Sunday, April 08, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 5, 2018

This long dead permanent A+ lister who was in one, if not, the greatest band of all times used to travel to a country just to have sex with tween and teen girls. He said it brought him to a new state of mind. Apparently there are several children of his he never met from those rapes that are still living in that country and are about to sue his estate.

George Harrison


  1. Everyone:
    Paul and Ringo, more or less fucked up than this?

    1. 100% guaranteed the were ALL doing this!

      People need to stop idolizing musicians, actors, and celebrities!

  2. Holy shit. I had a friend in college who loved him. He was devastated when he died.

  3. I guess this gives new meaning to the song Bangladesh. Age of consent=14.

  4. Well thanks, that depresses the fuck out of me, but HEY, what do we expect? All these people are morally bankrupt. Why am I even surprised?

  5. @Geeljire - At this point, let's all say more to both and call it a day.

  6. He died in 2001.

  7. Probably Bangladesh or India. Converted to Hinduism. Really too bad and I hope they hurry the hell up and file. 60's and 70's were different and I knew several 15 years old who got married during this time.

  8. Question for the lawyer types (Probate).

    Since it's been some time since his death (2001), would it be safe to assume any probate issues with the Estate have been settled.

    If his Estate has been distributed via terms of his Will, what assets would they actually have a possibility of collecting? Or, if there is a Trust of other entity still in existence, could that be targeted?

    1. @atoukzug
      Copyrighted material. That's most likely what they want. Copyrights renewed can last several generations and if the copyrights/song rights are still in the family, the royalties might be nice.

  9. And all this time I thought George was the more well behaved of the Beatles. Then again, he probably was....

  10. Yeah, doesn't sound plausible on the suits because he's dead so long. Why now, well past when any supposed child would've reached 18.

  11. I believe the clock starts to tick when you find out. So if a DNA test is ordered today and you find out via DNA test, then you start to sue. And I'm sure that there's plenty left from royalties, franchising, etc.

  12. Are these descendants living comfortably?
    Probably not
    Bad PR for the family to ignore the lest fortunate
    Bring on the DNA!!

  13. "Took him to a new state of mind". In other words, took him sexually to his happy place. This breaks my heart.

  14. The Beatles were always into weird shit, even from the early days. John we know about, beating up and raping women was only the half of it.and George had a rep for liking them young, but I didn't know he'd fathered kids on the side but I suppose it makes sense. Those were different times, when celebs could pretty much do whatever they wanted with no cellphones or internet around.

    So yeah I never understood how they became such a boomer touchstone. Color me surprised that a practicing Satanist like Harrison would want to drain the life force from small children through sex. Their art dripped with magical symbolism, the Help album cover is literally Thelmic magical symbolism as popularised by Crowley.

  15. If legal action cannot be pursued his name better at least get dragged throughly through the dirt.

    When is Guy Fieri gonna get busted? I been waiting on that story for months!

  16. Are Paul and Ringo as bad as, or worse, than George? Impossible to say, but my guess would be that there is no one worse than Paul McCartney.

    But Ringo usually seems to skate. He seems so harmless and likable! But does anybody remember when Howard Stern had that skit television series on WOR? It aired in the tri-state area, it was out-drawing SNL and began wider syndication before it was inexplicably cancelled. Or maybe not so inexplicably.

    On one episode, Stern parodied the Starr song "Photograph," with new lyrics. One stanza went: ""I like to take boys and make photographs...I can't believe that people think I'm so nice."

    On the other hand, Stern did what he could to promote Corey Feldman's embarrassing MJ wannabe pop star aspirations, as well. This clip from the same series is....interesting. Boy, a lot of those girls look young. And check out that checkerboard floor!

    Secret society warfare. They're all guilty.

  17. Remember kids:

    “With great power, comes great Libertarianism.”

  18. So, Georgie has got kids in Bangeldesh & everyone thought George was the good one, cute & shy. It be interesting to see pics, his son with his 2nd wife seriously looks like him. George was not a santanist, he was into Chanting & Hinduism. Just bc it's not Christianity doesn't mean it's evil. Illumanti trolls should need to go back to Reddit.

    1. @Andi +1 Thanks for saying it so I didn’t have to.

      And I still get a little jolt of shock every time I see Dhani Harrison on TV.

