Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Your Turn

Do you believe in ghosts?


JustReading said...

Are you having a Scary Sleepover?

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I do. How else can you explain me carrying Walter Cronkite's love child?

NoNotThatBeth said...

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." I'm going with a reserved yes; I have seen things that I can't otherwise explain.

Hayley said...

Absolutely. There's always more than what meets the eye

david said...

When i was young, they constantly haunting me. But, when i stood up to them and threaten to kick their asses, they forever left me alone!


Phyllis Whitweed said...

My first encounter was when my great grandpa visited me and woke me up before school. Everyone assumed he was fine until they got the phone call a half hour later that he'd died a few hours before. It's happened lots of times since. Like when I was getting a massage from a pregnant Romanian woman and just started telling her all about her husband, his name, what he looked like and said her son will have the same cleft chin. I don't speak Romanian but sounded out some words that were her husband's weird name, and what she said was me telling her the unborn son wanted to be in the military and not to stand in his way. So yes, and I'm used to it.

just sayin\' said...

yes, reluctantly. a stranger's ghost would scare me to death but i'd love to encounter lost loved ones.

Brooklyn Girl said...

I saw shadows while I was recently in hospital for shattered femur. But I was on some heavy duty pain mess.

shakey said...

I have a very healthy skepticism about ghosts, despite the fact that other things have happened to me that were supernatural.

Wildguess said...

No. You must be joking.

Marianne said...

Hands down ? percent...
I have the pics, vids and evps to prove it..and I'm not a crazy person or a weirdo...
I've been to the eastern state penn, pengurst asylum, waverly hills, trans-alleghney, Gettysburg Battlefeild the queen Mary and many more. All after midnight...there's something to the other side. I don't know what but it sure exists.
So yes ghosts, spirits and poltergeists exist.

Stacey said...

Yes, during an interview with a doctor at a mental psych ward we used a tape recorder so as not to miss anything that was being said. later on that day when we turned it on we were able to hear the interview, but there was also a little girl heard in the background singing a nursery rhyme. No children lived or were allowed in the mental institution, so that freaked a lot of people out.

Squirrel lives matter said...

Yes. I had a visit in my dray from a friend who had gotten run over by a street sweeper circa 1999.

hakunafrittata said...


zerooptions said...

Though I wish I could speak with friends and family that are no longer around.
If I'm lucky I dream about them

Hortensia said...

Yes, and saw one once.

jenny breen said...

I have a cat and a dog who sleep with me. I lost the cat 15 years ago and the dog died 2 years ago. I'm not the only one who feels them , Anyone who sleeps in my bed knows when they jump up and can feel them leaning against them. Not scary , kind of peaceful.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I love how open-minded you're being about it. ♥

Anonymous said...

I have very vivid dreams. It feels like they are really happening. Like getting up and looking out of my front door. But I can usually wake myself and realize that I am lying in a totally different position than I thought I was. Also, occasionally, there is this black smoke-like thing that pushes me around on my bed and tries to fold me into the fetal position. But when I wake up, I'm on my back, hugging my pillow. That one does scare me, but I think is medication induced.

AprilInParis said...

No! Definitely not! And yet, I have seen, heard and felt (!) things for which no one has an explanation. I don't think they're ghosts, but maybe something like a wall to a parallel universe collapses sometimes and then you get crossover. That explanation seems so safe, unintentional, temporary, random and non-threatening so I go with that rather than "ghosts".


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