Sunday, March 05, 2017

Mr. X Blind Item #2

The whispers are getting a little louder that this celebrity offspring may have been lying when she made the bombshell accusations about her ex.


  1. Violet2:03 AM

    Lisa Marie Presley.

  2. sandybrook2:04 AM


  3. Alabama Jane2:14 AM

    Omg. That is terrible. This sometimes happens with divorce though. Look what Angelina tried to do to Brad Pitt. It backfires most of the time and the court doesn't look kindly on parents who try to do this in order to gain sole custody.

  4. just sayin'2:21 AM

    false rape and molestation accusations are almost as evil as the acts. they destroy lives. false accusers should have their feet held to the legal fire in order to prevent this behavior and better protect actual victims.

  5. Guesser2:22 AM

    Whispers from where? Could be Scientology spreading stories.

  6. Jennifer2:31 AM

    Fake abuse claims are the lowest and should be prosecuted. This is why no one believes real victims.

  7. Sd.Auntie2:49 AM

    Yes @ guesser. That sounds about right. Midget M is working OT on the scandals

  8. information desk3:27 AM

    That and palimony child support strategy

  9. RenShaw3:48 AM

    I got into a brouhaha with a fellow cdanner for having the audacity to question an accusation and reserving judgement until a full investigation. In fact, these things happen more often than not by people that have an agenda and want to gain an advantage in some dispute. It does a tremendous disservice to real victims and the falsely accused. Since the accusation came out, I always thought of him as a pervert. Damage done.


    Looks like Enty was lying too as blind #4 in the link above was supposed to be about Lisa Marie Presley's ex.

  11. Oh, FFS. Please explain exactly what Angie "did". Brad WAS found to have been drunk on that plane, and Maddox (and possibly Pax) still don't want anything to do with him. But by all means, enlighten us as to what Angelina did to Brad that Brad didn't do to himself.

  12. information desk7:43 AM

    @bobo that could have been about Danny masterson photographing aspiring teenage actresses

  13. Dannette9:20 AM

    The husband said in his court papers that Presley is a pathological liar about everything. Hmm, didn't bother him for a long time, but I guess it's the same old story.

  14. Hortensia10:39 AM

    Presley's husband looks a bona fide jackass in that stupid-ass hat. Of course, he's guilty! Just look at him!

  15. marlo1:01 PM

    !!! Hortensia- you reserve judgement on somebody being a possible pedophile because of the HATS he wears????!!!!

    You are exactly what's wrong with the world today, and even more revolting and mentally disturbed than I thought. It's scary how only a few sentences by a stranger half a world away, can paint such a dark picture of them.

    We are living in a world where many times, a possible 'crime' is based on people's feelings or perceptions, or political views (!), and not on facts, and you perpetuate this madness. It's also known as an Orwellian type fascist society, that denies truth, spreads misinformation (your repeated false claims about France come to mind), causing an invariable dystopian future, that leads to misery for everyone, and freedom for no one.

    People such as yourself should be banned from the internet and from speaking, ever, and live a life of playing with lego's and drawing with crayons in a strictly supervised environment.

  16. marlo1:06 PM

    Okay - so evil dad Brad possible yelled at his teenage son?
    OMG, lock him up.
    I can imagine Brad being the only and very necessary voice of reason providing some form of stability, in a 10-nanny madhouse, where spoilt bratty, barely literate children run amok and do whatever they want, while Jolie locks herself up in her wing, in the early evenings to 'take the edge off'....



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