  19. "Copyrighted material."

    If the copyrights are no longer property of the Estate, and transferred as directed by the Will, any suits to recover assets would have to be filed against the current holders of same, NOT the Estate. With the time delay since Probate was settled (IF is it settled), then I can't see any profit for the litigants.

  20. @WE Auntie,very true,no one thought anything of a 15 year old dating a twenty something. The drinking age was 18,every 14 year old had a fake ID. Birth control pills were handed out like m&ms, no AIDS. I doubt he thought anything of it,as long as it was legal. I think his first wife Patti was only 17 when they first dated.

  21. Question: Is there any proof of this - anyone seen or read anything anywhere? No? Me neither, I call BS.

  22. @SD Auntie,stupid autocorrect, how does SD turn to WE? You are going in my saved words,Auntie!

    1. Thanks @ guesser. I was a teenager in the 70's and remember adult men hitting on me. Luckily my same aged Protective sweet Boyfriend was by my side! God bless him FR🤗

  23. I was on the Board of a Charity.
    During our November Charity Ball,
    we honoured George Harrison and his wife.
    It was a fantastic show.
    I brought in Gary Clark Jr. to perform
    "While My Guitar Gently Weeps."

    He brought the house down.

    In hindsight, its too bad George was a PEDO.

    They all come tumbling down eventually, don't they?

  24. Unfortunately this is a believable blind, people always need the receipts when it's someone they love, but go ahead, label Sean Astin a serial rapist,with no known accusations.

  25. God damn you Enty!

  26. While acknowledging that a CDaN reveal is not proof and might not be anything at all, and noting my growing irritation with this site for various reasons (including the dimming of a first impression late last year that the site was doing some very important things), I salute CDaN for this reveal. It was heavily-discussed, and I'd say that we pretty much got it. How annoying it would have been never to get a reveal.

    Now, how about revealing the Monster Icon?

    1. He never reveals anything good or actually important

  27. This was revealed because gh is dead. Maybe the monster icon is still alive. So much more dicey to reveal.

  28. Still waiting for Singer to be arrested, allegedly...waiting .....

    1. And Don Henley...

    2. Dusty, according to the blind he was charged with a minor crime, paid a fine and the incident was swept under the rug PR-wise. Sadly, Monster Icon can't be arrested for the same crime. So no true justice is coming for him. Only an outting and hopefully backlash in the form of a ruined career and reputation.

  29. Nope, don't believe it without some sort of verification or at least back-up from another source.

    And you *suck* for saying this if it isn't true OR for saying it and not proving it.

    So? Defend yourself. Let's hear it.

  30. Oh what a bummer. He was my favorite Beatle too.

  31. @Tierney - I'm with you. Bullshit without proof. And someone saying something to someone else like a broken telephone game does not constitute proof of any sort.

  32. "I know that I really can do it
    But it's gonna take money
    A whole lotta spending money
    It's gonna take plenty of money
    To do it right, child"
    _george harrison, I got my mind set on you

  33. Long time lurker first time commentor. Back in the early 90s I met one of his illegitimate kids, he was dating/engaged (briefly) to a friend of mine. His name was a play on George’s first name. He was the spitting image of George, tall, lanky, narrow face, etc. He said that George refused to recognize him. I believe he was born and raised in America. He seemed to have been involved in Hollywood but I’m not sure what he did. It was sad. Didn’t learn anything about his mom.

  34. George was a notorious cheater. That is why Patti Boyd finally ended up with Eric Clapton. Olivia has stated numerous times, over the years, that there were 'hiccups' in the relationship. Hiccups being her euphemism for his constant infidelity. Back in the early to mid-seventies, my boyfriends were all about ten years older than my 15 year old ass. Way more fun, money and drugs than teenage boys and I remained a virgin. I knew exactly what I was doing.

  35. Not surprising. Most rockstars in the 70s are pedophiles(or hebephiles). Its not an open secret because you can go find articles that talk about all the stuff they did with "baby groupies". Theres also a movie about it too(Almost Famous I believe). Its less of a "rape culture" but more of a "statutory rape culture". That might sound silly but I believe such a thing exist in Hollywood where they say "its ok, because they consented". A few other rockstars still do it(I heard stuff about Cobain and Malik), its probably one of the reasons people accept Roman Polanski, and its even seen in the Corey Feldman/Haim case where Feldman was friends with Dominick Brascia. And the messed up thing that the women who come forward don't view it as a bad experience.

