Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Blind Item #10

It wouldn't shock me at all to see some texts mysteriously leaked this week where this embattled/wrong/should have at least been suspended A list talk show host which show the host being asked to trade money for sex from one of his exes and that she can bring friends with her too for an extra fee.


sandybrook said...

Bill Maher

sandybrook said...

Cocoa Johnson

JustReading said...

So bill has to pay for it now. Shocker.

StarJones said...

Bill Maher and Superhead

Patrick said...

A prostitute is someone who loves you
No matter who you are, or what you look like.
Yes, it's true, children.
That's not why you pay a prostitute, No, you don't pay her to stay, you pay her to leave afterwards.
That's why I praise the lord for prostitutes!

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. James Taylor!

James Taylor:
A prostitute is like any other woman
They all trade somethin' for sex and they do it well.

Connie said...

Bill M. There is not enough money in the world.

Nancer said...

So what? He's not married and is pretty open about his life.

Sadie said...

True. But it was Clark Gable who was once asked why he paid prostitutes when he could have any woman for free. He said he didn't pay them for sex, he paid them to leave afterwards.

Shortie said...

Bill Maher should know better than to use a word no white person should ever use but he is a comedian and one of the greatest and smartest ones on TV in my opinion. Just because he dates African American women doesn't give him honorary status to speak that way though. But PLEASE leave him on the air where we need him who are not only super smart but consistently funny.

People need to take a chill pill. He's not a terrorist nor any kind of threat; neither him or Kathy Griffin.

maitland said...

nope he is an overrated pos.

John said...

I agree .
Now let a Conservative use the word on national TV as a host with endorsements , several contract s, and be as offensive no ignorant and Not be suspended or fired.
Nit gonna happen in Libtardyhood
Fucking Hypocrites

texasrose said...

Before this incident I can only imagine him discussing it on his show if someone he didn't like had done it.

Seth From the DNC who got shot \"at random\".. said...

Yeah " while you are waxing idiotic ,you may want to invest your time more wisely and advise others not chime in in that BS called liberal bias.
sorry "Chill pill" is it?

Seth From the DNC who got shot \"at random\".. said...

So dropping the N word on TV (so I imagine it flows off camera fairly fluidly )while claiming to be of moral,superior highground and calling all Conservatives and others he knows nothing about other than they aren't liberal hypocrites )is how you roll then is it?

biteme said...

Oh, grow up. Maher doesn't need to be suspended or fired.
How come no one remembers when Ted Nugent kept calling for Obama to be lynched or killed and said he could "suck on the end of my machine gun"?
Were people calling for Nugent to lose his job?
No. He got invited to the White House.

Seth From the DNC who got shot \"at random\".. said...
Oh you mean that?
Yeah-thought I'd help clarify.
You kind have enough problems as it is with truth and reality.

sd auntie said...

Buzz off a Tragic Trumpster. This is a Hollywierd site not Fake fox newz. Spew your facts elsewhere. We want interesting stories not more paranoid rant.

Ontoward said...

Could this have been written any more poorly?

HRH2 said...

You might take your own advice. The whole "but, but, but... you guys did it, too" thing is really quite a playground level response. And why are you using the boilerplate Kathy Griffin deflection when the topic is Bill Maher saying "house n*****"?

HRH2 said...

Thanks, Seth. If you were still breathing, I'm afraid you'd be wasting your breath supplying those crazy things called facts here. Sorry you got Arkancided.

longtimereader said...

I'm left wing and i agree, he is being protected, unlike kathy.


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