Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Today's Blind Items - Daytime Deviants

With all the cleaning house going on in the industry, maybe it is time someone took a blowtorch to the set of this daytime show. It is without a doubt the worst show out there with the way it treats people. I don't think it is any coincidence that the owners of the show have had some of the worst offenders out there. They live for this kind of culture. There is a long history of the producers having the ugliest casting couch scenes out there. Men or women, legal or not. If you are an actress or an actor and want to work and are willing to have sex, then you can get a part.

Talk to that actor from the show who had a few issues since he left. He will flat out tell you he hit the casting couch when he wasn't legal and the producers passed him around like candy for the few months he was on the show. He has been a mess since and tried to go up the ladder, but the ladder was filled with the same type of people. I remember one time the show tried to bring in new producers and writers to try and stop some of the awful behavior. All of them were fired and the old guard brought back.

Within the past couple years this other actor who was on the show said once he stopped having sex with the producers and writers, they changed his storyline to get rid of him.

One actress on the show got a boyfriend so stopped having sex with the producers and writers and they fired her 12 hours after she said she had a new boyfriend.

One actor who refused all casting couch advances was fired but later went on to win an Emmy which made the producers look bad since their reason for firing him was he was a terrible actor.

Guess who the biggest casting couch person is on the set? Would it shock you to know his best friend is that former A+ list mostly television actor who loves porn stars and drugs and always seems to find his way into this. Does it shock you he worked for the same owners back when he was at his most vile?

Oh, if you are an actress or an actor who tries to say something publicly, the producers will get their loyal casting couch actors and actresses to deny everything and then sic the daytime fandom on the talking out of turn ungratefuls. They are all called ungrateful. They are reminded on a daily basis that if they are not willing to have sex, there are a hundred out there to take their place. Just change the name of the actor or actress playing the role. Done and done.

A lot of the actors and actresses on the show who are tired of the harassment were hoping against hope that the death of one of their own who had been repeatedly raped during his short time on the show might shed some light on what is happening. The problem was that no one knew that his short time on the show a decade earlier was the reason he killed himself. 


Mag said...

So who is Charlie Sheen friends with? I know nothing about US current daytime shows.

GoogleSleuth said...

Days of Our Lives? Brad Bufanda being the actor who killed himself?

Anonymous said...

Must be a soap? Is this one life to live? Jonathan Brandis? I had high hopes for him. He was very mature in that short role he had in Ride With The Devil

just sayin' said...

nick santino who was on guiding light and all my children committed suicide in 2012. stabbing in the dark as i don't follow these shows.

sandybrook said...

I thought it would be DOOL too, but I'm SOL on people's real names just their characters names.

Count Jerkula said...

General Hospital. Rick Springfield's plastic surgery disaster look is a sure sign of abuse.

Jennifer H. said...

Let's start with the only 4 daytime shows left:General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, Bold & Beautiful, Young & Restless.

Florin said...

When was Charlie Sheen at his worst? 2 1/2 Men? Or Spin City?

oimachi said...

All My Children. Chandler Massey won daytime emmys after being fired.

sandybrook said...

All My Children is off the air for years. The only ABC soap left is General Hospital.

Thia said...

If it's All My Children, Nick Santino committed suicide in 2012 and was on All My Children from 1998-2001.

Mag said...

@Florin - That recent BI about Sheen, Heather Locklear and child-raping was about their Spin City era, an ABC production, just like All My Children.

sandybrook said...

The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful are owned by the Bell Family.

Mag said...

General Hospital is ABC,too, come to think of that (or rather google it).

oimachi said...

Sorry my bad they all sound the same to me - it was Days of Our Lives that Chandler Massey was on, he got fired and then won emmys, also same publicist as Charlie Sheen.

Quickread said...

I think oimachi's link is dead on, but show is Days of Our Lives

Quickread said...
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Guesser said...

It's pretty sad that all of these guesses could be correct.

Mag said...

BTW, James Franco had a recurring role on GH, didn't he? All the creeps seem to flock to ABC.

BayAreaGirl said...

Brad Bufanda was in 5 episodes of "Days of Our Lives" in 2002-03.

Khaleesi said...

Brad Bufanda was my first thought too - does this work even though it says a decade earlier? I know some details are often changed for the Blind.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Jonathan McClendon went on a Twitter rant after being fired from DOOL last year. Then he was slammed by fans and soap blogs. So it's definitely Days of Our Lives. As for who the individual people are, hard to say. That show runs through actors like water. Although Brad Bufanda (suicide) and Chandler Massey (Emmy) seem like shoo-ins.

Don Kieballs said...

I still think All My Children based on Nick Santino's suicide. He was only on the show 7 episodes and the reason given for his suicide is having to euthanize his dog (which all fits the last sentence of the blind).

As for stars who were on AMC and became Emmy winners, James Earl Jones is definitely a match.

