Sunday, January 22, 2017

Blind Item #4

The almost network superhero and the co-star you want him to be with continue to be on the rocks. Sharp jagged rocks. Even though his marriage came thisclose to splitting, he and his wife are apparently trying to have another baby and it wouldn't shock me if something happened to the co-star.


Tricia13 said...

Steve Amell/Emily Rikard again lol!

Olicity4Eva said...

Oh no... Steven Amell (Oliver Queen) and Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity) on Arrow? They're my favorite. That would make me sad.

Ryan said...

Don't know

A said...

Um....that last bit scares me a little. Are we talking losing her job or something...else? I wouldn't put anything past the wifes nazi loving family.

Sheepskin said...

Well this is gonna be fun to watch

Ben said...

Yeah, coz having another baby when your marriage is on the rocks ALWAYS works out so well.

MM said...

What do you think will happen to the co-star? I felt like someone poured cold water all over me. This is mean, enty.

S/A can keep his wife. I don't care about her. They deserve each other. Messy. Messy.

A said...

Feel bad for any other kids they have. They'd rather drink with friends while the nanny takes their (very sick) kid to the zoo. (Yes, this happened yesterday)

Ask said...

Can't imagine her wanting to have another kid and ruin her precious body. They'd also need to actually have sex to get pregnant. That marriage is more of a failure than Trump's ethics.

Also, I am not at all cool with the "something [could] happen" to the costar. That's fucking disgusting and frightening. Recognize the costar gets death threats constantly as it is, so even insinuating this is dangerous.

Wrong said...

Nanny hit the jackpot, I guess.

Q said...

Lmao they should learn how to take care of the one dauther they have first. Took them six week to realize she was sick and instead of tending to her they spent the weekend drinking. Stephen is showing his true colors lately and he's trash just like his crazy wife.
What does the last sentence imply though? Getting Emily fired? She'd move on to better and bigger things in no time! She's young, talented and professional.

EBR's Nose Ring said...

If the error has chosen to have another kid from that manipulative devil woman, more power to him. She's a horrible mother. They both seem to suck as parents lately with letting the nanny take care of their sick daughter so they can go karaoke and fake up instagram on CompensationSunday. He's greatly disappointed me lately. He can be better but actively seems to choose against it. Well-fed artist, my ass. How about way too well-fed asshole. Run away, Em. As fast as you can lest that toxic waste of a wife of his sicken you with her resting bitch face virus. Can someone call CPS on them for being shitty parents? They won't even notice, cause they'll be out singing Home in another staged fakery for the marriage stans. Maybe the nanny can adopt their daughter? She's already raising her as it is. SINCERIOUSLY, SA. Fxck you.

B said...

"Something would happen to the co-star?" Let me guess, so the network will fire her b/che can't keep his member in his pants? It takes two. Emily already gets death threats b/c they fired Katie, so mansplain the reasoning behind your wording to me, cuz that would be really messed up, Enty. His show will tank w/o Emily, so might as well start counting his change he has now to pay through his failing businesses for that second baby. Not like his wife will care for the baby anyway, considering her hundred nannies. This is so disgusting.

Yikes said...

You know white jeans is crazy enough to do something that would harm E just to assert her superiority. I'm scared.

ugh said...

I don't buy this for a second, this is pure clickbait. Also, saying something might happen to the co-star is gross.

Lizzie said...

After his gross behaviour this weekend where he showed his true colours, Stephen Amell and his wife deserve each other. But I will be so mad if Emily Bett loses her job.

At the same time I don't know whether to believe blinds like this because these two seem to get this site the most clicks and comments so sometimes I think this is exaggerated or made up. Hmmmmmm.

Lizzie said...

Also, their last blind that was supposedly about them, you said their marriage was still over. Now you're saying they were only close to splitting. So which is it? LOL.

ABC said...

Emily deserves better.

Stephen has shown his true colors recently and here I just thought his wife was trash. Nope. What with him being a neglectful father (who doesn't take their child to the doctor again if they've been coughing for over a month?!), him being drunk all the time, him wanting to normalize Trump and his hateful speech (I'm sure his trump supporting wife was a part of this too)... Stephen's just as terrible.

Him and Cassandra deserve to be miserable together forever. But god I hope they don't have anymore kids. Why torture another human being like they do their current daughter who is neglected all the time...

Anyways I hope Emily moves onto greener pastures.

ABC said...

