Thursday, September 18, 2014

Pregnant Middle School Band Teacher Charged With Having Sex With Student

Bridgett Szychulski is 31 and married with a four year old son and is pregnant with another baby. She has been a middle school band teacher for seven years. She was arrested this week though and charged with having sex with a 14 year old student two years ago. The relationship was discovered by school authorities after the boy told one of his friends about it earlier this year who told his parents who told police who then interviewed the victim. he says that he had sex with his teacher multiple times at school and in her car and that she would send him naked photos. My hunch is that this wasn't the first or last time this teacher had sex with one of her students and I wonder if the 4 year old son is her husband's child or the child of one of her students. What about her current pregnancy? Her lawyer asked for leniency on bail because it is apparently a complicated pregnancy. Bail was set at $500K and she is not allowed to talk to any kids except her own. 


ladybaus said...

nasty slut pig

sandybrook said...

Can you please stop speculating about things you know very little about Enty? Anyway there's tests for that if hubby demands to know and Maury too.

Unknown said...

where is count to tell us how lucky this 14 year old boy is?

I hate teachers who do this, makes the rest of the profession look bad

Unknown said...

Just as pathetically disgusting as that 60 year old celeb dating that 18 year old.

Jen said...

What 29 year old is sexually attracted to a 14 year old? Mentally I just can't comprehend that. I hope the husband divorces her and gets those kids far, far, farrrrrr away from her.

sandybrook said...

Jennifer it is happening more and more now almost on a daily basis.

skimpymist said...

I always ask myself the same question with these teacher-student affairs. Why go thru so many years of college and thousands of dollars in debt just to throw it all away for some pre pubescent kid. Whats the appeal. While they were pursuing their degree did they have this motive planned out in their head all along.

FlirtyChick74 said...

Some people just never grow up. They still think they are the high school jock or head cheerleader even if the mirror is saying otherwise. Wrong is wrong and she should pay. And honestly, if she wanted sex with a young perpetually horny guy there are plenty of frat houses that would accept her. Maybe.

Kno Won said...

I will never, ever understand a grown woman's sexual attraction to a 14 year old boy.
In 10 years, her son will be that age. Let's interview her then.
Stupid, awful people are stupid & awful.

Unknown said...

what Derek said

Gayeld said...

I wonder if it's happening more or we're just hearing about it more. The old double standard is melting away and people are finally seeing that these boys are victims as well.

Unknown said...

that is what I am wondering GAYELD. maybe this was happening all along at these rates.

Violet said...

having had the recent pleasure of experiencing the spotty, greasy, smelly, untidy, grunty persona of my own 14 year old boy and his friends I'm quite at a loss to see what she would find attractive.

MeanieRhysie said...

She's a ROUGH 31 year old, dayum!

I don't know if it's happening more or if it's just that we can now hear about these cases as they're happening because of instant access via internet. I don't understand the attraction or sickness. SMH

Jen said...

@Vera That has been the mentality for years. A 14 y/o girl is a victim who was taken advantage of by some overwhelming male. A 14 y/o boy is a stud who even a teacher couldn't resist.

Hopefully more people will start to see the boys are victims too but I doubt it.

Jordan T said...

Evil witch.

__-__=__ said...

Please get her kid away from her before he is 14. All these pedos need to be warehoused forever, and before they breed.

Jordan said...

She's a woman, she's a victim somehow...I just know it.

Jen said...

@sandy & gayeld ... I think it's been happening for a long time but I think there has been an increase in the number of cases. I don't remember having a teacher under the age of 40 when I was in school. Now it seems like there's very few teachers over 30 at the school my 17 year old nephew goes to. I just wonder if the retirement of so many older teachers, which has led to a new crop of younger teachers, has led to an increase in this cases.

Dena said...

God, I have a 12 year old son who watched The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse before heading off to middle school this morning. How on earth could someone who is not only a teacher, but has her own children (!) even consider such an act? Terrible.

Jen said...

Jordan, I've watched enough SVU to know that a good psychologist and top notch attorney can definitely turn her into a victim.

Jessi said...

Nasty vile woman. Yes, please hubby take your children and run!
Seriously Jordan? I have zero patience for you today!