But, it's no longer airing, and the blind implies it is. So, if a soap opera, it has to be The Bold and the Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, or The Young and the Restless.

longtimereader said...

Someone should wear a wire for this. Horrible behaviour.

Sara, Making It Work said...

I am amused that google chose to use my name and image from a blog I started then never used from like 6 or 7 years ago. Rather than any other account name or image I have associated with my account. I guess blogger bligs never really go away.

0jrb19690 said...

The Peoples Court!

Megley said...

Normal: Jonathan Brandis committed suicide in 2003.

Khaleesi said...

I hadn't thought about Brandis in a long time. I do wonder now if he ever suffered from any abuse in the business.

Boss Mare Eventing said...

Hearing about Jonathan Brandis years ago broke my heart. I always loved the movie Ladybugs, but now, knowing the plot line and how it was Pedowood...makes you wonder.

Glue said...

I thought of Nick Santino too. So sad.

Yea franco was on GH. He played a psycho if I remember correctly.

MollyGolly said...

It's most likely Days of Our Lives.

Khaleesi said...

It has to be DOOL, with Chandler Massey's controversial exit which Sheen alleged was indeed him being fired, and the Bufanda mysterious suicide.

Also, I was looking at Google Image pictures of this publicist, Jeff Ballard, that Massey and Sheen share, lots of pictures with Matt Lauer, Zac Efron...getting creepy vibes.

Ann Jensen said...

I suspect DOOL as well. From the whole team being dumped and then brought back. BUt that could have happened at other soaps as well. I watched DOOL for AGES. Jennifer Aniston's dad (John Aniston) was on it for years, by the way. Played Victor Kiriakis. May still be on it for all I know.

Cinabun said...

He had a recurring role as a sociopath. He was actually really good in the role. I think he did two stints.
I doubt this is GH. I was a huge fan for several years & there was never even a hint of what the bl states.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Dylan Patton for the underage pass-around.
He started on DOOL at 16 or 17, and was arrested for dealing coke a few years ago.
For bonus points, his former agent, Josh Werkman (has also repped Sprouse twins) is a convicted child molester.

Ann Jensen said...

Also - MANY years ago the ex-wife of Bill BIxby, Brenda Benet killed herself. Her son also died from a sudden illness/cardiac arrest. After she and Bixby split she was in a relationship wioth Tammy Bruce (A radio talk show person) who later included a bit about all this in her book.

"Benet was devastated by her son's death and sank into a severe depression. On April 7, 1982, she died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at her home in Los Angeles. She was 36. In her book The Death of Right and Wrong, talk radio host Tammy Bruce writes of her personal involvement with Bixby and Benet. Benet and Bruce were romantically involved for a time, and Benet killed herself in a home she had previously shared with Bruce. Bruce had moved out two weeks prior to the suicide. On the day of Benet's suicide, Bruce thought that she would be meeting Benet for lunch. According to Bruce, Benet was locked inside the bathroom of her home when she arrived. Bruce sensed something was wrong and went to get help. After Bruce stepped outside, Benet shot herself.[5]"

Ann Jensen said...

"The book Soap Opera Babylon said that Benet was involved with a male co-star on Days of Our Lives just prior to her death."

Khaleesi said...

Good find, @Sara!

MollyGolly said...

If it is DOOL:

Dylan Patton is probably the troubled underage actor, who was arrested for drugs a few years after being fired from the show. His replacement Chandler Massey was fired and later won an Emmy, although his acting was always praised. Patton also denied the story that spread online that he was fired for refusing to play gay and was later arrested. Massey shares management with Charlie Sheen.

The young actor could also be Jonathan McClendon, who revealed the story of his friend Paige Searcy, who was being groomed to be the new female young lead, but showed up on the set one day and to see her name had been replaced by another actress. McClendon was pilloried in the soap press and on soap message boards for revealing this.

An actress named True O'Brien also won an Emmy on the show after being fired for allegedly being a bad actress and she was often pilloried in the soap fandom world as well.

Greta Garbo said...

It seems pretty clear the show is Days of Our Lives, and the latest death to prompt the person to submit this blind (it doesn't sound like Enty wrote this one) was Brad Bufanda's suicide.

fionafab said...

Mid-1974. NYC. Greenwich Village. New single mom with premature daughter. Had to quit work and go on Welfare. Only for a few months. Home all day. Young & The Restless fiend. Couldn't get enough of it. One day there is an announcement that the role of _____ would be played by whomever. Shock! Oh, hell no! My favorite cast member! A month later. Coming out of my tiny apt. bldg. with baby stroller and baby. Tall, handsome man holds door open. A glimmer of recognition. "Did you go to high school in Atlanta?" "No, but my family lives there now." "Why do you look so familiar?" He smiles. "Sorry, don't know." I am halfway down the block and it hits me! OMG! That's ____ who just left Y&TR!!!