Amell nor his wife have any power on the CW. THey have no say whether Emily stays or goes. I doubt Berlanti nor Roth would let her leave...

ABC said...

Basically I totally lost all my respect for Stephen this weekend. Sad considering I used to like him quite a lot. He's still a good guy - it just doesn't make up for him being spineless, hypocritical, and uncaring of anyone who deals w/ hardships. As long as he isn't affected why should he care, right?

How sad...

A said...

If he threatened to leave the show, they'd kill her off quicker than you could say 'this show sucks'. He still thinks he's an A list superstar.

Liz said...

I hope Emily does leave, then I can stop watching this trash-ass show. She's the only reason I still watch. Steve can take his ego and choke.

DiosaDelMal said...

I hope SA reads all the comments, o he can realise now and for all that he is quite a disapontment... and that he 'la ha c*gado monumentalmente' Pobre Baboso

Meg said...

Oh you mean Stephen & psycho wife (her words BTW). Good for them. What a Way to bring another child into jagged edge marriage that they will have more nannies to take care of while they drink their awful wine at their Palm Springs Bar. Poor kids & Emily is better off . She needs a man. Not emasculated Pussy. Lost all respect for him...period. If anything happens to Emily on the show, I'm gone. F him. Because his image is so important to him. Well what's he gonna do that people think this of him. I will never support him in anything. Membership gone! It's Hollywood. He is no Brad Pitt who has 6 kids 4 of whom are adopted & he could get it straightened out. He just doesn't want another failure. It's his fault marrying for looks & not know the wacko he married. Bye Bye Steve

Meg said...

Should we alert the CW of a threat to Emily? This blind is unclear as to what that means.

Lyla said...

Ok anyone who suggests something might happen to EBR's job is clearly either incredibly naive or isn't paying attention AT ALL. Arrow just fired its official leading lady last season. Which leaves Emily the only relevant female this year. Holland is obviously pushed to the background of backgrounds and is rumored to want out (unsurprisingly). The CW just cannot afford to lose Rickards with the attention she gives them. And if the dig about ''something happening to the co-star'' didn't mean her job then alternatively it suggests violence from either SA or his wife, which is out of the line even for this trash site. THAT last part was what makes me think this is drama for clicks and no real basis. To be fair most of the latest blinds about this trio seem like a load of crap. Sorry to have given this a click. Won't happen again - at least until SOMETHING turns out to be true, whether it be the baby on the way OR the affair rumors finally confirmed.

Nothingpoint said...

The mrs needs to control her drinking habbit first. And get a decent dr orrrr actually look after the one they have. He blames parents for not informing about sickness then leaves his kid sick since november,drags her to hawaii for xmas instead of actually having a home christmas to let her recover all the while risking infecting twin familys younger chuld but hey ho.his poor kid. Emily bett is way more than stephen amell the mans awful wine rantings when he knows nothing about it makes him look deaperate but for gods sake dont mention cps cause i for one dont want to see endleas family pics of him doing awesome daddy things witha child he puts second to his poor singing and drinking fun.

ABC said...

It's obvious that his wine business is failing considering how desperate Stephen has been trying to make people buy the product. Every other day we see something about Nocking Point... These people are idiots and don't know how to run a business. Apparently they think they can ride on the coattails of Stephen's fame. Unfortunately running a business requires much more than that.

Penelope said...

I don't why some people are in denial with this. I mean Stephen and Emily have never been in a relationship, they are and always were just friends. People who have nothing to do and plenty of free time have created this illusion that they both have something.
So I'm going to draw for you ladies >>>>>>>>>> STEMILY ISN'T REAL<<<<<<<<<<<<<< NEVER WAS AND NEVER WILL BE.
Just accept it and MOVE on!
He and his wife never intended to divorce. Like Stemily, these divorce theories were created to deceive shippers. Emily and Stephen will never be more than they are ... FRIENDS AND CO-STARS, they will have contact until Arrow is over or Emily leave the show.
And one more thing: Baby #2 is coming!

Bill said...

Penelope, you realize you don't know anything for certain any more than anyone who thinks the opposite, right? It's all just speculation, on both sides.

Penelope said...

Oh my dear friend in fact I know some things. Unlike some who claim to have "sources". But people believe in what they want to believe, while I just enjoy watching their reactions.

Swilson said...

