Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Blind Item #5

Who knew she was so anti, but this B+ list mostly television actress who also beards at the professional level yelled at a guy for smoking a joint so close to her this week. Apparently there were paps and she didn't want it to look like she was smoking too.


  1. Tricia1312:58 AM

    Olivia Munn

  2. dianavonthirstybird2:06 AM

    Good for her!!! You go girl! Somebody has to stand up for the few of us who don't indulge.

  3. The few? You're an idiot.

  4. I can't stand the smell of pot, and you'll never convince me that inhaling any kind of smoke into one's lungs is innocuous.

  5. Tax Payer4:23 AM

    Why be an asshat, John?

  6. 8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob5:18 AM

    If it were a regular cigarrette ("fag" in the UK), the anti tobacco writer of this site would have cheered, but it is the overhyped marketing product that skeevy assholes like, therefore the actress is wrong.

  7. police dog5:30 AM

    I smoke pot - and I definitely think its important to respect those around you - they are sharing the air with you. dont assume everybody is ok with whatever! you dont own
    the air. whether it be cigarette smoke or pot smoke, be considerate of those around you and go somewhere else unless you know that the ppl in your general vicinity are ok with it. also, if you are in a public space dont be an idiot - its rude. seriously!

    pot smoker

  8. police dog5:32 AM

    it's not. inhaling any smoke is bad for you.

    inhaling shitty food is bad for you too - but one usually cant tell obese people to 'stay away' since most people are huge (and probably a lot commenting right now..)

    smoking anything is bad for you. but it cracks me up how obesity isnt more openly criticized and shamed. it kills more people than smoking anything, or drinking anything.
    and yes, that was a semi-tangent.

  9. Wendy6:52 AM

    Listen, I love me some pot, but I also think there is a time and a place for it. Smoking it in public just isn't cool in my opinion, unless it is at a place specifically for it. It's all about having respect for others. Weed makes you smell, so god forbid people who don't smoke don't want to walk around smelling like it.....just have some respect.

  10. Wendy6:54 AM

    It won't be long until it's legal everywhere anyway, the government cares about money too much to not realize how much money it would bring to them. And I agree with you, pot is no worse for you than caffeine.

  11. Wendy6:55 AM

    Are you saying only skeevy assholes like pot? Because I know a lot people who smoke, myself included, and I don't think of myself as a skeezy asshole lol.

    I also wouldn't smoke it in public either, that's just stupid.

  12. Wendy7:15 AM

    lol someone voted down my comment but just because you don't agree with me doesn't make it any less true.

    It will be treated the same as alcohol soon, as it should be.

  13. Guesser7:19 AM

    You can't get fat from being in a room with a fat person. you can get high or damaged lungs from second hand smoke.You also can't be fat only in your own home..

  14. Jennifer8:59 AM

    Keep your cigs away from me too. I loathe the smell of formaldehyde.

  15. Hortensia11:39 AM

    Yeah, I'm with Taxpayer, you leave our DianaVonThirstyBirdAlone!

  16. You would literally have to be in a room filled with pot to get a contact high, that's a myth. Secondhand smoke from cigs is way worse than the smoke from pot, it won't hurt you if you walk by it one time, settle down.

  17. Lazlo Holyfeld12:34 PM

    There are plenty of ways to enjoy thc that don't involve carbonization.

    Smoking anything, even weed (that doesn't have hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals added to it like tobacco does), is still not good for you.

    Vaporizing or edibles is the way to go.

    As for smoking it in public around other people and assuming they won't care? well, that's just plain disrespectful.

  18. Sd auntie9:11 PM

    Id rather smell pot than the cigs. Already have the munchies ....but cigarretes are just foul

  19. SarahS12:26 AM

    My new neighbors smoke skunk weed and I can smell it in my bedroom every day. Its starting to wake me up at night. It's beginning to make me violently angry. It's DISGUSTING!!!!!

  20. Good on her. Druggies are all for their own "right" to do drugs, but they don't give a damn about other people's right not not to. Keep your drugs to yourself, I don't want that shit in my body thankyou.

  21. Irrelevant. It's a matter of consent. I don't want that shit in my body thankyou, and it's my body, my choice.



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