said...

Yeah, those sweaty, musty balls are also AWESOME. 😊

Tara said...

I would love Eva Mendes forever (even with her Ayn Rand love) if she just told people this to keep him for herself. I'm not manipulative like that, but that's a smart cookie.

Ryan sent a letter to the MPAA about the oral sex scene in Blue Valentin and from the letter, it seems that he felt it was a very natural, sexy, selfless thing to do. Now maybe he thinks it's great but not for him, but the letter made me think he was a fan.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of that Louie ep.
He's claustrophobic so he avoids small boxes..... *sound of crickets and tumbleweeds*

lunabelle said...

VIP that is one of my FAVORITE movies of all time!

If he won't go down he's just not that into her.

Did you see blue Valentine? You can't fake that!

Sherry said...

I once broke up with a guy who refused to do that. And for the record I am fastidious with hygiene. He wanted to know what he should tell his mother. I said to tell her it was a difference in philosophy.

Yeah a man who's not willing to reciprocate is outta here. I'very done it many times and honestly you have to be pretty untidy for it to be so offensive you would want to avoid it.

Also, and stop me if this sounds stupid, but it you're a couple and intimate wouldn't you oh, I don't know, COMMUNICATE about your needs and desires?

And shame on all of you who automatically put the blame on Eva Mendes as being "stinky". Come on people!

Bit dams said...

I knew he was gay.

Henriette said...

No licking, no sticking, and especially no bjs. What a selfish prick. She should have kicked him to the curb.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

If his face is in between her legs he freaks out because he realizes he is with a woman. If she only offers the vagina during intercourse he can pretend he is with a dude, because a hole is a hole.
(God, I sound so filthy).
Dude is as gay as they come.

cowbulls said...

Evil Kumquat - I agree about location. Oral for me is foreplay only. I've run across very few unpleasant smelling vaginas but then I don't like rough looking women. I've heard Eva and Aniston have terrible odor down south.


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