Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Blind Item #5

Apparently this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is probably still A and probably always will be has multiple voodoo dolls in her home representing her ex. She also forbids her children from speaking of her ex anywhere where she can hear them. She is on a crazy power trip that is going to lead to bad things in the future.


lynn said...

Angie J

Tricia13 said...

Oh Angie lol?

Heather said...

Angie since the judge said she has to let Brad have a relationship w their kids

Kiki said...

Angie never changed, she just tried to act like she did. Woman is still off her rocker.

Unknown said...

Bad things like him getting primary custody of all 6 kids, she’d definitely lose her mind if that were to happen. I don’t get why she wants to separate the kids from their father.

Unknown said...

It’s sad a judge had to order that

Mad Hominem said...

I never thought of voodoo dolls as a business opportunity,
but with so many acrimonious divorces in L.A.,
I figure it's an idea whose time has come.

Do Tell said...

Well, the court ordered her to make an effort to improve relations between the kids and Brad, but said Maddox is on his own because of his age. So I think it'll be the most telling how Maddox chooses to relate to Brad, much more, slightly more or not at all.

Unknown said...

Because she's crazy, she's always been crazy, and she'll likely always be crazy.

filmfanb said...

Spending too much time down in NOLA Angie

Sara, Making It Work said...

Isn't Billy Bob Maddox's dad? She was with him when she adopted.

Brayson87 said...

Angie's batshit crazy, shocker.

Do Tell said...

Brad adopted Maddox. I don't think BBT ever had.

riffer73 said...

Enty's to do list:

Drop off kids
Get milk
Post weekly Angelina Jolie is a Crazy Bitch blind

Tricia13 said...

Didn’t he get that house?

GeeWallyThatWouldBeWrong said...

Witchcraft is about control. EVIL woman, bitter, ugly on the inside, soon to be manifest on the outside.

Guesser said...

I wonder if the kids told the Judge about this.

Do Tell said...

As always, some of these OTT comments are eyeroll-inducing.

Simon said...

BBT never wanted kids. That’s partly the reason they split. Bat shit crazy AJ was going to change her image by adopting a thousand kids and look like mom of the year. It’s terrible to turn your kids against their dad but ultimately, she will see the repercussions of that play. Always backfires as they get older.

Anonymous said...

Maddox is being manipulated by mom. Not saying Maddox doesn’t have his own mind, but Angie has obviously been listening into calls and talking bad about their father to the kids. Kids usually believe what their moms say is true until they are out on their own and start seeing the world through their own eyes. We all know she is a master manipulator. Brad is no saint but thank goodness he is getting a chance.

Sara, Making It Work said...

Lol @riffer

Unknown said...

I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but a divorced mom trying to drive a wedge between her kids and their father -- emotionally, if she can't do it legally -- isn't exactly unusual. Most don't employ actual voodoo dolls, but I know a few who probably would if they knew where to get one.

plot said...

BBT nonetheless had kids after breaking up with Ang. He just didn't want kids with her.


Angie is following her mother's example of making Dad the bad guy in all ways. Everything wrong that happens is due to Brad/Jon.

Do Tell said...

Maddox is the oldest and can see what's going on. That split was very sudden. I don't think it was all one or the other, but something happened. I think he can see what the story is.

Do Tell said...

Isn't Jon one of the bad guys though? There have been a few blinds here about Voight wanting young girls to treat him like their father, but in a sexual way. Both of her parents were wretched if you go by what was posted here.

JL said...

Borderline, borderline, borderline. And a phalanx of shrinks to really drive home the brainwashing.

Me Again said...

As a side thought, what the hell did Brad do that made her divorce him?

riffer73 said...

@Me Again - He married her. What is she 0-6 now?

Thonker said...

Aka nothing will happen cause Witchcraft is a mythical legend and nothing more lol Azealia banks is the living proof of that

VikingSong said...

None of you know what went on behind closed doors. Oh and @Simon and @Teachermom, plenty of Dads try to turn the kids against the mother who carried them, gave birth to them, breastfed and raised them. Kids don't forget who the real parent is or if their father was an abusive prick or crap, disinterested father.

notthisagain said...

