Monday, May 01, 2017

Your Turn

I know you don't remember a specific date, but when did you usually have your first and last day of school when growing up? Did anyone go to year round school?


  1. sandybrook3:08 AM

    Usually started the Monday after Labor Day and ended the last Friday in June.

  2. JustReading3:11 AM

    Started after Labor Day & ended ~early - mid June, depending on snow days. June 6th sticks in my head for some reason. Must have been a significant last day of school.

  3. Generally started the Tuesday after Labor Day ended around June 15th depending on if any snow days were used.

  4. SarahS3:45 AM

    Approximately August 28th to Approximately June 3rd

  5. just sayin\'4:23 AM

    i'm old so it started right after labor day and ended in early june. for my kids it seems like every 1st day has been august 24, which is my youngest's birthday, poor guy.

  6. When I think back on school, I just remember the yearly 181 days of hell.
    I hated school.
    i hated the "nuns." (I attended parochial schools for 12 years.)
    I hated the classmates in high school.
    If I ever run into any of them, I know it is way too soon for any love and kindness and How are you.
    Too many former classmates on 'Facebook' asking for a Friend request so I deleted my account.
    Good riddance.

  7. AndrewBW4:46 AM

    That's about what I recall. Although that was so long ago it's amazing I remember anything at all.

  8. CityGirl4:48 AM

    I did year round school for a few years: 45 days school; 15 days off

  9. The Tuesday after labor day to the last week in June. If we had a snow day they'd tack an extra day to the end of the year. The NYC school system insisted on keeping us in class for as long as possible. Assholes.

  10. Sd auntie5:32 AM

    I went to Catholic school too!! All 12 years and All Girls High School. Met some kind nuns in High school and others who were crabby. I kind of appreciate it now because it instilled discipline, strong work ethic and college was a breeze. Classmates were not very nice and still jerks to this day. Glad I survived.

  11. Sd auntie5:34 AM

    We would start mid. September and end mid June. It was perfect due to heat wave in August and September. Feel sorry for kids who start in August.

  12. semi good guesser6:18 AM

    Tuesday after labor day for the first day. The last day depended on how many snow days we took during the year. First or second week of June.

  13. Meg00m6:37 AM

    August to May. In Arizona they would try to be closed when the air condotioning would be the most expensive. Now they are trying to go year round so the kids aren't only off when its over 110 degrees, with limited success.

  14. Meg00m6:38 AM


  15. Herrick Darvey7:37 AM

    We started the day after Labor Day and ended the third week in May.

  16. Hortensia12:44 PM

    I attended Catholic elementary. Best education ever. When I got to public school junior high it was like treading water--I was way ahead of everyone else.

  17. Wendy1:16 PM

    We started around August 20th and ended around May 20th depending on how many snow days we had. We had a two week break at Christmas and a week for spring break.



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