Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

June 5, 2013

This reality judge likes to unwind in between contestants with a little bump of coke provided by her significant other. She is not very subtle about it either. It looks really strange when she keeps calling him over.

A judge you would think would not be holier than thou actually complained to the producers so the coke lover was given a choice of stopping unless in her trailer or banning her significant other from the set. She chose to stop.


WareCat said...

Mel B for the coke head.
Heidi Klum for the snitch.

Unknown said...

Demi Lavatto--Wilmer as her man. Holier judge that Paulina chick is looks like she does a lot of meth and is probably jealous that she is not sharing and doesn't have a man fawning over her

angie said...

I never comment, but just had to today because there are more almost reveals than anything else.

I'm challenging you Enty to either shit or get off the dam pot. So many blinds and reveals are BS and you can't deny it because you get busted at least once almost every day. And now this pseudo almost reveal crap.

If you're over being a gossip columnist, close down the site because being a bullshit artist is a sorry substitute and doesn't cut it. Not by a LONG shot.

Anonymous said...

Mel B for the snorter and Howard Stern for the call out.

canadachick said...

Zoe theres a little X at the top right of your won't be missed said...

@Zoe: I feel your frustration and I agree with some of what you said. I don't get to visit cdan during the week as often as I used to and I look forward to Saturday reveals, NOT almost reveals. I also think the daily reveals should stop because there's no longer a feeling of excitement since we get them every single day. Even so, I think its HILARIOUS when Enty gets busted. It proves how sharp cdan readers are and I love the links and banter. Enty definitely needs to get his act together, but for the most part I come here for the comments by our amazing readers. I think we are what make this site awesome, not Ent.

rajahcat said...

i like that Mel B and Howard guess....

jax said...

Its heidi klum and her body guard boyfriend I swear I read it on another sites blind reveal or something very similar

meltz911 said...

I'm with Zoe. Canadachick, you sound like knee pads for enty.

Unknown said...

what zoe said

angie said...

canadachick, the nuclear option is readily available for you also if you find it too challenging to ignore what bothers you.

Thx S.Joy and melta911.

angie said...

and jodi, auntliddy too ;)

Seven of Eleven said..., agree with you 100%!

@Zoe, that made me laugh. Get off the pot!

A Knucklehead said...

2 fucking reveals on a saturday.....this site is really starting to suck.

canadachick said...

why stay if so bitter ?? don't understand the bitching?

Glitter said...

I agree about Howard.

Kim said...

I actually like the almost reveals, as long as they get revealed on the big day. When we started seeing them, I thought what was going on was when we got the original BI, we didn't get it correct in the guesses and one of the Entys was just giving us another clue so we could try again. Geez, so hostile. Don't read the almosts if they make you tantrum; or take a nap if you're cranky. Criminey.

canadachick said...

exactly Kim.......if you don't like the site or the posts, skip it. Simple. Why sit here and bitch because its not how you'd like it to be......fawk go create your own blogs. Sick of people bitching -theres tons of gossip sites on the internet. If you are unhappy -go elsewhere.

i like the site, always have - hence i stay...don't complain and skip what doesnt interest me. See not complicated

RustyJ said...

LOL Today I must be off more then usual because I automatically thought of Judge Judy or one of those other TV Judges. It never dawned on me about reality show competition judges. :s

msgirl said...

Rusty I flashed first on Judy too!

The problem with these almost reveals is the tell us nothing that's what's so frustrating and pisses us off.

Count Jerkula said...

Looziana said what I was thinking.

timebob said...

I have been to a few AGT tapings in NY and nobody comes up to the Judges other than the producers and a stylist to fix hair/make up.

Howard is not holier than thou, he just doesn't want nonsense going on during tapings if it is him

If anything he would be annoyed if it slowed down the judging process, Howard needs his rest. said...

@Seven thanks! :-)) You're one of the people I was talking about!

Count Jerkula said...

Howard is not Holier Than Thou????

Really? Seems to me that complaining about people's carbon footprint because of their SUV's, while he has 7 chimneys in his Hamptons house and charter's planes to ship him and his show horse around makes him a Holier Than Thou hypocrite?

