Thursday, December 14, 2017

Blind Item #6

This A list designer is going to have his name splashed everywhere soon as a group of male models are talking about how he sexually assaulted them and others say he would blackball them from the shows of other designers if they wouldn't sleep with him. This is a very big name.


Tricia13 said...

Marc Jacobs

Boldblonde said...


Bitters said...

CK? I remember he had a young pro as a bf. Seems like it could be so many..

Glue said...

Who is the designer who always has a young hot guy as a boyfriend? My vote is for him.

Cinnamon Sticker said...

Wasn't Marc Jacobs affiliated with the Wolf of Wallstreet guy, Jordan something? I think Marc Jacobs.

MontanaMarriott said...

Marc Jacobs is well known to play with escorts and young dudes who are into drugs so this could be him. I will say Michael Kors to be different.

Chanel doesn't have a men's line (other than colognes)so I doubt it's Karl.

Count Jerkula said...

I'll vote Calvin Klein. Heavy drinker, and bossy. NYC had to make a law to keep him off the Knicks' court.

Do Tell said...

Tom Ford?

fionafab said...

I doubt if we're talking about Ralph Lauren.

Anonymous said...

Hey Enty and Himmmmmm, long time reader/lurker here. Can we have some kindness blinds today? I had one of the worst days of my life yesterday, my car window was smashed in while picking my daughter up from daycare after a long day of teaching in the inner-city and my purse with literally my entire life in it was stolen. The person then went on a shopping spree with my money two weeks before Christmas. Also just found out my auto insurance won't cover any of the personal property theft because that needs to be filed under homeowner's insurance, which I don't have, because I am currently living with my in-laws. This site has gotten me through some of my worst times, and I could really use some happiness today. I need something to keep me from crying. Thank you in advance!

Guesser said...

Calvin Klein would have the most clout with other shows.

FrenchGirl said...

Klein or Ford or Jacobs

S said...

Demna Gvasalia.

Now! said...

Sending you good karma, @Lamby!

Unknown said...

Calvin Klein. (Hopefully not Ford or Jacobs!)

MeMyselfandIandYou said...

Michael Kors - Celine, his own brand...

drkdragon777 said...

Calvin Klein? He is good friends with Geffen

Bitters said...

Remember the stuff w Nick Gruber? I'm sure it's the tip..

just sayin' said...

hugs lamby. this too shall pass, but that's not much comfort today, i know.

Anonymous said...

Thanks @Nutty_Flavor I need it!

Tricia13 said...

Sorry to hear that.... I hope it turns around soon and that you have a wonderful holiday in spite of them... they can’t steal that!

just sayin' said...

hope it's not calvin, i used to work for him, but that's my guess.

Anonymous said...

Thank you @Tricia13 and @just sayin' I love your guesses and comments!

Do Tell said...

I don't understand saying anything along the lines of "hopefully not this guy or this guy, but hopefully THIS guy."

Florin said...

@Lamby - That's terrible! Any chance your in-laws' homeowners insurance will cover it, since you're living there? Hopefully you can get most of the charges reversed on your cards.

Mrs Meat said...

Poor you, Lamby. Hope everyone you've ever helped out finds a way to help you back right now xx

Glue said...

@Lamby - there's power in unity. I'm sure everyone here at CDaN is wishing you well and hoping things will turn around for you. /big virtual hug/

Anonymous said...

Thank you @Glue and @Mrs Meat I'm feeling a little more positive just from your comments. The world can be such a bad place, but this little community makes me so happy.

Sd Auntie said...

Calvin looks like he is near death. Karl or Marc sounds good. Hope it's not cutie pie Zac Posen! Sorry about your robbery Lamb! People suck but there are still good honest folks like us here! Something good comes out of the bad!

Moose said...

Klein and Lauren have to be A+, if such a thing exists among designers. Ford I thought had left the design world (but maybe I'm wrong).

How about Jean-Paul Gaultier?

Shawny said...

