Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Blind Item #10

About once a year, this permanent A+ list married couple plant a bunch of stories about how they are trying to buy some insanely expensive house in LA. Invariably a few months later someone else crazy rich outbids them in some game of billionaire dollar listing. The thing is though, our A+ list couple don't have the kind of coin they like the world to think they have. Oh, they have money. A lot. They don't have billionaire money though. I sometimes wonder if both members of this couple know the full financial picture.


  1. sandybrook4:02 AM

    The Obamas?

  2. Tricia134:03 AM

    Beyoncé and JayZ

  3. MontanaMarriott4:12 AM

    I recall when the media reported that Bey bought Cher's Malibu mansion which has been on the market in forever. Was there every any follow up story about moving in, etc? NOPE. I think that house is still on the market.

  4. Tricia134:16 AM

    I read yesterday(I think), that they were purchasing a Bel Air mansion with 15 car garage lol. Because ,you know,12-14 just won't cut it in this day and age:)

  5. MontanaMarriott4:23 AM

    I read that this am.

    When I saw the pics of the home and location I thought to myself, "Gee for $120 million dollars I expect to be the ONLY home in a 20 mile radius". Nope they had neighbors all around them. LA Real Estate is something else lol.

  6. Tricia134:36 AM

    Yep that's the one

  7. police dog7:34 AM

    they are pissed they arent billionaires

  8. police dog7:36 AM

    up here in the bay area bey and j would be laughed at pretending to be billionaires.

  9. StarJones9:13 AM

    Of course Beyonce doesn't know their full financial picture. She has the IQ of a houseplant.

  10. Random1012:04 PM

    But who plants these stories?? Do Beyonce and Jay-Z actually benefit in some manner from this? Whats the point??

  11. longtimereader2:48 AM

    Will be billionaires by the end of the decade.

  12. K!trash News showed this ugly few white boxes "mention" w/ 3 swimming pools (an ugly architecture + horrible landscape)....
    P.S. some idiot will buy this crap after bee/zee advertisement & they'll get 5%...

  13. RenShaw7:15 AM

    What's the deal with them anyway? Wen't they recently buying the Spelling house. Buy a house already, and not this uglyass behemoth that looks like an office park in a residential area. Who wants to spend that kind of money with neighbors so close to you you.

  14. RenShaw7:16 AM

    Good question. They've done this before. Sounds like a ruse between the Carters and the sellers. Oh they want it so we better jump in before it's gone kind of thing.



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