Friday, March 10, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 27, 2016

Another celebrity parenting fail. This permanent A list singer screwed up with one kid and now is letting his underage daughter have sex with a guy pushing 30.

Lionel Richie/Nicole Richie/Sofia Richie (when she was still 17)


information desk said...

Mommy trained her well I see

sandybrook said...

Ok it takes 2 to parent. I know Nicole's parents gave her to Lionel, but where are the 2 women who raised these girls? One mother and a mother by adoption?

Guesser said...

Lionel dated her mother when she was still in high school. She also uses drugs and dated Bieber. The 30 year old is not more of a problem.

... said...

Sophia's mother was the one who got the crap beat out of her by Brenda Richie when she caught them in bed together. He later married & divorced her.

jessica said...

There's really not a lot even the authorities will do when they are over 16.

melissa said...

Please this train wreck has been documented for a hot minute now.
He sucks as a parent, period.

Mo said...

Sofia's mom was in HS when she started dating Lionel. He gave her a red jeep that she drove all over. She thought she was the shit but all of her peers just thought she was pathetic and he was disgusting. She was just a bought and paid for high school mistress. It was a few years later when the wife kicked her ass on the front steps. It is no wonder Diane is happy to pimp her kid out. She is a complete fame whore. Diane Alexander of Bonita HS in La Verne, CA. had no business ever having children.

Jennerationb said...

Did you go to school with her Mo?


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