I doubt either Tom Ford or Marc Jacobs would have to leverage anything to get a model. I would think it would be someone who would be a tougher sell in the sex dept. Calvin Klein is my guess, tho he has that young grandson aged lover. Not sure if they are still together or not.

Amartel said...

Haha, so many possible choices! Says a lot about the industry. This blind is just about who got caught.

shakey said...

I'll say Calvin Klein.

Lamby, years ago our house was broken into and what little jewellry I had was taken, along with a lot of other things, so I understand your feeling of violation.

Best thing right now is explain to your child(ren) that Santa's going to fill up the stockings, but their real gifts will come in a little while. You can always get a printout from the bank to prove how much money you took out. The maddening thing about dealing with insurance (at least in our experience) is that they want receipts for EVERYTHING.

I know people say it's only money, but when bills are tight and Christmas makes it tighter - I get it. Enjoy the other parts of the day - family and/or friends, and the dinner.

I hope you and your family will have a happy Christmas all the same.

fionafab said...

Will some independent thinker out in LA/NY write a screenplay about the marriage of gay designer, Claude Montana, and his American wife Wallis Franken? This story has everything! Think it would be a great little art film. Tom Ford would tear this thing up with his creativity. They shared the same birthday. She adored him. They were inseparable despite his preference for young guys. Got married. He broke her heart. She jumped out their Paris apt. window and killed herself. Or did she? Someone out there, get this made!

Anonymous said...

Thank you @shakey very good advice for a shitty situation. Hoping there will be a silver lining somewhere.

Krab said...

I doubt it's Calvin Klein. He hasn't been a designer in so many years now. He sold his business.

I'm sorry, Lamby. I'm going through a hideous time myself right now. Virtual hug from New York.

Now! said...

It's been a long time since I've heard anyone mention Claude Montana! I was shocked to find out he is still alive.

Marc Jacobs is in his 50s - no longer so easy to snag those hot young bodies - and has a voracious sexual appetite. My guess is Marc.

katsm0711 said...

Has to be Calvin

Unknown said...

Marc Jacobs

just sayin' said...

i hope this doesn't come off as minimizing your anguish lamby, or sound insensitive or trite. in times like this i can usually make the pain go away by doing a paradigm shift, trying to remember how much worse it could have been. you and your child could have been in the car and had to deal with the trauma of being robbed at gunpoint. that there are people who can't afford a car, have no in-laws to take them in. when you've lost it all it's comforting to count blessings...things we take for granted are for sure what someone else is praying for today. (sorry, i default into mom mode. again, hugs to you, i'm very sorry about your experience.)

J said...

I vote Karl for this as well.

just sayin' said...

claude montana, boo! all shoulders, angles, crimped long hair out to here. great story.

Unknown said...

@Lamby - hang in there. The world can be unforgiving and brutal, but I find there is often something amazing around the corner. The last time my car got broken into was the night I ended up meeting my future husband and the man who would eventually save my life. Something good is coming for you - I am sure of it.

It's not juicy gossip or a kindness blind, but maybe it helps to know strangers on the interwebs care. :-)

BayAreaGirl said...

@Lamby, I could be missing something, the insurer's explanation sounds fishy. Does your auto policy have coverage for personal property? If they haven't already, demand that they put the justification for denial in writing. Check it against your policy & if you're still not sure, contact your state's insurance commissioner or whoever is in charge of regulating insurance companies. Tell the regulator you think the insurer might be acting in bad-faith. Some shady companies will deny every claim in the hopes that people won't complain.

BayAreaGirl said...

Wasn't it Calvin Klein who used to run the creepy ads featuring very under-aged models?

just sayin' said...

yes it was calvin klein, bayareagirl. they were likened to kiddie porn. speaking of which, is anyone disturbed by the kardashian christmas card with topless photos of their kids shot at angles from above, the way molesters like?

Karen Walker said...

Michael Kors.

AIP said...


Boldblonde said...

