Sunday, April 08, 2018

Blind Item #3

Why yes, that was a very drunk, very wasted on LSD and mushrooms B list celebrity offspring who will never reach the level of their parentage orally servicing this former A list singer/future killer. Why is it a blind? It was being filmed.


  1. Paris Jackson/Chris Brown

    1. And just-uggghhh

    2. My heart breaks for these celebrity kids. I havent had an easy life but happy my kids grew up semi poor and nothing like these kids. Wonder what happened to the two brothers? Never hear anything. That is yet another messed up family. Disgusting.

    3. Marlin... I echo your sentiment big time. Something extraordinary about raising kids in real homes with hands on love..... nothing “ordinary about it”; because it’s the most important thing one can do ,actually...imho

    4. @Tricia13 said "Something extraordinary about raising kids in real homes with hands on love..... nothing “ordinary about it”; because it’s the most important thing one can do ,actually...imho"

    5. ❤️☝️❤️@Sign

  2. @tricia13 🙌

  3. OMG. He is giving Ike Turner a run for the money.

  4. Are we sure "future" isn't already too late?

  5. Geeez, it was her birthday. So sad. Michael, please send support from the other side!

  6. Omg he looks SO BAD. I remember when he first showed up on the scene, maybe 16 or something? He was remarkable, and the world in front of him. Now he looks like a crack head, and clearly unhinged. I can believe he will eventually kill someone. Poor lost soul, he probably never realistically had a chance

    1. I do remember a performance he gave at a VMA/Grammy type show and he got a standing Ovation-he was a talent.

  7. Chris Brown is a coked up lunatic. But I hope we all notice that he STILL has to fight off the whores with a baseball bat. Plenty of women love themselves a bad boy. Someone who'll smack em around and bend them over. These same bitches will go on twitter and drone on about feminism and #metoo, but Chris knows.

  8. There was something not quite right about her photos on her bday. Like someone had dipped her in a shade of sickly taupe powder and she needed a good rinsing off.

    At 20, she should not look so sallow.

  9. what the heck, I feel like she'll be one of those unfortunate souls dying in her 20s never being able to handle the pressure that was put on her... I pray that she can get away from this toxic environment but I doubt it'll happen..

  10. And the last thing I'd ever want to do is give a blow job while on shrooms. I def don't want to do it sober either, but on mushrooms? That'd just be hideous. Yuck. She'll never look at a weiner the same

  11. @Beyond EMF - Hate to break it to you, but - if Enty's BIs are to be believed - even if there were an "other side", MJ would probably be in no position to send any support to anyone, as he'd be having his ass fried in the depths of hell. These poor kids never stood a chance with that father and the rest of his sick family. :(((

  12. Do you hear that sound? That's MJ rollin' in his grave. Sick. She needs to rinse out her mouth with bleach. I think that video should be released so Paris will be embarrassed into oblivion and MAYBE get her head together. She needs intensive rehab, therapy, and a plan to get an education. She has no path and will die an at early age if this keeps up. She seems like a sweet kid, but completely lost and naive. If she went to college she could do something with her life to make a change in the world like her father wanted. Its sad, I don't care to watch her implosion like I did with Amy Winehouse.

    1. It's probably almost more valuable as blackmail when MJ's fortune is in the mix.

  13. Bobby Christina Nick Gordon #2

  14. Yeah, she looks pretty wasted. And more like she's 30 years old, not 20...

    1. Thank you for posting the link @Christina. As an observation, which is not meant to be snarky but sincere: what is the deal with that cake? I can't get past it. This is Paris Jackson's birthday and they get a screenshot sheet cake from Kroger's?
      I just am surprised Paris Hilton, Chris Brown or any Jackson heir can't afford a specialty bakery cake? This looks like the cake you get when you remember that morning that you need a cake.

  15. Remember:
    You're only really a serial killer after your second.
    Some would argue third!

  16. @Mag, you're hardly breaking anything to me. I think Jackson Sr will have a lot more 'splaining to do.

  17. MJ never touched kids.

  18. There's two ways to view MJ's pedo allegations. The first is he was a pedo, end of story. The second is to start wondering why the LA cops, notorious for covering for pedos, and the Hollywood Jews all went after him so hard? Possible answer is he was the opposite of what they claimed, if evil people call you a bad person then it's a sign you're on the side of the Angels.

    Was he protecting kids or was he molesting them? MJ was castrated by his loving family to prevent puberty and keep his voice, it's unlikely he could even achieve an erection. MJ fathered none of his children. By all accounts MJ doted on his adopted kids and was a good father. Why is Paris so messed up? Her dad was murdered for one, and she's been raised by the Jackson clan, a weirder group of assholes you'll ever meet.

    1. IDK about that castration, though am not doubting it, but did note, that he ditched the former IDF security that most celebs use, and went with NOI for his security. I found that rather telling.

      Seems like they're going after his kid now.

    2. There are chilling accounts of him speaking in a perfectly normal, deep voice as an adult, and the realization that his high soft voice was a literal act.

    3. It is soooooo disturbing that I know and remember this...but MJ's autopsy described his balls as mottled due to his vitiligo, so he clearly hadn't been castrated.