I think they should have another kid. Her stans. All 5 of them will have new tumblr pics forever and he will have cute pics to manipulate his stans with when he says or does something stupid and real people drag him i mean lets face it the 3 yr old is getting a bit over exposed now its time for a whole new set of cute.
I dont believe EBR and him had anything going on. She seems much to real compared to his complete failure as anything other than an aging vigilante. Time gone by when he did cool things on his fb now its all about the nasty wine.ive tasted that stuff its dreadful and you have to be stupid to buy in to something when all he can talk up is a label being signed by his no talent non famous wife his hanger on grabbing best friend probably kid 1 and besties kids snot and dribble and the bestie wife who noone knows. Im expecting kid 2 announcement after all theres no big movie pr for wife to be dusted down and painted up for a kid will do.

Swilson said...

Aww pennys a buddy probably got a set of keys to palm springs hotel or one of the nannies

GoTrollUrSelf said...

OMG, WTF happened in this thread?
El. Oh. El!

Bill said...

Fine, go on then, tell us why what you 'know' is credible.

Otherwise, you claiming to 'know things' is exactly the same as people who claim to have 'sources' and 'know things' on the other side.

Lyla said...

Trying sooo hard to prove the opposite of what most people here say makes u look like one of those Stephen's fans who follow him wherever he goes publicly and therefore think they actually know the real ins and outs of his private life. Either way, I find it hard to believe one of SA's real close friends is surfing this page, and even more - commenting. And if ur not a friend then whatever u've heard is hearsay. I personally have no clue whatsoever if they're trying. It also doesn't look like there's something happening w S and Emily right now. However, if one has followed this show and cast since the beginning, it is veeeryyy hard to believe there never was anything between Steve and his costar. Some of the pics/videos taken in earlier days when they weren't hiding from cameras are ones that can't be classified as ''just friends''. Whenever those two are on camera (outside arrow) it's all sparkles and flirty energy. Late nights, a co-star he's obviously attracted to (which he has even admitted) and a wife who is arguably faaar less than perfect. Yes, nothing EVER happens in those situations. Especially in Hollywood. Eye-roll. That said, no, I don't think there was ever a real plan to divorce. But thinking Stephen and Cassandra are ''goals'' and Steve never stepped out is just incredibly naive.

sure. said...

This is creepy "Penelope". You should probably go back to stalking his Facebook page. I mean it's not hard to deduct that some crazies actually believe they're friends with him because he calls you Facebook friends. This is not the site for you if you're gonna be all sensitive about this complete stranger's personal life. Gossip, google it, learn a few things before abusing the caps lock for emphasis.

sure. said...

Anyway, she's going anywhere. Enty is just feeding you blatant speculation for you all to lose your shit without knowing jack shit about what goes on behind the scenes. And he gets his clicks.

Lyla said...

Seems like it.

Penelope said...

Okay, I'm not Stephen's stan. I'm only fan. A normal fan who doesn't keep inspecting or trying to decipher his life through SM. And I don't consider myself his friend as some people. But I know things about him and his wife like they are never in crisis to the point of divorce. NEVER. Their relationship may be weird, but they like each other and the way they live. Simple like that.
BTW I love Emily and wish only the best for her.

Truth said...

Whatever the truth is, I just wish Stephen would stick to acting and quit trying to hock wine on sm non-stop. It's annoying. EBR is the best thing that ever happened to Arrow, so I'm hoping the implied "threat" in this blind is sensationalism and not based in fact.

PenelpNOPE said...

Wow Penelope it's obvious that you're just another crazy blind stan that believes anything and everything Stephen says and posts. You're no better than the delusional Stemily shippers and are just as crazy as delusion if not more than they are. Any sane person can see that his marriage is weird and not right and wife is. Nazi bitch.

Anon said...

How would anyone know if a couple is trying for a baby? That's an idiotic thing for someone not in that couple to claim to know. And Emily if it is Emily isn't going anywhere. This is so not true.

Killian said...

Hey Enty the gossip is always fun but EBR gets a hell of a lot of death threats and awful comments already. If she is leaving bc the wife doesnt trust her husband to behave thats one thing as bad as it is cause Arrow would be absolutly awful without FS but to word the end of this blind as you have is pretty grotesque. Maybe think before you tweet some stuff please. As to the rest of the blind you have flip floped over these 2 for ages now. Surley this is the last if he is trying to save a rocky marrage by having another child or are you going to come back at us in 6 months with another Telling us he is sleeping with someone else.

Penelope said...