Karl always has a boytoy with him 24/7. But they seem like they know their place.
Tom Ford is married and as far as I know, happily.
Marc Jacobs is a biatch and would absolutely do this.
Michael Kors is a major queen but he doesn't have the pull to blacklist models.
Calvin never came out of the closet... possible.
Olivier Rousteing but he's still young but another possibility.

It's a tie between Karl and Marc.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone for the hugs and support. After today, I will definitely be ending my relationship with Progressive. :(

Kate said...

Please no :(

Kate said...

Tricia you are kind. Lamby I am sorry this happened to you.

DreamWanderExplore said...

Hmmmm Calvin Klein

Ta dah! said...

Marc Jacobs is always openly entertaining large groups of young men at his homes, so, in a way, I suspect him less, since he is all up front with a very active social life. I'd think more about someone older and sneakier/not really ok with his own appetites.

Mahogany1 said...

This could be anyone. literally... Tom Ford, Galliano (working again) Oliver from Balenciaga Heidi... anyone.. Jeremy Scott

Gravy Goodbread said...

Mizzarahi, issac

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Your Grumpy Cat/giraffe icon is AMAZING.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Lamby HUGS!!!!!! 💛💛💛💛

Scandi Sanskrit said...

^^ What Nutty said, Lamby! 🙏🏼✨

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I hope you've recovered from that feeling of violation. Happy holidays! 💛

Sekrit said...

Immediate name that came to mind was Calvin Klein

bianca said...

My bet is on Karl. I will never lose the icky feeling I had after reading a NYT profile of one of his former top male models who was leveraging his son to stay in Karl's good graces.

LizOz said...

Calvin or Karl

Unknown said...

Lambey, you can sign up for Toys for Tots.

Sorry that happened to you, especially at this time of year. Hopefully next year will prove to be much better for you.

fraggedy_duu said...

Can't guess the blind on this one, but sending positive vibes to Lamby! I've been in a very similar situation and it's awful. I hope things get sorted out for you!

Maude Lebowski said...

I know I am late, but I am sending much love your way Lamby!

Himmmm said...

Hey LAMBY - sorry I'm late to the thread, but if you get this - I've got a very secret EXCLUSIVE item I can share just for you. A big blind but it may be too hot for Enty to reveal it EVER! Not a kindness really, but check this out...

I once heard a story about this amazing young mom who taught schools in the inner-city. She was a hard worker who really cared for her students (some were A list but not all, some were almost F list). This young lady (we'll call her L for short), was an A+++ lister all the way. An awesome Mom and Wife too. She and her family were sharing a home with her in-laws, which has its ins and outs. Some days she wished she was in and they were OUT...but no, really - they got along well and it was a happy home.

One day, after leaving the set of her film - OOPS! I mean, after leaving school to pickup her kid from Daycare...Lady L had her car window smashed and purse stolen. To make it worse? Her credit cards, License, and everything was in that purse! She wasn't even sure if any of it would be covered. So, over the next day, our Lady L was at rope's end. She considered running away, or digging up Keith Richards' phone number (which he quietly passed to her at the Met Gala years ago) to see if he could get her hooked on drugs or anything to take her pains away. She was feeling very low. She fought the tears bravely, not wanting to ruin the Xmas cheer of her kids.

But then one night, L realized something...that in her FORMER life, she'd been a Ninja Assassin butt-kicking mercenary (who could also apply mascara while driving, texting, and grading papers at once!). In her former secret life, she'd only worked for the good guys - but an accident on a ship with some guy named Bourne had left Lady L with amnesia! Not it all came back! So after everyone was asleep one night, Lady L donned her tactical gear and balaclava and made her way to her former Ops Center. All the screens, computers, digital things blinking - all still there. There, she discovered all the trackers were STILL activated - tracking her purse!
She found the thief. And without warning, she smashed into the thief's bedroom that night, and like a tsunami of raging, unhinged, vigilante justice...our skilled Lady L...politely asked for her stuff back. Yep, she did the unthinkable. She was nice to the maggot. She killed him with KINDNESS!. (Or maybe it could've been the .45 cal pistol she brought, no one was sure).

