Friday, August 16, 2024

Blind Item #13 - Revenge Po*n Blind

POLICE are investigating the public disclosure of graphic sexual images featuring a top female celebrity.

A man, aged in his 30s, was arrested by police this morning following a complaint by the woman that she was the victim of so-called revenge porn.

Cops carried out a search of the suspect’s address and seized computer devices for examination.

Police officers took a statement from the woman.

Police said the man was arrested on suspicion of “sharing a film or photograph of a person in an intimate setting, with intent to cause alarm, distress, or humiliation, contrary to the Sexual Offences Act 2003.”

Cops carried out a raid on the suspect’s house as part of their investigation into the high-profile case.

He was taken to a local police station where he was fingerprinted, provided a DNA saliva swab and had his mugshot taken.

The man was then questioned in the presence of a solicitor.

It is understood the complainant has been informed of the development in the case.

A source close to the celebrity said: “She was absolutely mortified to see these pictures shared and took swift action.

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