Wooow Don't discount your frustrations on me, honey! And dont keep so much resentment in your heart. Just let it go. :)

1234 said...

Dear Penelope, shut the f&ck up. Thank u. Ps im not a stemily shipper and even i can see they r ??

Tim said...

I don't care if this blind is true or not. This is going to be harsh. I have lost my respect for that dude and I've wasted my hard earn dime to take my kids to see him at cons and his NP wine. I threw away his charity shirts. I am glad I dropped that when he can only talk about the label because the wine sucks + his wife is terrible. I've met her twice and I have exited because of her. Stephen is not humble anymore. You want a humble person - Chris Evans who donates his time to sick children/tweet for charities/visiting the military/taking a stand on women's rights. All he does is whine on facebook and twitter about himself/drinking/family. Never credits any of his coworkers who wouldn't have a show without them especially David and Emily. I hope Emily finds a real man. If this is true, she is much involved and seems to be punished by the network. Dude must be happy that the show is back to being all about HIM. While he was on facebook with "parental rage" he's out drinking in a bar and singing karaoke and with her friends drinking while watching a game while the nanny is taking care of their sick child that took them 6 weeks to figure out while you went on vacation to Hawaii instead of staying home resting!? He is like every Hollywood celeb - fake, cares about image, fame, only wants your money! I'm not blind anymore. If he needs to post every Sunday then he isn't happy and it's fake. He looks miserable and will need to be completely drunk as a skunk to get her prego again. Now, Emily is honest, generous, and humble person who gives credit where credit is due! I will always support her! I'm done.

Jess said...


Dan said...

Betcha Emily has kicked his sorry ass to the kerb and all he has is to stay with that vile creature so best get cracking with that average nuclear family. Its all hes gonna have once that woman and her begging friends have fleeced him dry

PenelpNOPE said...

Hahaha that's funny. I didn't know stating facts and opinions was harsh and meant u was holding resentment. Seems like you have your head up Stephen's and his wife's ass and are in denial.?

ABC said...

She's actually excited that a person she doesn't know at all is allegedly trying for a new kid...

That's so creepy omg

Amy Adm said...

He has veneral disease written all over his face. He and his wife are quite a match.

L said...

Is your name Kate by any chance? Kate, face it. Stephen isn't your friend and won't want to ever marry you, no matter how many times you dye your hair blonde. Go back to the Traveling Bandits or stare at Stephen's picture that you have by your bed. I also hope Stephen gets a restraining order on you. You legit terrify me, stalker.

L said...

Should we be worried for Emily's life? That last line sounds like a threat to her safety.

Joseph said...

My buddy Tim sent me this! Dude I know what you are talking about and thought I should comment. After what I saw on socialm this weekend, I literally dropped him like a fly to buy anything of his or go to con. He wants sympathy when he has a nanny who takes care of own daughter who has whooping cough instead of him and a timer of when he is with his daughter to feel sorry for him when he basically bar hops drinking like his wife. I feel sorry for his daughter and if they have another. People actually think he is for his fans when it seems he all about the money and wanting people to like him instead of being honest, and true to himself but to others. Dude used to be humble. Seems on vaca he didn't want to spend it with a socio and maked him look like shit! Did anyone laugh at those pap photos? Staging every Sunday. He deserves that socio white pants and thinks he is just a huge superstar when his movie tanked and try to sell his shitty wine which isn't worth that cost and trying to sell it because of the label. I agree. Emily needs to find a real man who will treat her like the queen she is and move on from that show that is crappy cause they got rid of any attention on O and Digg and Felicity and oliver and felicity. I am a dude and can admit the show got shitty after they broke them up. It's just a snooze. He lied about we are going to love season 5. Just look at his fake posts on Sundays Now, E is worth following her projects. She doesn't make it all about herself! I recommend her. Anyway she is humble See ya

Penelope said...

I don't know who's Kate. But I'm not as stalker as you stemily shippers are. I just work with true facts and not with assumptions. Good night dear.

Grown as woman said...

What did Penelope think,of that picture of his dick jumping when Emily only touched his arm? They. Are. Fucking. You dear are delusional if you think otherwise.

L said...

Ok Kate. Sure. And I don't ship Stemily. I ship Olicity on the show but I sure as hell don't ship the actors. EBR deserves better than Steve and his giant ego. Good night dear.

Penelope said...

I almost forgot how cute stemily shippers are when they are hallucinating. Any interesting theory for today? hahahahahaha

PenelpNOPE said...

