Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #2

March 25, 2017

Want to know when this A list singer who is headed towards permanent status has a coke bender? Track suit the next day. Always the same brand and color.

Katy Perry


david said...

Does it ever gets laundered?


sandybrook said...

She is not headed to legend status sorry.

MontanaMarriott said...

Enty loves to use "permanent and legend" too easily. Most of these chicks we will never think or hear about 5-10 years from now.

sandybrook said...

Nobody from pop music today except possibly Adele will be known or heard on pop radio or oldie stations 10 years from now. Katy had a lot of #1 hits but they were years ago and very little top ten since the last #1.

longtimereader said...

Swift, drake and kanye for three. All of them far more innovative, entertaining and interesting that m.o.r. ballard merchant adele, who operates as the new cleine dion. Perry had a run over a decade but is starting to fall off.

JustReading said...

For very young people with zero life experience, 'permanent' means 5 years. That's a quarter of their lives.

JustReading said...

Let's meet back here in 10 years.

sandybrook said...

Kanye's career is dead in the water, Drake hasn't done it long enough yet. Maybe TayTay if she lasts.
Legends are decades long stars not decade stars.

YoureSoOld said...

You sound like every old person in history

texasrose said...

She does seem to be photographed in them a lot.

Mymymy said...

Not necessarily. Madonna is considered a legend and her pop hit making career lasted about 15 years. Ditto Whitney Houston, Celine Dion... hell even Aretha Franklin stopped majorly charting somewhere around that timeframe. After that they remained respected and their songs beloved, and they had a tremendous impact with all of them having hits that became a permanent part of mainstream pop culture. Maybe they had a one off chart here and there, but they were done churning out the big hits before "decades" happened.

By that standard, I would say Ms Swift is definitely in the running. I would also say Kanye has a shot just in impact alone, he was hugely influential. The jury is out on Drake.

Devi said...

You appear to be having difficulty expressing yourself. Can you take a deep breath and try again?

sandybrook said...

What songs by Katy Perry are anywhere near as respected and beloved as any of the ones by the female singers you have listed above?. Most of which you can still hear on various radio formats 20-40 years after their original releases.

Mymymy said...

I never argued for Katy Perry. Jury is still out on her, she hasn't lasted long enough yet. I was just saying you don't have to chart for decades to be a legend, more
like a decade and a half + iconic, mainstreamed songs + huge influence on artists that come after. I was arguing for Swift and Kayne being on thier way and perhaps Drake with time. You could argue someone like Beyoncé or her husband is a lock though IMO.

sandybrook said...

Ok since this BI is about her and since I said at the very top no way...I thought you were arguing for her too. My bad. Yeah BeyJay probably are. That's why I left them out above.

Deana Alcantara said...

It is definitely not Katy Perry. I'm thinking it's Louis Tomlinson.. And he has been seen wearing plenty of Tracksuits!


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