Thursday, October 02, 2014

Blind Item #8

In the I will have some of whatever she is drinking category, this former B list mostly movie actress turned waste of space and please give me a job even though I will screw up says that producers of a movie were making her an offer before they offered it to Jessica Chastain because they think our actress is more talented. 


Unknown said...

Go away Lindsay.

The Real Dragon said...

Tara Reid


Brin said...


Tricia13 said...
That Cray gurl

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

LILO. Thinking she's the most fairest red head if them all.
She's obviously HIGH as a kite.

FSP said...

Dominique Swain

FrenchGirl said...

Roll eyes!

Tyler said...

She doesn't realize how transparent her face saving stories are. smh

Kno Won said...

Who's soliciting this information w/questions or is she just yapping at whoever happens by, like a street corner preacher?
I can't imagine anyone asking her a question about her long ago career or dead as a door nail potential. Just shut up, Lilo. Just go over there somewhere and shut the hell up.

Unknown said...

Kno, I think that she just babbles on and on to anyone who will listen when she is wasted. That's probably how that indie journalist got all the juicy info at Coachella. She was wasted out of her mind and forgot a journalist was there.

This girl. If anybody watched her reality show, all she did was talk about how everybody thought she was the most talented actress out of any actress in Hollywood. In one scene, she was talking to Oprah's life coach after getting off the phone with a studio executive and said how the executive was always bringing her name up because she is the most talented actress alive right now. It was eye rolling and I had to buy a new tv because of all the things I threw at it trying to somehow hit Lindsay in the head to snap her out of this outside reality, narcissistic coma her tragic life has put her in.

Kat has left the building said...

Lindsay says a lot of things....

Seven of Eleven said...

Anytime you see "waste of space", you know it's Lilo.

I don't care for her, but I think there bigger wastes of space. Casey Anthony comes to mind.

Fluffyisgone said...

Probably Lohan. She sure is deluded.

VanVan said...

Ha Lilo, a legend in her own mind

NomNom83 said...

Lilo is one doll away from "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane" territory.

sandybrook said...

Yep if I was an executive director trying to make a decent movie I would choose Lindsay over just about anyone, especially anyone who was Oscar nominated because I want to make lotsa money!

Sarah said...

The delusion is strong with that one

Trilby said...

Oh, that is an awesome comment! :)

SugarTitz said...

Delusional Unicorn table for 1 please. Glitter basket complimentary. .free refills

Sherry said...

Should have been labeled Easy Easy.

NO WAY would anyone choose Lohag over Chastain. And BTW..if someone actually did offer her the role before Jessica why didn't she take it? Or is she implying The Canyons was the movie? Cuz that and the Liz debacle are the last things she's done.

Dena said...

And almost A+ list cheating on wife is Channing Tatum, A++ list everything in her own mind is JLo, B-list but doesn't deserve that rating based on acting skills is Jessica Alba or Biel, former A-list tweener on drugs needing rehab is Zac Effron, B-list drunk academy award winner/nominee actress is Marissa Tomei, etc. I'm tired of the same answers all the time! Zzzzzzz

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Apparently her agent was Penelope Cruz's agent as well and Lindsay was asking why she wasn't being sent to audition for Penelope's parts. I dunno. Maybe because Penelope has an Oscar.

Señior Seamhead said...

+1 Yoda

Erika said...

I bet she's talking about the Marilyn Monroe film Jessica is about to do. Girl is mental.

Aoife said...

Poor LiLo. Delusional or is that he crap her people are feeding her so that she really thinks she's in competition with Chastain?


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