Friday, June 09, 2017

Your Turn

What groups/clubs did you belong to in high school?


sandybrook said...

I never joined clubs or cliques.

CityGirl said...

The smokers in the designated smoking area. (Remember those????)

david said...

I was on the HS Basketball team.
Does that count as a club?

just sayin\' said...

also not a joiner.

AndrewBW said...

I was on the high school newspaper. The teacher/advisor for that was the one great teacher I ever had. Other than that, high school was nothing but misery for me.

JustReading said...

Me too. We didn't have a designated area but basically took over a handicapped* stall in a specific bathroom. I got "caught" & suspended exactly one time over two school years. They must've needed to beef up their disciplinary numbers because no one cared.
I guess I was part of the Churlish Malcontents Talking Trash & Stealing Lighters Squad. No pompoms.
*there were no handicapped students on that floor, STFU

Frufra said...

Marching and concert band
Science club
Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society)
National Honor Society
Science club
Model UN

Basically, if you were having a nerd meeting, I was there!! And now I'm a teacher who reads lots of nonfiction for fun. Some things never change.

Green Carmen Ghia said...

The ones relevant to my participation here are
Debate Society
National Honor Society
School Newspaper

There are others.

RenShaw said...

Health club. My high school encouraged healthcare bound students to join as well as other clubs that gave early prep. One club I regretted not joining was the Key Club but the HC took all of my free time.

Farmgirl said...

Cross country
Track & field
Field hockey
Quiz bowl
Junior prom
Senior play


Anonymous said...

My principal made me join outward bound. It was for kids that had problems and missed a lot of school.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

‪School magazine, year book, and teachers appointed me "Head of the Political Section" in student government (although I'm still not sure what that means for an 11th grader, or on what basis I was chosen, all I remember was getting a load of hate from the other students for it).‬

‪My physics teacher was also very supportive (my grades were terrible, but he liked the weird things I'd say about the universe) and used to take me to compete at science fairs and attend IT things. And I think my local language (the Asian equivalent of an English literature teacher) also deserves credit for being one of the few teachers who was kind/nurturing to me despite my reputation. ??‍?‬

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Is that like an outdoorsy "Breakfast Club"?

Scandi Sanskrit said...

Me too! ♥

Scandi Sanskrit said...

That's cool. All my non-nerd friends ended up with boring-ass lives. Reading non-fiction for fun is not boring.

Scandi Sanskrit said...

I think the answer to that would be, "yes."

Scandi Sanskrit said...

What do your senior class perform for the play?

Anonymous said...

No. The teacher would teach the anti-social kids "life skills" by making us stand on a curb in a straight line and the first person was supposed to, without falling, trade places with the second person on the curb. We went down the line until the last student was the first in line.
Another one was we were split into two sides and we would hold a long, thick, round spindle. There were 4 spindles. The person not holding a spindle had to walk on the spindles as the teacher would have us move them up and down and go to the back of the line so that the kid would have more steps they had to take while they tried not to fall off. The teacher would change the kid and it went on like that until class was over.
The only thing I learned was the Outward Bound schedule, so I could miss those days.
There was a lot of invasion of personal space, but that was a different time. (The 80s)

Hot Cola said...

The smoking club

zerooptions said...

Future Farmers of America!

Hot Cola said...

Me too!

ab- said...

what the shit, sounds hideous

Dtown30 said...

Does cheerleading count? (Shame, shame ;)) ... karate club, yearbook, National Honors Society, Spanish club, field hockey team... I can't even remember anymore, it was over 2 decades ago! I'm old now. LOL


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