Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Blind Item #9

I wouldn't hold your breath to ever see labor room photos or any kind of photos showing the pregnancy of this A list couple (not Beyonce & Jay Z) because they used a surrogate. Not sure why they didn't just admit to it.


MontanaMarriott said...

Amal and George Clooney?

JustReading said...

Duh - Clooneys

sandybrook said...

BCoop and Shayk?

Ettacettera said...

I wonder how much klooneys paid to 'rent a womb'..or if this was one of their household staff? Be interesting to know..

Guesser said...

I thought at first it was real, but as time went on it was clear that Amal couldn't possibly be carrying twins. Then she disappeared..They want people to think that they are having sex, but if they were. they likely would have done IV anyway.

texasrose said...

I can't believe she hasn't been out in public that last 3 months?? Did she wear a bump?? I don't see how a famous public couple could get away with keeping it a secret.

texasrose said...

If Clooney/amal I think it is surprising that social warrior progressives like them would not be out there advocating for destigmatizing the use of surrogates on behalf of all women/couples who must use a surrogate.

Hahahahaha said...

OMG..."social warrior progressives?" I can see the Texas school system hasn't changed any over the years.

gcpvh said...

couldn't care less about these babies. too much real stuff going on in the world to care about these props manufactured by and for their phony-baloney parents.

Lisa said...

I don’t understand HW. Why do these people act like a surrogate or IVF is the most horrible think in the world???? I mean these people lie, cheat, have beards, do drugs, etc. But having a surrogate or IVF is what they are afraid of getting out there the most. Listen Clooney should worry about the f’d up situation going on between him, Gerber, Crawford and Amal, not that he they used a surrogate.

texasrose said...

Seeing offense where there is none. Typical.

Sharlane said...

Amal seemed wayyyyyy too thin to have a natural pregnancy. She probably has a BMI of 16. Doubt she even menstruates at this point.

Simon said...

Def Clooney. The one pic I saw no way she was carrying twins.

Fairylights said...

This one surprises me for some reason, although it explains why Amal disappeared.

zerooptions said...

Janet Jackson?

SnarkIsFun said...

I don't think "hahahaha" was offended, they just don't understand sarcasm.

texasrose said...

Probably right but I think a little offended and/or defensive.

Marlo said...

The reason they don't admit it is because everything they do is lie. Everything about this unlikeable couple is fake and hypocritical.
They talk about no borders, but live behind huge walls.
Talk about the environment, and fly private.
Talk about world poverty, and spend more on clothes and booze in a year, than most people spend in their entire lives.
Talk about some cause, then drop it like a hot potato, as soon as a new, more fashionable one, comes along.
They are the epitome of champagne socialists, living in a bubble, yet have the audacity to lecture us common plebs.

Marlo said...

You think it's surprising that they are repulsive hypocrites, I think it's perfectly stereotypical.

Emeraldcity said...

Who knows why, but it may have something to do with her large extended Muslim/Druze family who may disapprove of surrogacy, simpler all round to keep that part a secret, their life , their choice so no judgement from me.

sd auntie said...

I actually like how you wrote this and i agree with you. So very true. Still think he is very handsome

Marlo said...

I used to think he was handsome, but I find it difficult to fancy people, when their personality repulses me. I could never hate-**** anyone LOL

longtimereader said...

Because of his image and the fact that he is in the closet. Millions are at stake.

kskri alkio said...

Well, seeing how Amal is Amale, I mean a man...

kskri alkio said...

It's because Amal is a man

Yamaamy said...

Exchange the the l for the d thats why "she" disappeared. Oh so punny....


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