Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 8, 2015

Apparently this former almost A- list mostly movie actress turned escort is having issues with her married boyfriend. He has cut her off and she is hooking up with a bunch of new men each week in hopes they will also want to marry her. The loss of her married boyfriend also means our former actress will soon start to have visa issues and may be returning home.

Lindsay Lohan


sandybrook said...

What countries is polygamy legal in? Maybe the easier question is how stupid can she possibly be?

Kno Won Uno said...

Is she here yet? No?
She just got a new Belkin charger, according to twitter 2 hours ago.

Kno Won Uno said...

If she thinks she can get someone to marry her by hooking up with as many men as possible, that's really, really stupid.

Kno Won Uno said...

How does Lilo have NINE MILLION followers on twitter? Who *are* these people?

sandybrook said...

the same people who follow those who must not be mentioned in February? aka made up names to make them look popular

Derek's Thong said...


T said...

She's seriously delusional if she thinks any man is going to want to marry her. That poor girl is used up and she's not even 30 yet. Men like like to screw crazy but they never marry it.

Dutch said...

Actually there are companies that generate "followers" for Instagram, Twitter, etc.

CourageousCrimson said...

Lol...such nonsense.

Mr X said...

Someone would actually pay her money for sex? Vomit.

anna from savannah said...

Anyone know the name of the married boyfriend? Is he famous or just rich? A Saudi Prince? Didn't she date the married NYC artist a few years ago? He can't have THAT amount of cash. Curious.

Unemployable said...

Well, let's see... you've got Dina and then the other 8,999,999 are mostly frustrated parole officers, bankrupt bail bondsmen, and angry store detectives.

Katie said...

Mathia Milani. Not famous, just rich.

Kno Won Uno said...

Hahahahah! That explains so much!

Kno Won Uno said...

See, I can't imagine she has the cash to *buy* followers like some do.
Wait - can followers be stolen?

Kno Won Uno said...

But she'd have to pay for that, right?

Kno Won Uno said...

I wouldn't mind seeing a list - just for curiosity's sake.
With addresses ;-)

Meg said...

She must be doing it now solely for the drug money. I can't image there's a designer bag worth peddling your pussy to Arabs. I'll be shocked if she sees thirty.

Sylvie Yung said...

Don't forget her long-suffering attorney whom she owes millions to!!!


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