    Thankfully, I heard about this years before the scandal. Very few people talk or even know about it(I think I did saw a few SJWs discuss about Bowie doing it, and few are mentioned here). I stopped listening to all of it when I found out. Which is a shame because I loved David Bowie and Rolling Stones. I also heard Lynyrd Skynyrd get mentioned in all this, and now I just have a hard time listening to rock in general. God knows what Bon Jovi and Blue Oyster Cult did.

    Its a shame.

  36. Is there ANY other news about this Any where on the internet ? I find it to be one of the most unbelievable blinds ever (I never rule anything out, just find this so hard to believe)

  37. Goddammit.
    This one makes my eye twitch.

    Im calling shenanigans.

  38. I'd like to un-nail this one, if I can. Please and thank you.

  39. I absolutely refuse to consider any truth to this without proof. George was a serial cheater with both wives. That was never a secret. There have been numerous books and articles written about him. Surely sometthing would have come out by now.

    1. I’m dubious too @lutefisk. There’s a difference between serial cheating, even on the young but legal/socially normal side, and pedophilia & rape.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. By, "greatest band," I'm going to assume you mean The Traveling Wilburys, bc that other was just horrid. Tavistock garbage.

  42. Good! PIECE OF SHIT. I hope his estate loses it all to these children.

  43. Doesn't ring true to me but let's see the lawsuits and DNA.

  44. Bangladesh, Bangladesh
    Where so many people are dying fast
    And it sure looks like a mess
    I've never seen such distress

    Fucking children is a crime.
    Writing wretched doggerel like this is an even worse crime.

  45. Assuming the country is India, right ?

    Also assuming that as this blind is revealed now that these lawsuits etc are going public soon ?

  46. 'I read it on a website so it must be true, lets get him', you pack of pathetic gossiping idiots.

    1. Oh body hell @ sg... or Dhani...or olivia.

  47. Super young gf/wives seemed to be the rage back then. Elvis “dating” Pricilla when she was 14. I don't want to believe it either.

  48. I do not believe this. George was always the nice one. He would shag an Apple Scruff (the Beatle groupies) and they all said he was exceedingly gentle, kind, and even embarrassed. I don’t believe he would be raping anyone.

  49. @Weekittylass - this is what people don't get. We were a lot slicker at 15 or 16 than the 15 or 16 year olds of today. We dated adult guys by choice and we weren't all having sex. We just didn't have any interest in the dorky guys our own age - we wanted money spent on us, we wanted the status that came from having an older boyfriend. I do not, at all, think that I was somehow being taken advantage of because I was making out with a 21 year old at 15.

  50. Wow, a lot of people are shocked by this.

    Look up "Baby Groupies", "Lori Maddox" and "Sable Starr".

    Is it complete proof? Not exactly, but it does talk about the culture of this sort of thing in that world during the 70's. And some sources claim John Lennon knew about Lori Maddox, so he was pretty complicit.

    So its not really surprising to me George Harrison would be like this, and I imagine Paul and Ringo would be too. This is the type of stuff Steven Patrick Morrissey was talking about.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Isn’t there the story of Steven Tyler and his 14 year old girlfriend ?

  53. Just another biased BS well-wishing blind, based on opinion... Nobody is suing.

  54. @Han Niam, back in the day Brian Epstein paid off plenty of women who claimed to have been impregnated by a Beatle. Of course there was no DNA testing back then, but it was best to avoid any type of scandal. This was extremely well-documented. Most likely there are more than a few offspring out there. I find it very, very, very hard to believe that there has never been any rumor or reference of George with underage girls. Someone would have cashed in on this with an exclusive article or book. Unless they were paid off by his estate or by Paul Mccartney to avoid tarnishing The Beatles. I still don't believe it.

  55. My only trouble with this is that this could be figured out EASILY.

  56. I married a fourty five year old man when I was sixteen. He was very wealthy and my parents signed. Needless to say, it ended badly. I ended up with an annulment and got to keep my gifts but he made sure my life was a living hell until I got a TPO, and he still harassed me, just did it in a smarter way. This was in the late 90s.