@Me Again

cheated on her w/marion cotillard, got marion cotillard pregnant, marion has baby pretending it to be her french partner's. the baby was conceived during the beginning of filming for that spy movie cotillard/pitt were both in. especially sensitive spot for jolie since 1) this whole thing is how she got with pitt, falling in love on set, affair, etc. 2) she has no capability of having biological children anymore, so pitt impregnating a sophisticated beautiful french woman who reminds jolie of her mother probably made her go a bit crazy

the 'incident on the plane' was either her finding out about the pregnancy, or her announcing it to her kids while she was high (likely) on the plane.

pitt is easily the more stable parent, but jolie has an excellent PR team that has painted him as an ass. and in a way, he is an ass for cheating and getting cotillard pregnant, but not an ABUSIVE ass.

notthisagain said...

if any judge knew about this blind and the voodoo dolls (I mean, proof is necessary, lol not just a blind)

she would get custody pulled from her SO fast

Lucy said...
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Tricia13 said...

I’ll buy that.Good observevations....

Marlin said...

I actually thought this was Demi about Ashton K. As far as Jolie-Pitt, I don’t buy that it was all her or all him. Angie has always had issues. Brad covers his up and most people believe the nice guy, boy next door image he tries to project. I think he’s a piece of crap. And none of us knows what goes on behind closed doors, who really is the more stable parent, the more loving parent, the druggie or the drunk or the pill popper. The parent strong enough to discipline or a parent who buys everything or gives in to everything. Someday I’m sure at least one of them will write an expose tell all. My gut feeling is these are two narcissistic parents who got tired of playing house.

J said...

What a shithead.

Lucy said...
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BRAD PITT said...

love to know the real reason she stopped talking to voight

Anonymous said...

I thought Mommy Dearest was dead.

plot said...

@Do Tell

Both parents of Ang were pretty horrible. The myth that Marcie...oh excuse me...Marcheline was some sort of Golden Mother is just wrong, however. Ang and that weird brother of hers stay invested in Mommy Good/Daddy Bad like young children while Marcie never worked and wanted to be the best friend of her kids, rather than a mom. She sent them to beg for money from Voight regularly. She overshared and had no boundaries as far as what she shared with her kids. Her boyfriend abused Ang when she was young and Marcie thought that was okay. Ang had serious mental issues and Marcie wouldn't entertain that idea if it meant breaking her bond with her kids.

Voight is a POS. He had no business being a parent at all. He is very Trumpian in his fetish for his female offspring. But Marcie didn't follow the example of Janet Leigh or Leigh Taylor-Young (Ryan O'Neal's ex) and remove her kids from the asshole and form a better life for them. She used the kids to beat up Jon or beg from him. She refused to work herself anymore and her kids major complaint against Jon is that he never gave them enough money.

Those Jolie-Voight kids never stood a chance.

Do Tell said...

plot, I would take you more seriously if you didn't taint almost everything you post with uberpartisan rhetoric and bullshit. I didn't vote for Trump, I am a Democrat, but he has never implied he wants to sleep with his daughter. Howard Stern phrased a question about Ivanka to him in a certain way, Trump took it as a compliment instead of saying , "that's not nice." He handled the question wrong.

Anyway, that is off topic.

Jon Voight walked out on his kids. Marcheline was a model. It isn't like she never worked. Yes, both parents were atrocious, *if* and that is a big *if*, you take everything on this site as gospel.

Rosie riveter said...

Hey I have an idea. We should totally hijack this Angelina Jolie/Brad pitt blind and make it about Trump.

plot said...

@Do Tell

I won't belabor the point here but Trump's obsession with Ivanka is documented from a wider spectrum of sources than simply Stern. Maybe it's his maladroit attempt to be a rebel or cater to the 4chan boys, not likely though since he's been saying really suspicious shit since Ivanka was an infant.

My opinions on Marcie were not built on CDAN.

Kimelem said...

another reason why I hate when celebrities adopt 'poor little foreign children'. They bring them to messy relationships. How can you not separate your feeling for you man and let the kids have a healthy relationship with their father?

NancyFromNebraska said...

Angelina not-so-Jolie. Get. A. Grip.

Anonymous said...

There are two sides to every story. A good friend of mine is going through a divorce with her three kids caught in the middle. The kids are BEGGING her not to make them go over to their Dad's house even thought he court has given him visitation. What is she to do? I've been at her home when they're begging and crying because they are forced to go to see their father or she could lose primary custody. The ex (who used to be a friend of mine) is a neglectful and careless parent that the kids don't want to spend time with but they HAVE to. It's a terrible situation.

I'm not saying this is the same thing but we don't know. We don't. Also, Brad's visits with the kids are STILL supervised. That makes me wonder a bit about the situation. Believe me, I'm no Angie fan but there are some flags here.

Sal T said...

@notthisagain Has it ever been officially confirmed that Brad is the father of Cotillards baby? Does he pay child support? Or has Cotillards husband accepted the child as his own? Sorry for all the questions, I haven’t really been keeping up on the Brad and Angie divorce fallout.

