Thursday, March 31, 2016

Blind Item #8

This former B+ list tweener turned bad actress and decent singer is caught up denying romance rumors with a guy for the second or third time. The PR team of the closeted guy keeps spreading the rumor they are a couple but it is really hurting her love life because everyone thinks she is taken.


Derek Harvey said...

selena gomez Charlie Puth

Kno Won Uno said...


Me said...

Is not the MEDIA who keep on trying to link Selena and Charlie together and all?

sandybrook said...

I thought this week they were trying to re-hook Selena to Biebs since she went to his show over the weekend.

mariaj said...

" decent"? At most, she is mediocre

david said...

Are you trying to hint that there is a sense of honor in Hollywood?
Not buying that Selena can't/won't hook up with anyone in exchange for fame or money.
I get the feeling that she is hanging with the Biebs again because he as better coke.

AndrewBW said...

@David I've been trying but so far Selena won't hook up with me for either love OR money!

Malibuborebee said...

Try some pharmaceutical grade coke, @ABW, and she'll be yours for as long as your stash holds up.

Camal19 said...

Selema Gomez is basically a kid. She'll be fine. With all the years she has left on this earth, I'm sure she'll survive. This is a temporary snafu. It's not going to prevent her from ever finding another man to day ever again for the rest of her life.

The drama Enty...the drama.


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