Sherry said...

We've already pilloried her. While I share everyone's curiosity and disgust we have only heard what this boy said. 14 yr olds also brag about stuff that never happened too.

I will be as willing as everyone to remove her from all children and have get jailed as I would any male rapist but let's remember this. Many people are unjustly accused. Their accusers go on and no one says a word to them but their accused are forever stigmatized.

NOT saying it didn't happen just that we don't know for sure yet. If anyone here can say for 100% certain that false arrests don't happen then I'll apologize.

Let her burn when we know for sure.

Gayeld said...

I suspect that Jennifer is right. It's a combination of more boys (and/or their parents) coming forward and increase in this kind of behavior. It's getting so I don't want to leave the kids alone with anyone who isn't my mother or myself.

Sherry said...

The accused are stigmatized. It should read

Jen said...

@Sherry, the DA has texts from her asking him why would he tell anyone and that she could lose her job and family

It's disturbing that the guy told police they first connected on a "mental level" he has the mentality of a 25 year old or she has the mentality of a 15 year old?

Jen said...

But I do see your point. People remember when someone is accused of something thanks to the media coverage of the arrest/perp walk but there's little follow up when someone is cleared.

It's like when someone is a suspect in a murder but is cleared. People tend to think that person got away with murder. And in some cases, when the real killer is arrested, some people still think the other person was involved or else they wouldn't have been a suspect.

PugsterMom said...

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher who went to jail after sleeping with her 12 year old student, who she later married? There are some sick chick's out there.

Gayeld said...

@Violet. Ain't that the truth? One of the ten-year old boys residing in my household has the foulest "funky foot odor" going on right now. Between that the path of general destruction they leave behind them, I'm afraid to open their bedroom door.

ladybaus said...

@sherry I agree with what your saying to a certain degree but if it was a 14 year old girl would you be saying the same thing?

wwax said...

@Jennifer. I would suggest that the fact that these stories are making media attention and are being taken to could would suggest that your doubts are wrong and people are taking these things seriously. Why you would think they would suddenly & mysteriously stop taking them seriously now that they are is beyond me.

Cheryl said...

I have to remind my 13 year old to put on deoderant and change his underwear.

They can't possibly connect on an intellectual level. My son likes to talk about video games and super hero movies. She is grown ass woman.

Brenda L said...

I can't believe she would do something like that with a 14 year old and expect that he would NEVER say anything about it.

Unknown said...

Wow. We're a planet full of mentally-stunted, intelligent-vacant, morally-bankrupt so called evolved neanderthal "humans"

When's that next flight to Saturn taking off? I'm so ready to get the fuck off this planet

Tina Mallette said...

We have these generation of people who think if it feels good do it. It's like the 70's only less stoned.

Even worse when a teacher seems to have no clue what what she was doing was wrong even with all the other teachers getting caught and humiliated these days.

If your marriage is not satisfying and you can't keep it to fantasy, you go to a bar and pick up guys of legal age if you don't have the guts to end your marriage or do something to make it better.

Now it is also possible that students with mental issues from just being unhappy at home or bordering on psychopathic will lie about a teacher to get them in trouble on purpose as revenge for whatever perceived slight.

But it doesn't matter if the teacher and the disturbed student slept together, the adult is supposed to know better and esp someone in the position of teacher.

crila16 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tina Mallette said...

We had a few younger teachers and I went to high school in the 70s- we had one fresh out of teacher's college teacher so she was not much older than us in Grade 13 and we thought she was cool but in retrospect she could have gotten into some big trouble because she went drinking with us more than once and at a year end party I think she got a bit too drunk and was making out with one of the guys. Now because we were in Grade 13 all of us were 18 and 19, more than legal age or since the school year was over does that count?

Violet said...

My 14 yr old is now 17 and considerably less smelly. Small steps.

Jen said...

@wwax, I stated that some people will never see boys as victims like they do girls.

"Why you would think they would suddenly & mysteriously stop taking them seriously now that they are is beyond me." <---- And I never stated any of this, nor do I believe my words convey this line of thinking.

AngelBear said...