That night, knock at my studio apt. door. It's him. Big grin. I invite him in. Tell him I realize who he is now and what the hell gives?! (Please remember back in '74 I was one hot mama) He invites me to have dinner at The Corner Bistro. During dinner with 'Wonder Wop' (Elderly Italian men in nabe gave her that name, not me) and TV actor, he spills his heart out. He couldn't stand being groped, fondled, propositioned, yada, yada, yada by the director/producers of the show. He had to quit in order to make it stop.

He never worked in a major TV show again. Or films, for that matter. He dropped off the edge of the planet. Hope he is happier and more creative than ever. Of course this was over 40 years ago!

This didn't just start, y'all! All the careers ruined. 2018 belongs to Queen Karma! This is only the beginning of the bring-downs.

just sayin' said...

sorry to say this, but if john aniston has been on days of our lives, and if this is the show we're talking about, he knows about the sex stuff.

my glass slippers kick ass said...

Boo was it Jack? My grandmother lived for her daily soaps and I remember it was a huge deal when he was replaced.

Jax129 said...

I watched DOOL most of my life, although I stopped watching about 15 yrs ago. Some of the cast members are still there from 30 yrs ago. I can't imagine they would put up with that, unless this is kind of new & only used on newbies. Really don't want to believe this one

fionafab said...

Glass Slipper: No, it wasn't Jack. It was one of the early actors who played Snapper. Remember him back in '74?

Pooch said...

Chandler Massey is back on DOOL. John Anniston is currently on the soap as well. So if it's Massey he willingly walked right back into it. I can't see that happening. But hey, you never know.

Colonel Blake said...

@Boo Heame: Cooool life-story.

Glitter said...

Boo: William Gray Espy. I remember him and then all of a sudden David Hasselhoff took over as Snapper. I was 18 and all about The Young and the Restless.

sandybrook said...

Yeah it was Espy. he was pretty cool, Hasselhoff was kinda a dork, no surprise there. The whole Foster family was pretty cool, Snapper, Greg, original Jill mom.

Unknown said...

Boo: Loved Snapper, my girlfriends and I were glued to the TV all summer watching him. Then the next summer it wasn't him anymore, and we were so disappointed. Great story!

Scandi Sanskrit said...


Scandi Sanskrit said...

I'd love for Queen Karma to come around town too, Boo...

Bidenema said...

And every single one voted for obama,and hillary!match me

Boop said...

The Chew?

Miss Demeanor said...

Y & R has had alot of upheavals in the past few years due to some horrible executive producer that everyone hates.

Crazycatlady said...

I don’t think this is actually referring to Sheen directly, his best friend? Sounds weird I always thought Sheen’s bestfriends were drugs and alcohol.

ToniMannix said...

Has to be DOOL.

The Mrs. said...

You took the words right out of my mouth!

lucy said...

shocking. I had no idea all my children wasn't on anymore! I am going to have to make mental note to search that out curious how you 'end' a soap opera. kill them all off? or leave opportunity for reboot

RedDawnHollywood said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
RedDawnHollywood said...

Disney/Nickelodeon Peck, Sheen, Bufanda

Sd Auntie said...

Benet and Bill Bixby story is so sad!

T. W. said...

He and Chandler Massey share a publicist. Chandler is in the role of Will Horton on Days of Our Lives.

ToniMannix said...

Since this blind hit, Days of Our Lives's many shill social media accounts have been on overdrive insisting that it is Y&R and not Days. The message boards that shill for the show have also been insisting this is not DOOL and the fandom doesn't operate like described. These are the same message boards that systematically bully actors who are known not to ride the couch and heap praise on ones who do.

It's all a cover up. This blind has terrified the sleaze that runs the show for good reason.

Several of the shows younger stars appeared high and rather addled at the recent Day of Days event.

T. W. said...

I have been watching Days of Our Lives for over 30 years. This blind fits to a T. Many thanks to all the people who dug up the evidence to back it up.

I will say that the old team (writers, etc.) who were brought back have since been fired. The plots, writing, sets, costuming, and the acting have all improved. HOWEVER I think executive producer Ken Corday is back. If he had a hand in the abuse then it is still going on.

Unknown said...

Long time lurker here! Just wanted to add my two cents... I don't watch DOOL, but I did briefly date the guy (whose name is actually Guy) who played Will Horton when he was killed off the show in 2015, and due to fan backlash, actually didn't die. Now he's being played by Chandler. I suspect that the character was killed off because the previous actor (who I dated) is 100% straight AND has struggled with substance abuse issues for years (maybe due to similar bad experiences as a younger teen actor?) - therefore, he refused to partake in the casting couches. He definitely had demons and worked hard at sobriety. Nothing is more "sobering" (read: threatening to a persons ongoing sobriety) than the prospect of agreeing to be sexually assaulted!

T. W. said...

I like Guy Wilson. I find it odd that Chandler Massey has returned...

MollyGolly said...

I liked Guy, too. He was treated terribly by Massey’s fan base and handled it more gracefully than I would have. I respect anyone who doesn’t do the casting couch.


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