Thursday, May 03, 2018

Blind Item #5

This former reality star is in the news this week. He was a thing a decade ago. Two of his most famous exes will tell you the reason they broke up with him is that he abused them, both physically and verbally. One of those exes has never been the same person since it happened. 


Tricia13 said...

Roonnnny?/Jersey Shore?

MontanaMarriott said...

Welllll roid rage will do that to ya.

filmfanb said...

Ive been rewatching all of the old seasons (dont ask why, i hate myself)Always thought he was the asshole but Sammi was terrible. Although is former with the new season?

Unknown said...
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Morninglorri said...

Doug Reinhardt, Amanda Bynes, Paris Hilton

Brayson87 said...

+1 Tricia

Coco said...

It's definitely Ronnie and his famous exes are Sammi and Maleka (Khloe K's bff.) Sammi won't do the show because of him obviously. I think Sammi was annoying back then on the early seasons but even still it was CLEAR Ronnie was abusive and no one ever acknowledged it. And now look at the guy hes totally out of control. People need to speak up and stop not wanting to get involved, I mean in an case like this.

Anonymous said...

A greaser from Joisey all bloated up on roids. I’m shocked, shocked.

Unknown said...

@Tricia13 glad to see you here.

Ursa Major said...

I'm surprised he could even conceive considering all the roids he's on, usually that plays a factor in being momentarily sterile for men.... Maybe that kid isn't even his... Either way he and Sammi seemed toxic from the start, he especially puts on an act for the camera

jpriest901 said...

@Lorri Murphy, I thought Doug as well.

Anonymous said...

I thought Doug, as well. Article is out today that he was abused by his new wife.

Unknown said...

"This FORMER reality star is in the news this week." Seeing as how Jersey Shore is currently airing, I'm going to go with Doug Reinhart and the ex that has never been the same being Amanda Bynes.

Tricia13 said...

Thank you Cherry Coleman🙏🏻

Brayson87 said...

Good point about "former" Bee Jay, I'm switching to Doug Reinhart

orangesoda said...

Doug Reinhart seems like a better fit but I'm sure we'll see a BI like this about RonRon soon too. Jersey Shore was my guilty pleasure in college. Now, all I see is a bunch of bloated, coked up thirty year olds and it's just awkward.

Boldblonde said...

Ron has a lot of rage. The type of rage that’s hiding something serious underneath.

HeatherBee said...

Ronnie seems like the guy that gets to hang out with the “cool kids’ because he’s somebody’s cousin

BeaBorges said...


Jaded said...

@Coco, I don’t think Malika went out with Ron, she was with Pauly D I think

Boldblonde said...

@jared Malika and Ron dated during the taping of a reality show, called Famously Single.

a beautiful virago named hope said...

While Ronnie is a hot mess, I don't think the time frame fits. That show started in our current decade. But I wouldn't be surprised to learn he had been abusive. I also agree he's for a serious issue he is trying to hide.


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