Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Your Turn

Favorite meal?


Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

Thanksgiving. I love it so much, I have it every Tuesday.

sandybrook said...

Steak and baked potato and either asparagus or broccoli Spears and a nice salad.

NoNotThatBeth said...

Salmon loaf, baked sweet potato with real butter, and grilled asparagus. Fresh baked bread to go with, and bread pudding with lemon sauce. Yum for a birthday.

MiMi said...

Burger and fries.

david said...

I like Breakfast! Bacon goes well with everything!
But some days Lunch is my favorite -- especially when there's a bacon layered cheese burger involved!
Then, some days, like last night, dinner of tasty chopped pork fit the bill.
So, I guess any meal I'm invited to is my favorite!
But, I'm still keeping those nasty 44 lbs off, though!


Yeah, me!

jack said...

Cheesecake breakfast with cold brew espresso and real cream in the coffee.

Joel Theriot said...

Smoked Spare Ribs with a savory rub topped off with a side of sauce- more tangy than sweet please. Pit beans, french fries, and slices of wonder bread. Key Lime Pie for dessert.

Marlo said...

Lunch, because I allow myself to eat pretty much whatever I like - and I like everything, and in generous amounts.
If I'm going out for dinner, I will skip lunch.
On most days I will skip one meal, there is no need to have 3 full meals.

Brooklyn Girl said...

Penne Pasta with hot Italian sausage, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, garlic & lots of Parmesan.
Love it too much.

pudlucker said...

Kimchi Jigae with Yaki Mandu

hakunafrittata said...

Any thing that has pasta and cheese in it.

Baked Ziti
Macaroni and Cheese

I just can't quit it.

Do Tell said...

Peppercrusted ahi tuna.

RenShaw said...

Pizza. That's it.

TellMeLies said...

I HATE Thanksgiving food! :)

TellMeLies said...


Phyllis Whitweed said...

Filet mignon wrapped in bacon, baked white cheddar Mac n cheese with truffles, and a bottle of Stella Artois...3 bottles.

Amanda said...

Chilli with a baked potato and cheese, in fact any Mexican food, chocolate ice cream anything with coconut in it, cake, fruit pies, cheese, pickles.

SnarkIsFun said...

Salmon loaf? Recipe link?

Bonanza Jellybean said...

Didn't Brocolli Spears sing "Hit Me Rabe-y One More Time"?

Hot Cola said...

Just one? Your kidding!
Thinly chopped salad with olive oil & a can of tuna inside ( protein & zero carbs)
Cheese & wine, (the getting pissed dinner)
Spagettie & meatballs
2 eggs on toast ( breakfast for dinner)
And the list goes on and on.

Hot Cola said...

Um mm... Heaven....

Hot Cola said...

Sounds divine @NotNot

Wildguess said...

I gained weight just from reading the responses! :)
I have a lot of favorites. Inventive tacos, lobster, spaghetti bolognese, I could go on... and on...

JustReading said...

Chicken Tilka Masala, hot enough so I need a gallon of milk on standby & my mouth feels like a chemical burn for 12 hours. Ahhh....

Hayley said...

Eggs benedict
Corned beef and cabbage

Both are fatty and high in cholesterol so I only indulge on special occasions :)

NoseyNeighbor said...

I live to cook! I love all kinds of food. right now I'm on the seafood kick. however, I found a jambalaya recipe that I think it's amazing. it's a mixture of jambalaya and pasta. I'd offer up recipes by think you can find some good ones using allrecipes.com and the foodnetwork.com.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

You've never had Grampa Crowley's Hot Oyster Stuffing. It's so good, the bird slits its own throats just to get stuffed with it.

NoseyNeighbor said...

I also love to make ice cream!

OKay said...

I do not have a fave food. That's like asking which kid I like best. I won't eat liver or green beans but otherwise, bring me what you've got.

Jimbo said...

I love a full breakfast of eggs, sausage, bacon, toast, fruit & coffee for dinner. Or sushi

AndrewBW said...

Yep, me too.

AndrewBW said...

Oh yeah.

AndrewBW said...

Sembra delizioso!

AndrewBW said...


AndrewBW said...

And ice cream for dessert!

Shortie said...

Sushi, Maine lobster stuffed with crabmeat, fried chicken from Pann's in Los Angeles, Zankou chicken, fried clams from North East, New England, cherries, peaches, guacamole.

Fairylights said...

Prime rib, roasted potatoes, steamed vegetables, and creme brulee


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