(Cont'd below)

Himmmm said...


One thing WAS for sure - this was no woman with which to trifle. Because by the next day, not only did the thief voluntarily turn himself in to Lady L's pal Commissioner Gordon - Oops, I mean, some random cop at the precinct - because the guilt was melting his mind!
Lady L - with no more than a single phone call to the card company; was able to get the card canceled, and the co-thief tracked by doing a trackback by the bank. L also called her insurance company, and they too DID agree to cover the damage, since L had filed that police report. But best of all? Our vigilante's kids never missed a step, and her loyal hubby/valet/manservant Mr. L was agog at his wife's beauty, good cheer, and amazingly firm butt & thigh muscles - and her ability to whip up a 3 course meal which put that snotty cow Gwyneth back in the cupboard!

So it came to pass that when Xmas morning rolled around, our A+++list teacher Lady L not only looked awesome in that holiday sweater, but relaxed with her new sense of accomplishment, AND her new career scrambling across the rooftops of the city hunting down criminals! To shatter their evil worlds with her love, joy, and kindness...and maybe a pistol if she needs it. (Or some super glue, duct tape, and wicked skills with a 3-hole punch I can't even describe!).

(I can't give you her name, but the A+++list teacher, Lady L ? Her CDAN name begins with...did you guess? L).

(Okay, sorry. I know it's not a kindness or a juicy celeb item, but hope it helps somehow even for a second. Take BayAreaGirl's real world advice - and go get 'em. Be tough Lamby and be strong - and let the evil wash away. Just buckle down and work the problem piece by piece, call by call, paper by paper. The world needs your good cheer now more than ever! YOU and the gals & guys like you are the REAL heroes and badasses. I'm sending you a big hug and hopes to you and the Lamby fam. We love you Lady L.)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness @Himmmm This was the absolute best pick me up ever. I woke up this morning and read your message and remembered one of the biggest lessons I've learned from reading this site. The more noise victims make, the sooner the people causing injustices are brought into the light. The same scenario happened to another family at my daycare center last night (during the day care holiday party at that). Since whoever is doing this is clearly targeting parents picking up their kids from daycare, and has struck twice in a row, I decided to call the news and let them know what was happening. They are planning on covering the story tonight to warn other families in the area to protect themselves. I'm also starting the long and slow process of working with banks to recover the funds lost to fraud, and keeping my fingers crossed that insurance will cover some of the property lost.

Thank you to everyone who sent virtual hugs and karmic good wishes yesterday; it truly made me feel loved and gave me strength I needed to keep going yesterday. I know things will be okay in the end, and believe me, I've worked in some of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago for the last eight years: I know how truly blessed I am to have a roof over my head and a family who loves me. I am blessed beyond belief to have a healthy, beautiful child who I will always try to protect from the sick pedos of the world. Things can be replaced; people cannot.

Thank you, thank you, thank you again CDAN family. You are truly the best community out there and I am so glad that I finally came out of the shadows.

Glue said...

I am happy to hear you are in better spirits Lamby! Sometimes things happen for a reason and maybe YOU are the one who will change things in your area and help catch the thief.

Also, your post just now gave me inspiration. Sometimes we get caught up in the day to day BS and every now and then, we need to stop, and for lack of better cliché, stop and smell the roses and pay it forward somehow. Doesn't have to be a big gesture. Sometimes, holding the door open for someone and saying good morning w/ a big smile is all that other person needed.

Hope everything works out Lamby and wishing you swift justice w/ the car bandit.

just sayin' said...

awesome that you called the news lambie, you're turning a negative into a positive and making the world a safer place! this will be a christmas to remember for good reasons now. gratitude's the key. those buddhists seem to be onto something! you're gonna be just fine :)

Unknown said...

And this is why Himmmmm is the BEST. Go get 'em, Lamby!!!


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