Monday, February 08, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #4

October 29, 2015

This B list mostly television actress, who is only that high because she is in the news all the time had been dating a guy for just a few weeks. In the two weeks they went out she would stop by his place randomly throughout the day and night to see if he was cheating on her with someone else. She also kept asking him for a key to his place.

Kelly Rutherford


sandybrook said...

coocoo coocoo

Kno Won Uno said...

Cat 5 clinger

And-so-on.. said...

Oy! Just move and change your name to Sean Penn..

Me said...

Wow. Talking about being obsessive.

david said...

Isn't she broke having spent all her money on trying to get custody of her children?
Maybe she needs a new place to stay -- and another rich guy to make babies for.

Sam said...

All around whackjob

ItsaBeautifulLife said...

I guess her previous BF, Tony Brand, the Assistant General Manager of Gucci finally saw her for the vindictive b!tch she is!

She started dating him last March or April & was still with him when she didn't return her children.

Instead of finding a new w̶a̶l̶l̶e̶t̶ man she should be more concerned about spending time with her son & daughter. They are only little once.

On second thought, they are probably better off without her being around on a day to day basic. She's crazy!

Aeol said...

The manager of a Gucci store does alright, but he ain't making rich guy money.

Derek's Thong said...


ItsaBeautifulLife said...

I was just making the point that that relationship must have been ended already if she's looking for another BF.

Stephie said...

General Mgr of a Gucci store is maybe making $150k-200k a year. No way he can afford her. As for Kelly...birds of a feather. Her ex is just as controlling. Poor kids

Penelope 2 said...

Considering her ex-husband disappeared for months at a time to cheat, I can see her having trust issues.

Olaf said...

Kelly's first ex-husband was struck with a fatal illness, weeks after they were married, and Kelly dumped him.

Kelly's second ex-husband never disappeared for weeks. He was committed and very involved with the children from the beginning and never abandoned them that way. Neither is he controlling. He offered Kelly as much time as she wanted with the children, after she had him kicked out of the USA and she lost physical custody of the children. He offered her a free apartment, free car, spending money in France for as long as she wanted. AND she could still take the kids back to the USA on holiday. That is not a controlling person. If Kelly hadn't have f*cked up, threatened to kidnap the children to the US media, and then refused to return the kids for the third year in a row, she could have had a great life, seeing her kids all the time.


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