Thursday, September 20, 2018

Blind Item #9

Way back in 2000 and again in 2003, this studio held a conference for directors who had some type of working relationship with the studio. In those particular years, this director was given the same introduction. The same one even though they were three years apart. In both cases he appeared via video.

"________ wanted to be here to promote _______ (1 in 2000, 2 in 2003) but he's busy in his room with a very young boy."

The crowd goes crazy with laughs both times, so obviously everyone was in the know even way back then about his behavior. Many of them are still working with the studio or employed by the studio and are waiting to see how much money they are going to get from a different studio in the near future. Making a huge payday even knowing what they knew.


sandybrook said...

Singer X-Mmen movies

Gossipgal said...

Singer & X Men movies

IanPhlegming said...

Bryan Singer
X-Men / 2000
X-2 / 2003
20th Century Fox

Unknown said...

Oh, but I'm sure they all thought it was just a joke. They were just having a big group laugh at the IDEA of a man raping a young boy, not the actual act. That makes it okay. If it bothers anyone, they just need to loosen up.

Aquagirl said...

This is sickening.

Unknown said...

It's a sick fucking cult of pedophiles and other monsters with zero moral compass.

Post Cards From The Edge said...

Totally, Unknown:(

MontanaMarriott said...

Who's to say that if/when Disney buys Fox and get's the X-men franchise they are going to keep Singer and the folks from Fox who worked on it??!

Chase said...

@ Unknown nailed it!

PoliticallyIncorrect71 said...


T. W. said...

Such a funny joke.


Stupidpervs said...

Of course post a blind instead of pass along to police cuz greed is great

Brayson87 said...

So does being a deviant make one a director, or does being a director make one a deviant? They're getting kind of synonymous at this point.

notthisagain said...

remember to boycott bohemian rhapsody, people. no joke.

Fox is complicit. So is everyone who signed on knowing it was a Singer project, or any projects in the past.

notthisagain said...

(Fox never fired him, they just made him go away. he oversaw all the editing of the film)

Brayson87 said...

@notthis, Well I'm inspired to boycott the movie, how many boys did they have to throw in his trailer to get this film finished? Ditto the other movie.

Allie said...

I already boycott movies. It really was the idiots talking on their cell phones, bringing screaming babies and poor behaved children, teens yelling and throwing things, people coming to the movies sick and coughing, homeless bums leaving fleas behind on the seats.... but now it's also because I don't want to support any of the Hollywood "Entertainment" industry.

I'll watch TV and Red Box DVD's but that's it. They don't get my money any longer to be crammed into a theater that's basically just like flying coach with a bunch of morons.

NaomiN said...

I'm so sick of all these posts about rapist, sex know ALL this info and you sit on it? Don't you care children are being raped? WTF???

BRAD PITT said...

will bryan singer walk up on stage and accept the Golden Globe if bohemian rhapsody wins for best motion picture musical/comedy

BRAD PITT said...

@ notthisagain

well I'm already boycotting Mr Robot because it pandered to trump haters

Jeannie said...

Of course post a comment instead of pass it along to the police! Enty is going to get about as far with calling the police about it as you are. People who actually witnessed this are the ones who need to go to the police about it.

Marsh666 said...

BRAD PITT, Mr. Robot started airing before Trump was elected, moron. It has always had extremely left wing leaning politics, the pilot episode is about overthrowing capitalism.


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