Monday, June 05, 2017

Blind Item #3

This closeted A+ list singer wants the world to think she has a boyfriend. What she doesn't want the world to know is that for the past few nights this foreign born A-/B+ list female singer has been sharing her bed.


French girl said...

Taylor Swift and ....

Tricia13 said...

Taylor Swift/and Ellie Goulding?

Barbara RiceHand said...

So dumb. Come out. No one cares.

Lol said...

Enty keeps giving Taylor Swift a new girlfriend everyday

AndrewBW said...

If it's true it's an upgrade in taste and talent at least.

French girl said...

With Rita Ora!!! (I am totally out of the actual music )

Random101 said...

Taylor Swift and Camila Cabello (she is born in Cuba and her career is sort of AB)

mercat said...

Selena Gomez & Lorde

Tricia13 said...

They have been "friends" a long time... close?
Anyway she is in London right now so I figured it's a local gal like Ellie( don't think Rita is her type with the drugs and skankiness lol)

Niko said...

Taylor Swift and...? I suppose it depends on when "the last few nights" occurred. Taylor has been in Nashville since the weekend, she was in London right before that.

StrawberryGirl said...

Taylor Swift. Except she's still with Karlie.

Fabulosity said...

Taylor. Honey. Come out already for fucks sake. Nobody gives a shit and your pr relationships are testing people's last nerve . You will still have your fans support , if a few redneck fans drop you , who cares. Do really want nasty homophobes as fans? I think it's Ellie Goulding because Ellie has had rumors for years. I also think Ellie Goulding was the female singer on reddit who is sick of pretending.

Sunspirit said...

Taylor swift & Lorde

longtimereader said...

Karlie kloss, still going after 3 1/2 years.

Niko said...

Karlie Kloss is not "foreign born"

8==D KermitGosnellKnobJob said...

Or a singer.

Theknowledge said...

You mean the a- list very tall model she visited on Saturday night Enty. Please

Theknowledge said...

Oh and she does want the world to know because that's why she's making this latest foot appendage look so fake. Let her be in love with her long term super tall wife and cut all this crap

TinyDiny said...

Jessie J since Taylor was in London

police dog said...

taylor should say her prayers every night that one day the world doesnt evolve enough where ALL her ex-boyfriends come out. imagine the hell. but by the time that happens, she'd be elderly and not churning out pop albums anymore.

I really think she thinks she is smarter than the public....she truly believe people will never be on to the winwin bearding crap

police dog said...

I assumed it was Jessie J but Ellie works too. Both are closeted.

police dog said...

since it says sharing a bed with 'foreign born' it cant be karlie.

maybe lorde or ellie goulding.

police dog said...

plus, obviously, karlie is not a singer.

sd auntie said...

Nashville is notoriously homophobic and all those mom in the South would Freak if she came out. No way she will ever come our. Maybe when she is 40

Tracy said...

Taylor is still banging Karlie, so I don't know.

texasrose said...

It's not like she has a single bed or even fullsize. She probably has a kingsized bed so its nice she is sharing with someone. Global warming you know. Rampant consumerism is killing mother Earth. We should all be sharing.

Bunny Lives Matter said...

Lorde is so obviously gay and Taylor needs her superior songwriting ability for her new album.

david said...

Taylor ' the box-sniffer' Swift.

Jim Summers said...

The public will never catch on, unfortunately most people even in this day and age still believe that if a woman is pretty and feminine she can't be a lesbian, the butch stereotype still remains.

Dobbs said...

Taylor Swift/Joe Alwyn with either Lorde, Ellie Goulding (If I was a straight woman Id go lesbian for her) and Karlie Kloss Scissor Sister for life.

Fact that this guy is a d list actor in desperate need for visibility just SCREAMS classic hollywood PR stunt. Fact that blinds are coming out fast for this one it means leakers know it is BS. Maybe they are close friends that are trying to make her stop.

Dobbs said...

I saw several movies with pretty and feminine lesbians.


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