Saturday, April 22, 2017

Blind Item #1

This former A- list cable actor from a hit show now defunct is trying to spin some kind of tale about quitting or taking a break from acting. Nope. It is because everyone is waiting to see if this big tentpole movies of his is going to do any box office or be a dud. Maybe he should have taken that other franchise role. At least he would have stayed in the limelight the past few years.


  1. Charlie Hunnam

  2. sandybrook3:45 AM

    Hunnam? King Arthur

  3. Velvet Elvis3:49 AM

    Please, what is a "tentpole" movie?

  4. missdismay3:55 AM

    He has city of Z and Papillon coming out as well. I don't think it is him, he works and is really good, IMO.

  5. Mmmkay3:55 AM

    The sentence structure is horrendous but I will guess Jon Hamm

  6. Guesser4:06 AM

    It's a movie that is supposed to make so much money it supports the studio, holds it up like a tentpole.

  7. texasrose4:18 AM

    Think you're right on sandy. Clues fit. Haven't seen him much, previous blind about him needing money, suggesting he should have done the crap Shades of Grey gig, stories a couple of years ago about 'taking a break' to be with his gf, and the clincher- in DM yesterday promoting King Arthur. For this blind it doesn't matter if he has had a couple of projects about to come out.

  8. texasrose4:19 AM

    Hamm wishes someone trusted him enough to put him in a tentpole movie. He's basically a character actor now.

  9. texasrose4:40 AM

    I'm hoping this means the weeklong dump of no name blinds not interesting enough for normal weeks is finally over.

  10. Back in the 80's I went to a producing seminar at UCLA and there Debra Hill (Remember her?) said you want to be the producer that makes the movie that supplies money for all of the other studio's movies.
    She was right.
    RIP, Debra.

  11. sandybrook4:46 AM

    Thx Texas and yes it appears the experiment has ended as of yesterday's blinds. I actually didn't mind them because they all were challenging, even if the answers turn out to be nobodies when revealed later.

  12. Noone5:06 AM

    I think you're right. He isn't filming or scheduled for anything.

  13. police dog5:54 AM

    I feel like he has just been walking around los feliz drunk a lot and those tax commercials are...quite the fall.

  14. police dog5:56 AM

    did you know the director of papillion wrote an article for forbes saying women who make over 35k are terrible wives/partners?

    super disappointed in rami malek for signing on w/that guy AND bryan singer. I wanted to believe he was one of the good ones...until I saw him be buddy buddy with casey affleck. fuck, nice guys are rare in hollywood

  15. police dog5:57 AM

    yea, King Arthur maybe as the tentpole, and Fifty Shades of Gray as the franchise? still, it doesnt seem like he has been out of the limelight. lost city of Z just premiered, got some good reviews, then king arthur, then papillion.

  16. Piper6:07 AM

    You actually have the wrong Michael Noer. The Michael Noer who made that comment was a Forbes writer who wrote the article "Don't Marry a Career Woman".and he is American. The Michael Noer directing the film is from Denmark...TWO different people.

  17. police dog6:52 AM


    thank you for correcting me! Im glad I was mistaken, phew.

  18. Jennifer7:12 AM

    Was I the only one that thought it was porn?

  19. Shame on me, but I laughed out loud when reading your comment, texasrose. The Hammbone in a "tentpole" movie. He could hold up a tent if the rumors are true.

  20. police dog7:51 AM

    it probably is porn, somewhere.

  21. Ipoopalot7:54 AM

    I enjoyed the week of never been blinded, Enty. People complain about the same celebs showing up in blind after blind, then complain about ones they can't guess and having to do a little work to get it. Sheesh!

  22. Yes there is a diff between sitting on the couch watching Game of Thrones and dragging your ass to a theater to see King Aurtur.

  23. Scandi Sanskrit10:22 AM

    Yeah. A fresh, new set of human behaviour to observe has been pretty fun!

  24. Scandi Sanskrit10:24 AM

    Aw, come on! The new set of human behavioural patterns to watch has been fun to watch too.

  25. texasrose11:49 AM

    Maybe but I don't know who any of them are so not that interesting to me and I watch a lot of tv.



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