I'm pretty sure I called the Stemily shippers delusional in my for response to you so.... nice one? Either way Stemily isn't real, Stephen's marriage is wack and you and his stans are delusional.?

Caitlyn said...

Yes, Enty. You need to clarify from the wife or one of the friends/source who dropped this blind. If Emily is in physical danger? I would be really surprised if them trying to get pregnant is true because she doesn't care about the one she has, & secondly can she give up drinking for 9 months. Don't think so. If so, I think Steve should get a paternity test. It could be from her side piece. Bottom line is Emily is better off. She can find a man. A real man. It's not him. He isn't humble anymore. He becoming a drunk & just sucks anymore.

Caitlyn said...

Oh Penelope. Your so naive. Their are pictures the studio had to buy of Stephen & Emily leaving a restaurant in an intimate embrace. You know kissing. They been together for at least since season 3 as more than just friends. So Stephen isn't this saint. He is trapped in a loveless marriage for the child he does have. More power to him. I hope he wallows in his misery that he created himself. He lost this fan!!

Anon said...

What kind of a thing is that to say.. that you wouldn't be surprised if something happened to her??? Is she being threatened by him or his crazy wife? Like what are you inferring here? And trust me, many of us no longer want his costar anywhere near him in his real life. He's a mess & so is his wife. She deserves a lot better than the lately likes of him!

Tori said...

I am worried about that last sentence of Emily's safety. Also, I don't care what he does anymore. I am over his big ego and if he wants to stay in that miserable marriage. I often wonder why Emily doesn't go to HVFF cons? I haven't heard from her specifically she doesn't go because of anxiety just from cast. I've heard through the grapevine she doesn't attend because of the wife who also owns shares with him including NP AND HVFF. The wife has forbidden them to invite Emily and it makes E look bad hence a different con in London where Em attended with him and was on stage. You see every cast member attend but her. I heard the wife caused problems after that panel was over with. The wife is a stalker to check up on them it seems like it. Girl, you are forgettable. Anyway, I worry about Emily's safety cause of threats online. She deserves all the best with her career. I believe she will go far and will be supporting her all the way.

Casey said...

Enty, you need to be responsible if the last wording was a threat against Emily physically or pertaining to her job? Stephen is a lost cause in my eyes. His demeanor & appearance has deteriorated since the fall. If had & Emily had a thing or love, but he can't get out of marriage. He never should have started anything. He can be happy or miserably with that soul sucker for the rest of his life. I am sure Emily if she leaves forcibly or on her own will be just fine. She is a great actress & seems like a genuine person, smart, & funny. Besides acting, she can find a great guy who will appreciate her. This season is tanking. Lost 33% more from the million lost after they broke up Olicity. No OTA or core cast (Paul & Willa) I'm all for street fighting & big bad, but being inundated with newbies & loses what made this show shine is a huge mistake & if Emily goes so does this fan. The dynamic of what made this show will be gone.

Mike said...

If the last sentence is implying SA will get EBR fired, it won't happen this season. They are starting to write the last stretch of episodes and SA/EBR were supposedly still together before the holidays (if we're to believe Enty's last blind about them blowing up after he bailed on their planned holiday getaway in Whistler). But I'm not sure I believe any of these any more seeing as anything involving these two quickly becomes the most commented blinds on this site. Feels like we're just getting variations on the same blind, spun different ways.

I guess we'll see near the end of this season; if Felicity is getting a major arc like the writers are promising, the actress is probably not going anywhere. But if it starts to feel like they are writing away from her like they did KC before her firing, it may spell trouble.

Anon said...

Dude you are entitled to your feelings but SA gives credit to his costars all the time. He praises Emily and David and Paul and John and Willa, all of them all the time. That's just fact that can be proven. He loves his cast and praises them constantly. If you're going to be angry, be angry for real reasons.

Dean said...

He may have given them credit in the past, but the last few seasons especially this season, it was all about him, his shitty wine, and the occasional propping of the newbies. Hell, it took people dragging him and calling him out for not mentioning/taking a photo with Willa (and Emily) during the 100th episode. It literally doesn't take more than 5 minutes to take a photo and he does share quite a lot of scenes with Willa. He is seeking the approval of the comic book fanboys who are also misogynists. The Felicity and Friends dig by those guys (which never was true if they bothered to watch the show) got to him and he made sure Felicity got pushed in the background and became comic relief. It's clear he has changed or is just showing his true colours. He's always been obsessed with his image, it just got worse after the movie wasn't successful. He did the right things to build a fanbase, but now we're seeing the real person - the egotistical, image-obsessed man who couldn't care less about things that don't affect him. Good for his first wife for dumping him.

