Sunday, April 30, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 25, 2017

About once a year, this permanent A+ list married couple plant a bunch of stories about how they are trying to buy some insanely expensive house in LA. Invariably a few months later someone else crazy rich outbids them in some game of billionaire dollar listing. The thing is though, our A+ list couple don’t have the kind of coin they like the world to think they have. Oh, they have money. A lot. They don’t have billionaire money though. I sometimes wonder if both members of this couple know the full financial picture.

Jay Z/Beyonce


  1. dianavonthirstybird5:57 AM

    Would wager my next Social Security check he has drained every Sou from her bank account. Wonder just how broke ass these two really are.

  2. Do Tell6:05 AM

    If Jay-Z lost everything next week, how long do you think it would take him to go back to selling drugs fulltime?

  3. They are so annoying, and she is still parading that "belly" around in the tightest outfits she can find.

  4. Dannette7:25 AM

    If that's her then she's had a head transplant, because it's a different face parading.

  5. A hole12:19 PM

    Were you born ass backwards? A intelligent human knows that being pregnant changes a woman appearance.

  6. A hole12:22 PM

    Bey and Jay really make you ppl ooze of miserable. Its hilarious. This page is pure comedy and the masses eat it up

  7. If anything this proves she's definitely carrying the twins. With Blue she just grew a belly. Now her entire body and face is inflated. God bless her cause I would never go thru all of that

  8. Parading? You mean going outside like a normal person? Being on this site so long has made some of yall so miserable. Go outside. Enjoy fresh air.

  9. ParkerInTheShade4:53 AM

    Both are overrated. Id be ok with them going broke and disappearing.

  10. SnarkIsFun11:45 AM

    What's the over/under on 10 minutes?

  11. Yes, being pregnant does change a woman's appearance so it's funny that her appearance didn't change at all with her first "pregnancy". She also was laying very low compared to this circus. lies lies lies. Also, why does everyone turn a blind eye to Jay being a complete absent deadbeat dad to his previous children? They are so gross.

  12. Douchie6:54 AM

    Beyonce? Is that you baby?



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