Friday, May 10, 2019

Your Turn

The first alcoholic beverage you remember tasting.


Super Comic Fun Time! said...

A little bit of wine on New Years Eve when I was about 5. It tasted terrible!

Anonymous said...

I had a sip of a mudslide on the disney cruise when i was like ten.

HeffalumpsAndWoozles said...

Busch light from my uncle when I was 7. I didn't enjoy it.

MDAnderson said...

Rum punch at 11. It’s a Caribbean right of passage!! So good.

Zebra Seasoning said...

Cold duck at a wedding. Tasted... bad. I was maybe 9.

Later I learned that Cream Ale and Cream Soda were absolutely not the same thing.

Troy Dyer said...

My dad and grandpa used to let me drink the foam from their beer starting when I was like 3.

With friends, I’m gonna say a nice cold Zima

sandybrook said...


Heather said...


Pepperoni10010 said...

Advocaat & Babycham.

What were we thinking??? :-)

Natalie said...


PghGirl said...


Nosey Parker said...

Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill - age 14 with friends

Conservaterian said...

Creme de Menthe, aged two. YUMMY!!

Trapped said...

Wine then champagne for New Years

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Can’t remember. LOL.

momo said...

My parents gave me Sherry when I was 5.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

All I remember tasting Ian Baileys (and i fell in love immedietlu). 🥛🥃

And then one time I frank absinthe (right before I got on a flight to Geneva). It was green like tinkerbell. And hot on the throat as hell.

The funniest thing today was when Enty said on the podcast, “Winnie the DAMN Pooh.” 😂😂🤣😂😂✨ is nothing scared anymore? Golden Enty. 💛

Stupidpervs said...

My mom gave me a Miller pony when I was like 6 ..I never drank alcohol again ..I'm 38 and wont touch that crap

Stupidpervs said...

Btw..I was drunk is the number 1 excuse for all bad behavior

Nummi said...

Mudslide at 14 with a bottle cap of Jack Daniels.

Anonymous said...

Sips of beer (from my grandfather's can) as a two year old. Yeah I liked it. They had trouble keeping me out of his beer. First drink ordered in a bar (at age 15) was a Blue Tail Fly. I am so embarrassed to admit that.

Simon said...

Gin. Teenager. Sick as a dog. Never have had a sip of gin since.

Vita said...

I was 4, mistook my dad's Scotch and soda for my Ginger Ale. 😜

bekH said...

Meyers Dark Rum. My Dad gave me a sip and I told him that it tasted electric...LOL

Sallysal said...

Whiskey sour

AlleyKat said...


cheesegrater15 said...

Beer. I was 5 and I thought it was my glass of water that was sitting next to it. They were in identical glasses.

Anonymous said...

screw driver at 14.

Max Power said...

Does alcohol-tainted breast milk count? Asking for a friend.

TommyWantsHisMommy said...


splatford said...

beer ..sips from the can while fetching a cold one for my dad

Techvq said...

Purple Passion

Mrs Libnish said...

Beer from family members. On my own....CA Coolers. Passion flavor. It was pink!

zerooptions said...

My cousins Boones farm Kuntry Kwencher!

Thia said...

A little bit of beer when I was about 7. I lived in Germany at the time. I still have the kid's mug I got from an Oktoberfest. It's a tiny version of a beer stein with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on it.

Em and 'im said...


Emerson Shiff said...

My mother's breast milk. She was an alcoholic.

Pogue Mahone said...

My cousin gave me a sip of his beer when I was around 4 or 5. I thought it was disgusting and tasted like cat piss. It turned me off beer for the rest of my life. I still think it's gross.

Brayson87 said...

Maybe vodka, aside from sips of beer as a kid.

OKay said...

A sip of beer. Yep, awful.

Ava said...

Sip of Pabst Blue Ribbon from my dad's can. Wayyy before the hipsters came along.

HeatherBee said...

Peach Schnapps. Worst thing I ever threw up? Peach Schnapps.

fairylights said...

Long Island Iced Tea. I thought it really was iced tea....I wondered why it tasted funny. It wasn't until I had drunk over half of it and things were swimming that someone told me it was alcoholic.

MichiganMama59 said...

Vino! Italian Red.

Pond Waters said...

Olympia Beer

Freckles said...

Schaefer beer, took sips of the adults beverages. As a teen, Boones Farm and Annie Greensprings!

Fifi LaRue said...

Blackberry brandy, first day of visit to college.

AbbyRock said...

Bourbon in a hot toddy my Dad made me when I had bronchitis. Worked like a charm to stop the coughing.

hiyosilvergirl said...

Miller Lite pony - I'd run to the icebox, race back with it to my father, pop the top and then suck off the foam before handing it over.


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