I know stuff said...

Him and his wife deserve each other (I just hope the kid has a decent nanny). Not one of his cast mates tolerates the wife (there is video from SDCC where they walk by her and all ignore her). I really hope the green card was worth it...

EBR will not be single for long....If she doesn't want to be.

Michelle said...

All of this

LOL said...

Reading through these comments I have to say... If Stephen's camp planted this blind - Which I'm seriously considering because this is the second one in 2 weeks which is incredibly unusual... - He massively failed considering no one is on his side on this one except poor Penelope.

It's funny. Stephen thought this family image would keep him popular but in fact it's turning people away considering his wife is toxic as hell and this marriage makes him look shitty.

In any case - Stephen lost my sympathy and he lost my respect this weekend. He's a spineless, cowardly, hypocritical asshole who really only cares about himself and drinking and his overly handsy/inappropriate friend, Drew (who is also gross).

Hope Stephen lives a long miserable life with his Trump supporting wife. The wife who his co-stars hate, the wife who is disrespectful to his own mother, the wife who doesn't even let him visit his own cousin on Thanksgiving because of holiday decorations, the wife who barely mothers her own child. Really this man has no balls.

Dan said...

He lost my respect when he talked to the asshole pap in Vancity about spoilers but didn't address that the dude was disrespectful to his female costars and fans and also when he refused to take a stronger stance about female fans and even characters/colleagues getting harassed on social media. He glossed over the issue and pretty much pulled a Trump when he said to just ignore the haters. Dude couldn't even handle taking a bit of criticism on Twitter without throwing a hissy fit or running to his Facebook stans/mothers.

Ana said...

I don't really believe that Stephen and Emily had a thing. Emily seems to get along and is very affectionate with her colleagues and friends so I think some folks would read too much into their interactions. With the way Stephen has conducted himself in the past year/s, the more I think there is only friendship (at best) between those two. For someone who is 10 years younger and has been in the business quite recently, she actually seems more mature and level-headed compared to him. Emily is talented, but maintains a humility (sometimes too humble) and graciousness that Stephen no longer exhibit. Stephen used to be a cool guy, but lately, he just seems like an insecure jackass who needs constant validation from other dudes. Emily could definitely do better than an older dude whose attitude and ego need to be constantly checked.

Also, the last line on the blind is concerning since she does get death threats. It might have been a flippant thing but perhaps it could be reworded better.

pete said...

Sorry dont believe a word the man says any more. This weekend showed all his colours from his bigging up the US not supporting. Any of his fans or the marches. Then the mommy stans come running to his fb to clense his soul. Feel for the dude cause his grandpa died but made sure he got a canada and gay pride reference in there with his post. Na he needs a detox and a therapist and rickards needs to count her blessings that this car crash has come out in the open as an ass

pfft said...

Anon, 'constantly'? When was the most recent time, because it's been a good long while by my reckoning.

cc said...

i can't believe ppl believe this fanfiction.

pfft said...

Is that you FOMO?

Zero Sum Steve said...

No, the traveling SADS (SA Defense Squad) don't like wifey either, not at all, but they don't think he'd cheat, so they probably believe he's had his balls on ice for years.

They also don't like Emily.

They believe Steve doesn't like Emily either. According to them he said as much when they had a beer with him in Austin or Atlanta or somewhere else Appropriate for AssKissing.

Zero Sum Steve said...

Penelope, why on earth do you seem giddy and cocky about the prospect of another baby when this is the most you can say about their marriage 'Their relationship may be weird, but they like each other and the way they live. Simple like that.'

That is about the saddest thing I've ever read. Different strokes for different folks I guess but that is not what I would consider a high water mark for life and love and bringing any child into the world.

Anti-trash people may be looking forward to crowing if baby #2 happens but the vast vast majority won't care enough to be bothered by the gloating, and consider it a lucky escape for Emily.

Dub said...