Pip said...

I actually agree with Zoe. If it is a big deal to read her "cranky" comments, then you can click out of here too. Problem solved!

Enty is probably too busy being a kiss ass to reality TV stars on twitter to care that people are over these almost reveals.

canadachick said...

zoe and everyone else can post whatever the heck they want....but its Enty's site so if you don't like the site, don't click onto it.
Everyone can have an opinion but if you constantly complain at the owner of the site, then why keep coming? doesnt make sense

Anonymous said...

I totally read this as Xtina and Blake.

IceQueen said...

You beat me to the Demi guess, but Xtina may fit, too.

canadachick said...

i'd say nikki minaj and keith urban as the one who reported her (former druggie himself)

jbeebs said...

I was thinking Xtina for the coke lover and Cee-Lo for the snitch.

timebob said...

Count when was the last time Howard did some eco rant? He is all about the kittens now with Beth. You have to actually listen to comment.

AKM said...

I'm with Zoe, S.Joy, et. al. Many of us keep coming because a) we enjoy the feeling of community, and b) it's our clicks and traffic that keep the joint running, so we can bitch and make suggestions if we want. Also, maybe we keep conibg because we just keep hoping that site might be restored to its former glory, if I may be so dramatic. That's all. *shrug*

AKM said...

Heheh, COMING, I meant.

And I have no guess because I don't watch those shows. I just wanted to support those who also hate these horseshit almost reveals. They're insulting.

mizzavrid said...


Count Jerkula said...

I listened until Artie left. I tried a few times afterwards, but the show was unfunny and with all the days off and re runs it is in no way worth $13/month. I haven't even listened to a pirated stream of a current show in a while, although I do sometimes go to the .tw site and listen to old episodes. I also listened to the entire Artie Addiction saga someone put together.

Beth and kittens, really different than Der-Der and cancer kids. Howard should hang himself, so he doesn't damage his legacy further.

babo said...

jax ?

Anonymous said...


JSierra said...

Everyone does go elsewhere for their gossip, they come here for the experience so it's a bummer to see something you care about so much basically self destruct.

Kim I like your theory about us guessing wrong, otherwise what is the point of all these almost reveals? Other than to take up space, they serve no purpose. I do like how sometimes they give us more info on the subject at the time and currently, but I would be lying if I said I didn't get a little bummed when my page opens and all I see are the words almost.

As for the blind, what about Christina and Adam for the whistle blower? Adam has this douche, play boy, rock-star image so you would think a little snow wouldn't bother him. However, I am worse with blinds than I am with basic algebra so that ^^ is probably pretty much shit.

audrey said...

Nicole from Britan's Got Talent.

MsWool said...

christina for the coke head and Adam Levine for the snitch.

Unknown said...

To Zoe: Loosen up the bone Wilma! This blog is just for fun!! Don't take everything so seriously. This is for pure entertainment!

Anonymous said...

S.Joy you are gorgeous. You. Could. Definitely. Get. It.

Just sayin.

Sherry said...

Max, hell yeah S.Joy is gorg!! And she's nice too and I agree. I come for the commenters actually. There are some pretty nice, cool, funny and intelligent people who frequent.

I deal with "almost reveals" as though they are almost reveals with a hint. That gets me through it. I swear if he changed it to that there would be less people kvetching. But I don't care if people do. It's an open forum and it's okay to express yourself.

My first thought was Xtina but I think Levine would be holding a straw waiting his turn honestly.

What about that one show where Sharon judges? Is she still on one? I hate these shows worse than people hate "almost reveals".

Sherry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sherry said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

@AKM agreed, we have the right to voice our complaints. I'll always love the cdan community though, no matter how much I complain (which isn't often) :-)

@Max wow thanks!!!! So sweet *blushing* I really appreciate it

@Sherry my favorite lady ♥ and yes, our commenters are awesome!

di butler said...

Howard is a huge ass to everyone at Sirius, and Sirius kisses his taint. Time to go.

