Sunday, November 18, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 11, 2018

This permanent A++ list director wanted one of his stars of his upcoming eighteen sequels to lose a couple of pounds. Now, the actress who stars in multiple franchises looks like she is dying of starvation.

James Cameron/Zoe Saldana


KTVerclempt said...

wtf? It’s AVATAR. Yeah a couple of pounds really shows in a voice over. @@ Arse.

gradybridges said...

It's motion capture but Zoe is super thin anyways

Miss Anne Thrope said...

LOATHESOME, I. detest. James. Tucking Camercorn

Taylor said...

god forbid the motion capture actress for the blue cartoon movie goes up to, gasp, a size 2

Andi said...

From where?

She's a ballet dancer, she's very lean, not an ounce of fat on her to lose.

Angela said...

This sounds fishy.
They have finished shouting the four Avatar sequels. They did it during 15 months.

As other people have said, it would make no sense for Cameron to ask Saldana this for a performance that is 99% facial and motion capture. They just need to bring the pingpong balls on her green suit closer.
Besides, as she worked on these sequels during all this time, if he really asked her to lose weight, as it would show on the camera (or the computer screen), it would cause continuity issues between the scenes she shot earlier.
And Cameron may have a ton of issues (like hogging all the credits on the scripts of his movies), but actors tend to like working for him, unless they're married to him and he has an affair with another actress on set, of course.

notthisagain said...

i hate james cameron, what an overrated old douche

Unknown said...

he could lose the lbs more than anything.

delcodave said...

they made 4 sequels. what if they tank like star wars?

Mstyles said...

She is/was and always has been at a very unhealthy weight, no matter what she says, she obviously does not eat much.

HeatherBee said...

Totally agree with Cameron. Wobble on down to Trader Joe’s and get you some cotton ballls, honey. So ridiculous.

plot said...


Ask Ed Harris how much he liked working with Cameron.

Brayson87 said...

Dammit Cameron I hope this isn't true.


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