  57. Bangladesh is a Muslim country. The legal age of which parents can marry off their daughters is ZERO years old. Age of consent means nothing in Muslim countries, where girls are married off by their parents and nobody bats an eye.
    This particular law was not introduced in the Middle Ages, but LAST YEAR. I reckon that for hundreds of years, including recent decades, anyone could have just offered those loving parents money to fuck their daughters, at any time, and at any age in their lives. After deflowering these poor girls, they were probably killed. But hey, at least the parents got a pay day.
    Nice people all around, the musical pedo included.

  58. Apparently too much of that new state of mind ended up turning his brain into pudding

  59. I really hope this is one of the very few Enty blind item reveals that isn't correct. This really bums me out.

  60. With rare exceptions, very wealthy or famous people, especially entertainers (who are more open minded and creative) have done just about any and every type of hedonistic indulgence you can imagine. And a few you can't.

    That's just the way it is with human nature. Unfortunately.

    When they find something they enjoy, they continue to do it.

    Media images are carefully crafted synthetic imaginings. Some truer to the person than others. And as most of you know, very rarely accurate to the real person. Certainly not in terms of their weaknesses and perversions.

    We project our hopes and dreams onto these people, who in the end are only people. Just like us, or a little worse. Sometimes a lot worse.

    I'm very well versed in Beatles and had never heard anything like this about George. So not sure. But that doesn't rule it out either. I do know he had a 'maid' fetish, and also like Scandanavian, busty types. I met a woman who had a paid encounter with him and she told me a good bit of detail. I didn't think to much of it, but later an interview with John confirmed much of what she described, as he made not so subtle jokes about George's preferences.

    Paul hit on my wife (ex) pretty hard once in the 90s. It had more of the vibe of just fun/thrills than a serious attempt. It did make me feel pretty strange, as he's one of my musical (not personal) favorites. Not going to bore with details, nothing happened.

  61. like pete townsend, he grew up with literally thousands of teen girls at his feet, can't blame the guy for having a taste for what he considered 'normal'.

  62. I wasn't familiar with the case Gemini Dust mentioned, so I googled "ravi shankar daughter", only to find that Norah Jones is also one of his daughters. Mind officially blown.

  63. I read that groupies used to iron the Beatles clothes while they were waiting their turn to be with a member of the band.

  64. One thing to consider. GH died in 2001.
    So, any supposed children squired by him would be at least 17 years old, if he conceived them on the day he died.

    So, any alleged secret children would all be adults by now, not likely to have good grounds for child support. On inheritance, most wills, especially for wealthy people, specifically exclude any children not explicitly listed in the will.

    Add to that the fact that any number of trusts could be involved, owning property before he died.

    The biggest liability here would be the reputational legacy.

  65. @Pacing Tiger, Pattie was unable to have children. He can claim what he wants to claim.She went for fertility treatments while married to Eric Clapton

  66. You people are gullible fucking morons!
    Somebody who None of you know, makes up random shit, posts it, and you braindead losers buy it hook, line and sinker! Pack of absolute FuckTards!
    Pull your heads out of your asses you complete fucking Muppets!!

  67. Whole lot of triggered Beatles fans up in here...get off your high horse and get over your false god hero worship folks

  68. the beatles did backwards lyrics .. weird stuff

  69. I think I decided I won't believe that until further proof.
    If there comes proof - Ok.
    But we all know how quickly bad rumours spread and ruin someone's reputation.
    Yes (of course) I am a huge Beatles fan - but that also means, that I read a lot about the Beatles. And although we know, that things like that are hardly reported I think we get a "picture" of a character. For example, Jimmy Savile always had been sourrounded by bad rumours and was described as "creepy" by people who met him. No one said something like that about George Harrison.
    I know, that the Beatles, also George, were not innocent little boys, and we all know, it was the 60ties and 70ties (or, how long, they claim, did he do "that"?), but to believe he was a serial rapist of little girls just does not seem right (with today's knowledge).
    So, please more info about that! Then I might rethink and change my mind.

    1. +1
      Best logical reply in the entire post. Proof or it didn't happen.

  70. My guess would be Sri Lanka or Mauritius.

    Pals with bandleader of a 60's ICONIC star, who has a couple of weeeird adoptions in the family. Goes all over. To NY, and even Greener places. Track him down, and the lawyer that arranged the adoptions.



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