    4. He might have been capable of speaking in a deeper register, but that was not necessarily his natural speaking voice. Besides, most of the Jacksons of his generation speak with that high, meek whisper. It probably comes from being dominated by Joe, who would have perceived deeper voices as a threat to his authority.

      As an adult woman with a somewhat childlike natural voice, I have to concentrate to speak in a lower register when I want to project authority or be taken seriously. It was particularly hard when I was a teacher because my voice would go even higher when I would get upset and try to discipline a student.

  19. She has no good role models. I wonder if her real mom gives two shits, even though she was simply a paid uterus.

  20. Michael would be so disgusted. The Jackson family she was left in the care of is letting her pimp herself out for fame and access the way they did Michael as a kid. He must be turning over in his grave.

  21. Paris is running free in Hollyweird which sadly, is going to eat her alive. It won't take long for something terrible to happen. (Worse than Chris' dick in your mouth terrible.)

  22. Who would give a bj while on acid?

  23. Who takes LSD AND mushrooms?

  24. @Vessimede - Impotence and other sexual dysfunctions can actually be a contributing factor in sexual assaults, including very violent ones. Just Google Andrei Chikatilo, the Rostov Ripper (the one that inspired Citizen X and Child 44 movies). A man does not have to be able to have an erection to actually molest and/or sexually assault another person. Just saying.

    1. They don't even have to have a usable penis, as evidenced by some crimes committed by those "chemically castrated," by court order.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Never heard about MJ being castrated. If so, was it his decision or Joseph's? I'm sure the auropsey would show this.

    1. But there are many people (his vocal trainer, his spiritual adviser, Liza Minelli) who say he had a Barry White deep voice he disguised.

    2. Barry White voice!!! I'd like to hear that...oh my🙄

    3. As per my previous post, his autopsy indicated that he still had his testicles.

  27. Her entire appearance at that party was sad & shameful to her enablers. She was skelatal, ashen, half her beautiful blonde hair thinned, sunken eyes, and that armpit torn Pucci dress with Halloween hooker boots? She even tore through (the lovely healthy) photo of herself on the cake---a reminder of what she was before hangers on sent her down the rabit hole. Poor Alice.

  28. Listen to MJ's song "2000 Watts" for an example of him using his deep voice.

  29. if you look at her instagram, there's an "i'm sorry" dramatic photoshoot...I assume to Cara

  30. Let's just pray the girl is at least smart enough not to get knocked up.
    I won't get my hopes up.

  31. The dailymail has her dating cara d. I guess chris browns musty herpes dick was too enticing to resist? What a weird guest list at her party too. Moguls and renowned contributors to republican candidates, Conrad Hilton and his wife were there? Why? Just a trainwreck.

  32. @Karma - those are exactly the things I noticed.

    She defaced (her own face) the cake the way she has defaced her body with tattoos. I'm all for tattoos if that's your thing but she obviously hates herself and doesn't take care of her body.

    It's sad.

  33. For Christ sake!! this girl wont even reach the 27 club!!

    does nobodyyyy AROUND HER care about her AT ALL????

  34. What if Michael created Neverland ranch to protect children from all the pedo vultures in Hollywood?

    I actually really like Paris, and in fairness ... I've been in her position, minus the being filmed part..

  35. Paris Jackson and Chis Brown.
    MJ, are you watching? Don't look. :'-(

  36. Paris, if this BI is about you and you read it: You're better than this. I don't know you or your experience of life, obviously. I do know that you are so young and everything you really want is ahead of you. Gah. I know that sounds goofy and I really don't care. I relate to whomever this is. I had a weird childhood, was a weird kid, and gave so many blow jobs, etc. to idiots who were so very unworthy. Blag. To whomever this is: I do not know you and you're okay. Be nice to you.

  37. At the rate Paris is going, she will be joining the
    "27 Club"!


  38. @Sign. Yes, I was disturbed by the cake. Mostly because she put her middle finger through a photo of herself. (Someone else mentioned this.) I don't have any snark or ill will towards Paris. I feel like she's a good person caught in a bad world. I pray she has a spiritual awakening, or something to get her off this bad path.

    1. @Christina
      Yes! Very insightful about Paris physically scarring/destroying her cake face. CDaN has a blind every day that makes me sad. This is today's sad blind.

  39. This is so sad... I don’t see this girl living a full life unless someone not insane steps in and gets her help. She will never get it from her family or so called friends.

  40. Very wasted on LSD? The person who wrote that has never taken acid. No way you can give someone a BJ if you are that "wasted" on LSD.

  41. Nothing to talk about this mess...

  42. That's a shame. She is a beautiful girl but seems set on destroying herself. Hard to believe she is only 20. She looks so much older.

  43. Lord knows what age MJ started molesting her so her behavior isn't surprising.

  44. It is well known that MJ had a normally toned, masculine speaking voice.
    He put on that mickey mouse thing as part of his image.

    I agree with Vessimede in one aspect- anyone you see promoted/on mag covers is heavily compromised or at least endorsed and controlled. Those who get attacked and vilified are more likely to be good guys, although sometimes they're bad guys who just made someone more powerful mad.

    But essentially everything you see and hear in mass media is wildly twisted and spun and BS. I guess most of us realize that, although I wonder sometimes, given the comments.



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