Sunday, April 16, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 10, 2017

When you take enough drugs where you are going to pass out, it is probably the right move to leave an event early, much like this A-/B+ list mostly movie actress did. Hanging out with people who do more drugs than even she does has not been the best idea. That studio who is expecting a lot of press from her very soon must be very nervous.

Amber Heard


dianavonthirstybird said...

We can file all the Selena and Amber blinds under Crash & Burn. Although, in all honesty, they always look fabulous in their pap pics.

OKay said...

Hard to believe they're so drug-ravaged, isn't it?

sandybrook said...

Too bad Amber's checks to Entern bounced or else she would still be as pure as the new snowfall as she was here vs. Depp a few months ago. Entern flip-flops more than President Shithead does.

TopperMadison said...

Exactly. I guess she was expecting more cash in her settlement than she actually received.

Maxy said...

Amber heard is not a druggie. This is BS.

sail23 said...

She must be depressed. She did not get the money she wanted.

Patrick said...

It is almost as if the blinds are planted by rival PR teams to discredit someone who is competing with their client for roles/jobs. Weird.


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