Guessing this is Demi and Paulina.

Unknown said...

"Reality judge" ... for a secong I was thinking judge Judy

Count Jerkula said...

@di: now that Karmazin is out, Sirius isn't tending to his taint as they used to, I don't think. I have been up to date on Stern boards in a while, but I recal them saying they were going to start sharing office space, and the second contract was definitely for less $$, as the cutting salaries and letting talent go displayed.

I feel bad for all the office staff. Those guys work for peanuts. I guess it is worth it to get an eyeopener on their resume.

carrowsboy said...

This site used to be great, but these 'almost reveals" have really ruined it.

Anothergrayhare said...

I still check in here several times a day, even though I'm not always in agreement with the crudeness of some comments. I ignore them for the most part and read on for the stuff I do enjoy. I was one of Elaine Lui's (Lainey's) first fans, but stopped visiting her site when she got too full of herself and became an opinionated bitch. Simple solution. Don't like it, don't visit.

bellaluna said...

Yeah, we all have a right to our opinions.

Personally, I like the comments and banter (for the most part), so I tolerate the ALMOSTs, which irritate me. Reveal it or save it for the big reveal days.

auntliddy said...

Rusty, me too!!! Im like " judy is calling Jerry over for a bump????!!!!" Lololololo. That wld be hilarious!

Leisa said...

sorry Count, love ya but Howard Stern still is amazing on the airwaves and worth every penny. i've never heard him bitch about suv's. he rides in a limo to work every day, so him saying that would be ridic. i think he is better than even 5 years ago. it's only robin who to this day still rubs me the wrong way.

Count Jerkula said...

@leisa: I have been listening to Howard Stern since 1984, when I was 9 yrs old and started working with my father in the summer time. NBC radio was on in our workshop from the moment Imus came on, through Soupy Sales and only changed to WABC if Howard got to raunchy for an 8year old.

No matter how much you wish it to be different, Howard is now Willie Mays in a Mets uniform; old, slow and washed up. Has been for quite some time. The show Jumped the Shark either when the E! show started or when Jackie left, and started swirling the bowl when Artie left.

I understand that De Nile is a tough river for sheep to cross, but you have to face it. If you keep your back to it, then when the suck over flows its banks, you may get washed away.

Listen to Crucified By the FCC, get a copy of US Open Sores or Butt Bongo Fiesta or the New Years Eve Special, search YouTube or go to the .tw site and watch the Channel 9 shows. Howard of 1991 would hang himself if he saw the Howard of today.

AGT? AI and DWTS talk? North Shore Photo Op? Really? His target demo has changed from men 18-54 to women 35-60. Sure, ladies need and deserve entertainment too, but if this "evolved" show was syndicated into Philly in 1986 to go up against DiBella it wouldn't have been 2 months before the plug was pulled and the freight train would have come to a screeching halt.

*Note* Please don't feel the bile in my comments are directed at anyone here. The bile is directed at Hamptons Howchie and Beff "Queen of the Vapid" Oats.

P.S. We can all agree that Allison was and is a saint, right? I betcha a hundred to a hoecake that if Allison's boot was back up Howchie's ass, the show would be great.

P.P.S. Clear demonstration of the lack of respect Howard had for Allison is that he couldn't care less what anyone in their community/social circles said to her or how they treated her, but he completely neutered his show so Beth would be accepted, and made her contemporaries the target demo.

Count Jerkula said...

P.P.P.S: I have said this before and I will repeat it now. If you want to hear the straight dope on the "Praying Mantis in a Wig", listen to Opie and Anthony the day Howard is no longer under contract to Sirius. They have been gagged for years and the flood gates will open.

Anna Katherine Nonymous said...

The infamous jax!

ms snarky said...

I stil listen every day, and it's still good. Artie left because he was too drug damaged to continue.

Count Jerkula said...

Do they still over play the scripted unphunny nonphony phone calls?

Leisa said...

you can hate it count...that's ok with me.

@mssnarky I too listen every day. No complaints. The newest app is great too. LOVE the on demand feature.


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