Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Revealed

June 20, 2014

Which soccer superstar has been injured, but he's still found time to cheat on his model fiance with one of his favorite hookers... who happens to be transgender?

Cristiano Ronaldo


Tricia13 said...

@Riven kicked that Shit in the net!!! Niiice

Lady Heisenberg said...

I've been meaning to throw up the @Riven bat signal! Way to go PRG!!!

Kat has left the building said...

Thank you Enty for spelling his name right.

Dexamyl said...

CR7 is quite flexible apparently. I always thought he was flat out gay.

Lady Heisenberg said...

PRG Song of the Day
This one goes out to all of our loved ones who are no longer here with us <3

Also: Here is an amazing pic by Laura Jane Grace this week

Tina Mallette said...

Is the transgender hooker 100% transformed?

Karleep said...

haha he is Aquarian. Aquarians tend to be into freaky stuff at one point or another. Almost all the Aquarian men I know are into more taboo subjects in the bedroom. ^_^

Lady Heisenberg said...

@Tina: not sure but at least Enty didn't say "transgenderED" ;)

Sillygurl said...

I'm a an Aquarian and I agree with this statement. ;)

Bokonon said...

I'm an Aquarian as well, and I also agree. Who wanna go first?

All Lace no Leather said...

I hear such mixed stories on him. Is he gay with a beard, or bi?

auntliddy said...

Dont care.

B626 said...

Now THAT'S a blind item reveal!!

SugarTitz said...

Okay Aquarians spill...

Rosie riveter said...

Its on My bucket list to cheat w a transgender hooker. Minus the "cheat" and "hooker"

Unknown said...

He has a history of it apparently, lol.

.robert said...

@Evil,Wrong Ronaldo.

Essie said...

Who cares? All those soccer dudes are gay or bi. Not like our All American, Manly Man football players. j/k

I love Crissy Ronaldo and I would stay with him no matter how much he cheated or who he cheated with, as long as he wrapped it up before going in. He is killer sexy.

Sherry said...

I've dated Aquarians and I also agree with this statement. Meow!

opinionislikeafart said...

Ummmm it's Ronaldo the Brazilian NOT Ronaldo (cristiano) the Portuguese that has a sex worker issue. Jeez. R all brown people just lumped into one here?

Riven said...

@LadyH Best. Riven. Bat. Signal. Ever!! OMG I can't stop watching it and giggling like an idiot in a coffee shop.

Riven said...

My 2 cents that you never asked for:

Not everyone lives in a gender or sexual binary world. Not everyone views people as cookie cutter male or female, and gay, straight or bi. Gender fluidity exists, as does sexual fluidity. So does androgyny. And Cristiano Ronaldo has always struck me as just a sexually open person. Not gay, not straight, not bi, just sexual. He likes who he likes, whatevs. Plus I thought of him because of the rumors that he had a longtime boyfriend, they were going to use a surrogate, they broke up, he went through with surrogacy anyway and met Irina while the surrogate was already pregnant. He refuses to name the mother because why the hell should he? It's HIS baby.

Uhhh ... I really like this dude, tbh. In case that wasn't clear.

Riven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Heisenberg said...

That was exquisite @Riven. I am one of those freaks too, so Ammmmmmen! I hope Ronaldo is a HeisenSexual...the things I would do to that ball kickin hunk o'man'

It is nice to have you back, I knew you would love the Ronaldo boner-up reaction GIF.
You keep doing you and ignore the haters, sweetums!

Mark B said...

@Karleep, I share a birthday with Christiano Ronaldo* (he's a year older) and this is pretty accurate in my experience too.

*And various other sports people, strangely, including Carlos Tevez.

Kat has left the building said...

Eww gross my mom is an Aquarius I hate you all lol

bellaluna said...

I'm a Taurus, what about me?

Lady Heisenberg said...

So THAT'S what the song is about!!!

Lady Heisenberg said...

@Bellaluma: This is all I know about the Taurus, aside from the animal and car...

Totally kidding. It's probably more like this... ;)

Lady Heisenberg said...

Derp, sorry for the spelling error @bellaluna

All Lace no Leather said...

@Lady that's a great one. The look on his face is classic.

All Lace no Leather said...

@Riven, excellent comment. I'm old school and appreciate the reminder that everything isn't black or white like we were taught when I was young. Thanks too for stating it so clearly without being rude. I hope my comment didn't offend.

Karleep said...

In my experience, Taurus aren't the most experimental, but they tend to go for a while, but one must make sure to have food for them. I have yet to find a Taurean who does not adore a good meal. :) I view Taurus sex as a comfortable sex that has stamina ^_^

I think Aquarians are more free about exploration is because I think they are unconventional. there are fewer gender labels under the air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius). Gemini are my favorite because they love to try almost anything in the bedroom once. Muahaha :P

Riven said...

@AllLace thank you! and you're welcome! And no, no offense was taken from anything in this post. There's a lot of conflicting politics within the queer community. In regards to gender specifically, the label of "transgender" is often used by both the queer and non-queer communities to describe someone who transcends their biological gender, but specifically to identify as and/or become the other gender. That may not be accurate towards the definition of "transgender," but that's the basic assumption that is prevalent in our culture.

And people like me, who never plan to transition, don't fit into any of those labels. I accept that I cannot change my basic biology - some days I feel very much like a woman, and some days I feel very much like a man, but most days I'm vaguely in between. So the only peace I (personally) can find is just accepting that I fit no labels and I'm just.. Me. Call me a boy, call me a girl, call me androgynous, I really don't care. But call me a freak and I'm gonna shut you down right back. Because that's just mean.

Ps. I sincerely have never once had an issue discussing my gender or sexuality. The only exception is when it's used to attack me. If you don't know it has been done on here before quite ruthlessly, you may be under the impression I'm super sensitive about it. Which is sad since those attacks came from people who claims to be a part of the queer community. But on the other hand, it serves as proof that anyone is capable of hate, even within a historically subjugated and bullied minority group.


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