Lets be real here. He has the token wife and the must have fashion accessory in a kid but all his supernatural buddies have more than 1 kid. Their one is getting to old to be his get out of shit free card so a baby will at least have his mommy stans forgiving him for his crap. The show is tanking he just isnt a big enough name to keep it propped up it needs emily david and willa to give it its his new fashion kid could at least give him 5 more minutes in the spotlight and another crappy label for that swill of his

Liz said...

lmao as if Steve would ever tell a bunch of obsessed fans that he doesn't like his costar. Anyone with eyes can tell he does. Or at least used to. I don't know what's going on with him lately but he's definitely changed within the last year. Very self-centered. All he does now is talk about himself and try to sell his wine. I'm so bored of it.

MM said...

I think it would be a good idea to do that but I don't know how. Emily's gotten too many death threats, aside from the regular bullying from comic stans.

If enty put that last bit for clicks- he's on the same level with Mrs. SA. Sociopaths...

Monica said...

Well, I hope Emily stays away from Steve "me, me, ALL about me" Smelly Amelly. This guy is spinelss but with huuuuge ego. I guess EBR is far too inteligent to be with self centered coward with questionable taste in women. I wish this girl all the best which obviously is not this texan puppet.

Katie said...

He most definitely has a mentality go along to get along. Unfortunately, the one he is following is a self absorbed entitled asshole with her mentality of issues.He really is not attractive anymore to me. It makes me sad. I can see why he would be drawn to someone like Emily. Besides their chemistry which is apparent, she seems to be grounded. Oh well. If this is the case Emily is better off. He is messed up.

Jake said...

I agree with the people who are saying that his ego has gotten too big this last year. His social media used to be much more varied - funny behind the scenes videos / pictures, entertaining Q&As, interaction with co-stars etc. Literally all he does now is the stuff on Mon / Fridays, talk about his wine (constantly!), and predictable weekend family man / drinking stuff. I can barely remember the last time he spoke about the show or included any one else from the show in his content. And sure, yeah, it's his page, he can post what he wants etc, but that doesn't change the fact that the quality of the content has deteriorated massively. Pair that with his refusal to renounce the bullies and assholes on his FB, and it's all a bit of a mess. His social media makes it look like he's ALL about himself, as if his show is a one-man-band etc. It's not a good look.

As for his stans who follow him around and think it's their duty to defend a grown ass man from any legit criticism, they're hilariously hypocritical. They largely loathe the wife. Absolutely loathe her. Belittle her and tell stories and spread rumors etc, all while sucking up to him on social media and in person.

As for the 'stepping out' rumors, who knows. But a dude with an ego that size probably enjoys a lot of 'special attention', and anyone who is pushing a happy family man image this hard is probably compensating for something.

Jess said...

I totally agree with you.

Abcd said...

Lol at the new video ????? perfect timing

sure. said...

Some rando created a fake account and linked this blind on his wall this morning. After no SM interaction for weeks, or months? Sorry enty, but enjoy your clics and your fanficiton lmao.

Kaitlyn said...

Run Emily run. Oh I think she did, or he did because I think they are done. Thank goodness for her. She willl have no trouble finding someone to be there for her both physically & mentally. She deserves it. I used to think he did too, but you know what. Let him drew in his misery. Having a child isn't gonna fix what's broken, but yet I think he is thinking like her now too so it might work out. I used to root for them both professionally & personally, but not no more. Everything has to be a completion. His good friends from SPN both have more than 2 kids do he figures let's try to make it work. Lets bring another kid into this world for us have nanny raise it. She'll have more leverage & suck him dry when the well is full. He is not even attractive anymore to me. His whole demeanor & personality has changed since the start of show & really since the fall. As to who dropped this on Enty is curious, even more was the end a threat to her job or her person. If it's her job, I know this girl will stop watching because right now EbR, DR, WH, PB are the only reason I watch right now & they aren't really on that much. What I certainly am not buying is that's cutesy interaction the day before premiere & the blind of them on bad terms. Your better off. He needs to get himself together & by the time that happens she couldn't have moved on to someone deserving of her.

Steve said...

I think Emily seems like she's way out of his league. Which makes me think these blinds are not real. Don't think much about him. Seems like he just wants to squeeze money out of his fans by pushing his wine- I find it exploitive, arrogant and I think it demonstrates he's quite self obsorbed. Arrow should be paying him enough to get by in life without this. I don't presume to know or care about his marriage but the more he pushes that out there the more people are going to scrutinise it-I get the impression a lot of people mock it and/or are not particularly keen on his wife (?). Whatever the truth is, Emily seems to have more about her than he does.


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