Do these predators really think that they will get by with their indiscretions? (I'm sure some or many do). Teacher-student sex has really become a big problem in our schools. How can these educated people who are hired to serve and promote the interests of our children be so damn desperate? Can't they get someone their own age, or is this about a conquest or perversion? WTF?

Sprink said...

Re @Jennifer's point about people remembering the (falsely) accused, I still remember Richard Jewell from the Atlanta Olympics bombing.

Can't remember at all who actually did it. Had to look it up. His name didn't ring a bell.

Eric Rudolph, anyone?

lawnjart said...

This is my school district, we got an email Monday about this and I saw all the tv trucks at the courthouse this week.

Trilby said...

31?!?! I'm 51 and look years younger than this chick!!

Jen said...

Sprink, you gave the name and I still didn't remember. I was thinking that was name of the guy that killed Versace (Eric Rudolph, Andrew Cunanan they sound soooo alike!) but I definitely remember Richard Jewell.

Sherry said...

@Derek, yes I would say the same thing.

According to the story, she was arrested because someone called an anonymous tip line. It also went on to say that was the crux of their conversation.

However,there is no evidence where that's what she stated. It's all through an anonymous tip line.

I did not find any reference to where the DA would release that sort of damning evidence prior to a trial.

Does that sound different now?

auntliddy said...

Wtf is with sleeping with children? Dont get it.

Sherry said...

Jennifer. I responded downstream. If there is a statement elsewhere I of course concede it's correct that she's a predator.

Jen said...

Sherry, the story that's being put out right now is that he told a friend or classmate who told their parents. The parents or someone they told called the anonymous tip line. The police talked to the kid last week and he admitted to the relationship and about the text messages. Kneepads got a copy of the complaint that was filed. You're right, the DA was not the one that leaked that info, it was the Sheriff's Department.

Sherry said...

Thanks Jennifer. After reading the Kneepads story it said:

"Bucks County Children's Advocacy Center in Jamison, Pennsylvania, the student said he had had a "sexual relationship" with his band teacher, Szychulski, in 2012 when he was a student at Lenape Middle School."

And it goes on to quote their conversation with the 14 yr old boy.

Lady Heisenberg said...

I'm familiar with two cases of this occurring in SD more recently. They were both at schools that catered to some of the county's finest juvenile delinquents, so female predators also often target troubled kids who have also been indoctrinated into the don't rat culture. Easy targets.

As to WHY this happens in addition to being a general sick fuck pedo
1) They like the power of controlling the youngin and feeling like a first, thus teaching them in other ways. The kid is often more dependent on the teacher, which makes them feel important.
2) They like feeling young or the risk involved.
3) Not even going into all that warped innocence grossness...AND
4) These women were frequently victimized at some point earlier on and learned those behaviors

Yuck yuck yuuuuuck

Sherry said...

Yikes Lady H..I can see that being a huge problem.

I'm still not understanding why an adult woman would want a 14 yr old boy. I look at 20 yr olds and they look like 14 yr olds to me.

Sherry said...

And I would like to add that on some level we "add" our emotions into the equation. Jennifer "remembered" that the DA has texts when upon re-reading that's not at all what the article said. She was good enough to correct herself and I believe that's what she truly thought she'd read.

We just have to be careful both ways and it's a sad, sad world that we do.

Rome said...

Where were these broads when I was 14? I had to wait till I was 16 to bang my first 40 yr-old. :-)

OKay said...

I can't even imagine. My son is 13, and he and his friends are disgusting. Who wants sexy times with that?

Sandy said...

A 14-year-old is a child, boy or girl. Their looks, hygiene, demeanor, intelligence, etc. makes NO difference. This adult woman abused a child. She should go to jail, be registered as a sex offender, and kept away from other children.

RowdyRodimus said...

Where were these teachers when I was in school? I never would've ratted them out. (That was a joke by the way)

I did sleep with one of my former teachers but it was a couple of years after I graduated, so it really doesn't count.

natural selection said...

i know this lady, she worked at my school for a bit. she was in the district before this happened, the whole “telling the parents” thing. she’s restarted her life in philadelphia, 40 minutes from here. not sure what was pressed against her.


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