Sal T said...

@Ides I just read an article in the DM about the child custody stuff and noticed the same about how Brad’s visits have to be supervised. That’s unusual.

Armenika said...

Supervised because Brad agreed in the beginning when he was under investigation. Then vile Angie filed this with the court though it was a temporary agreement between them. Thus it became mandatory. This is the story and the flags are all pointing to Jolie, lol so to speak. She is such a despicable woman, i believe this voodoo thing about her in a heartbeat.

Armenika said...

This is just a random theory, some fans imagination is overworking.

Armenika said...

Jolie made a drama and false accusations, that's why. Yes, this is unusual.

Halloweenie said...

This reads a little like brad pitts team planted this item. And the brand new people pipping in on this blind out of nowhere would support that theory. Can you believe pr teams fighting it out on gossip sites by each planting negative blinds about each other is a real actual thing that happens. Oh my say it ain't so. *eye roll* Hollyweird is FAR too pure for those types of shenanigans.

Sal T said...

Until that flight situation went down they couldn’t gush enough about what great parents each other were. Whatever happened I still see Brad as the more stable of the two and I hope he gets a better custody arrangement. The blinds about Angie hiring sex partners for the kids and sleeping naked in the same bed with the older boys was disturbing (if true)

OKay said...

@GeeWally You clearly have NO idea what witchcraft is about...

OKay said...

@Marlin THANK YOU for an intelligent point of view in a sea of ridiculousness.

So what's the thinking here, people? Angie's having people over to the house and showing off her Brad-doo doll collection and now they're all talking about it? Highly unlikely. This is very much being floated by Brad's team, the same team who leaked the court docs in the first place. If Angie had done this you'd all be screaming for her head and demanding to know why she's not putting her children first. BP is no angel, and that's a fact.

cuke11 said...

I immediately thought Angelina, too, but wouldn't she be 'strictly movie' instead of 'mostly movie'? Has she ever done anything besides movies?

Mango said...

@ cuke11 - AJ was in a couple of made-for-TV movies and won a Golden Globe for the title role in "Gia".

I think both are probably culpable in the divorce, but AJ more so because she is, after all, a nutball.

IanPhlegming said...

Both AJ and BP are terrible people with excellent PR teams in constant battle. The kids are the victims.

AgonyAunt said...

IF Marion Cotillard's child is Pitt's, then at least he's fathered one child which may grow up sane and normal. Cuz there's no hope for the other's...

Spudmonkey said...

Crazy bitch sounds like Mia Farrow. Next she'll have one of the kids brainwashed and accuse Pitt of being a Pedo...
But Pitt doesn't look jewy weak and nerdy so I guess you all will give him a pass...

Lassie said...

VOODOO DOLLS! this is beyond hilarious, I can well imagine batsheet crazy AJ doing this. With all her millions, and all her projects, and all her celebrity, that's how she spends her time?

Speaking of celebrities adopting foreign children, back in the last century Olivia de Havilland's sister Joan Fontaine adopted a young girl directly from some sheethole in S. America, I think, and brought her to Hollywood. ..... It went ....badly.

Unknown said...

i'm going to clarify something for people who seem to be confused re: brad's supervision - he's not being supervised, he's being reunified. the kids have been determined to be alienated from him (hence why there are so many orders specifically targeting AJ - do not interfere with his visits. do not block or monitor his calls or texts. do not give him a fake number to a dummy phone supposedly for contacting the kids but which you secretly keep in your possession at all times. do not interrupt his visits. do not call the kids any more than once a day while they are with him. you must ensure he has the correct number of each child for unlimited contact. you must be heard and witnessed by a doctor explaining to each child that their father is safe and you understand it's damaging not to be around him. fail to comply, and you lose primary custody).

notice how the therapists are only present in london while the kids are in AJ's custody? as soon as they spend over nights with him, and move back to la with him, there are no more therapists present. that is reunification protocol - the therapists aren't monitoring him they're helping ease the transition of the kids being back in his care rather than a sudden shock, after they've had so long being told by mommy dearest he's an unsafe abusive monster who wants to hurt them and she's protecting them.....this court order is EXTREMELY protective of brad pitt and EXTREMELY warning to AJ. "we hereby put petitioner on notice"....warning someone they'll lose custody and the kids will be given to the other parent isn't something courts do when the other parent is the damaging one.

also - this wasn't leaked by pitt's team. CNN confirmed it was unsealed and they simply asked the courts for the document directly.

plot said...

Thanks scamrasc for the detailed explanation!


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