Friday, April 28, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 7, 2017

The ex of this permanent A list singer/musician is writing this love story basically in a book form to his memory. Their relationship was filled with cheating and violence so I’m not sure what world she is living in.



  1. Do Tell2:26 AM

    The world in which her divorce settlement was not what she thought it would be.

  2. longtimereader2:53 AM

    A world in which they had a baby that lost it's life. Sad.

  3. Guesser3:10 AM

    She wanted to write a book that would be read by his fans. They shared something no one else had, and understands him better than most. Prince was very emotionally abusive to her, any interviews with them together show that. His whole image was fake, many of his fans believed he never used drugs,yet he overdosed​ when they were married. He was his own worst enemy, not allowing himself or Mayte to grieve properly.

  4. just sayin\'3:23 AM

    denial and opiate use go so well together...numbing the pain by ignoring it. speaking of which, whatever happened to carrie fisher's toxicology report. i'm so inclined to believe her heart arrested for the same reason as prince's.

  5. Jessica3:29 AM

    He did what Nuget did, adopted her when she was 16. Then controlled every aspect of her life including her weight, never let her out of the house, until he was done with her & divorced her. Losing their baby was very hard on her, still think she needs therapy to work through that/

  6. Guesser3:35 AM

    I agree about Carrie, but I also think they knew it from the beginning, and an investigation wasn't necessary. Not to mention they have listed "natural causes" as the cause of death for the likes of Brittany Murphy, so surly they can manage the same for a bigger star. The rumors of Carrie using again we're here and elsewhere.

  7. Prince was a phenomenal musician.
    A great husband?

  8. i would say writing a book about the relationship would be good therapy for her.
    It might help her release any inner anger she holds.
    Then, again, that's just me.

  9. dianavonthirstybird8:33 AM

    Don't like to be graphic but the reality is their baby was born with no eyes and webbed hands. Can you imagine the heartbreak that caused? Of course she's still in shock. That would kill anyone's spirit.

  10. Unfortunately you never fully work through the loss of a child. Therapy can help you cope, but rarely does it help you make peace with what's happened. Personally, I could never write a book about my child's death. But I don't begrudge another parent who does so. Losing a child is a profoundly personal journey. If writing a book helps, then more power to her.

  11. Jennerationb9:47 AM

    Maybe because she wasn't allowed to talk about the loss because of his strict orders. After the child died, he made her go on Oprah and act like everything was fine and the child was perfect. I don't know how she made it through that interview without breaking down.

    Regardless of how crazy their relationship was, it always seemed that she did truly love him. Plus, I'm sure if she were to write about cheating and abuse, many Prince fans would accuse her of lying and trying to cash in on lies that he isn't around to defend himself against.

  12. Hortensia11:58 AM

    Prince was too slight, body wise, to be violent towards anyone.

  13. Missy6:35 AM

    Also shows crazy shit people tell themselves to justify whatever. So he was so devoutly religious he couldn't undergo hip replacement he needed desperately, apparently also wouldn't curse or allow anyone else to, but uses enough opioids to take down an elephant and abusive to women. Eye roll. And I'm saying it even as a Huge fan of his music. Dude was a true genius.

  14. Missy9:00 AM

    And was reading that he was taking pills 20 years ago married to her and nearly OD'd then. So the excuse of the hip replacement was just a better sounding excuse. He had long time issues. Just another rocker who used. And a hypocrite like Michael Jackson who was super "healthy" in his lifestyle otherwise.

  15. Not Mayte6:53 PM

    The violence was not on his end.

  16. That's I was thinking when she announced this, girl let it go!



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