Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Blind Item #12 - CFDA Awards

Lots of talk and buzz last night that this fired creative director had a ton of information about her old boss. She sent it to certain people and then wham, the boss was fired too.


sandybrook said...

J. crew guy and Jenna Lyons.

Tricia13 said...


sandybrook said...

+1 that's the old coot

Tricia13 said...

Who knew JCrew could be so scandalous!!

sandybrook said...

Eddie Bauer probably did?

Tricia13 said...

And LL Bean that hooligan misfit ?

Spiney said...

Yay. Love Jenna. S.Crew.

shutupmeg said...

Its about time. Their clothing line (as well as LL Bean) is only suitable for the 70+ and dowdy crowd. belch. How many button-downs and ill-fitting khakis does one lady need to say "I'm infertile. Love cats. Grows own herbs and crosstiches in my spare time. But paid 200$ for this outfit!"

Pfffft said...

I love this so much. I work at a university and see this daily with professors...

Mila said...

Jenny Lyons and Mickey Drexler. Would love to know what she had on him...

Mila said...


Fairylights said...

LOL, I love my kitties and cross stitch in my spare time....but you wouldn't catch me in any of those clothes!


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