Saturday, June 16, 2018

Blind Item #15

In the past month, this B/B+ list mostly television comic actor started boozing again and now started doing drugs again even though his employer basically told him they would fire him if he started using again. So, yeah, this whole relationship thing is going great for him with the A lister. 


TheShadowKnows said...

SNL and Pete Davidson

I'd throw it all away for Ariana too though so I can't hate on him

Yellow Rose of Tehaw said...

Sadly, I agree.

Unknown said...

Hopefully he gets his shit together because if things don’t work out with Ariana he won’t have anything left

Wendy said...

I feel like I've read a blind about this before, just worded differently.

parissucksliterally said...

Pete's going to overdose.
And their "engagement" is such a joke.

Thonker said...

So when is he getting fired? lol

Ivy said...

Pete's starting to look really unhealthy again.

Anonymous said...

Pete Davidson is a very odd hire for SNL to make. Very odd. With all the great talent they have now, I don't think Pete will last much longer.


Hey you know this is a prelude to a ritual human sacrifice right?

pixiegothy said...

He looks very frail and wearing some crazy clothes, very homeless junkie style


"Great talent

What drugs are you on, SSRIs?😂

pixiegothy said...

Tierney said...

I hope Pete has some friends/family that are looking out for him and can step in before things go horribly wrong. It seems inevitable.

Off With Her Head said...

Pete Davidson has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). The hallmark of this is to make rash decisions.

Bitchy Woman said...

Peter Davidson only claim to fame is his dad was a 911 Hero ! Davidson on his best day is was never funny.SNL has been dead for years,only due to TDS, are they even on the air.Only funny comedians on that show is the guy who use to be on that kids show.Even he is not in leagues with any comic who gained fame due to SNL,the rest not even funny.Davidson will wind up dead,either drugs or suicide.Lesson I take from this.When one is promoted without earning it,outcomes are usually bad.Shame , he might have lived a decent semi happy non addicted life if he wasn't used by SNL .Being famous can be deadly for some.

apple_seed said...

Yes, SNL is dead ---- but Trumpski and his cult are obsessed with it.

Anonymous said...

time to ditch the donut licker

Unknown said...

@apple_seed, you're so right. It's totally President Trump's supporters who are obsessed, not those who patrol the Internet calling them names every they make an offhand political remark. Keep up the good fight, comrade.

Unknown said...

Amy Schumer's marriage will last longer than Pate and Ariana.

This and That said...

Pete looks strung out in every single pic or story Ariana posts.

This and That said...
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This and That said...

Enty had a blind the other day saying Pete intends to kill himself if she ever leaves him. 😑

Unknown said...

Call +1 and may I add, that if that's they 'fight' then they're gonna lose again, just bigger this time.

YummyBoogers said...

@Sophia...everytime I read your replies I hear canned sitcom audience laughter for a few second in my head afterward. Any idea WHY this keeps happening to me, dear? ;)

Michael said...

What a shock, a jew is neurotic!

Thot Crimes said...

there's a pocito grande in the oven. but the question is: quines mas macho; Mac Miller y Pete Davidson?

Poor pete is getting cucked. as in, cuckoo birds lay their eggs in different bird's nest to raise.


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