Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Blind Items Revealed #4

I was going to wait until Black Friday to reveal this, but everyone keeps asking, so, here you go.

March 7, 2013

It is probably the greatest escort service ever devised and this B- list celebrity was in charge of it. Our celebrity had been escorting herself but was tired of it and wanted to make more money and also wanted to be a star. That was always her number one goal. It is why she gave discounts to people who could give her a break. One of those men who gave her a discount suggested a way she could achieve both her goals. So, our celebrity found some escorts who also wanted to be stars and put them together. They traveled the world and everywhere they went the women would spend a night or two with a very very high paying client while at the same time they became stars, or at least the madam did. She took a huge cut of everything and when one of the team got engaged or started doing drugs or didn't want to be an escort anymore, she was replaced. For years this went on until there were too many people who knew and things were getting complicated so our celebrity shut the whole thing down despite it being immensely profitable.

Pussycat Dolls/Robin Antin


DavidHowesCREBroker said...

So, Kaya Jones decided that a pittance was too little to stay quiet.

Former CNN Anchor Candy Crowley said...

I'm sorry, but I just can't keep quiet any longer.

CNN is a cover for a prostitution ring also. Ask Dana Bash what she REALLY majored in in college.

sandybrook said...

It's not like you haven't been telling us for years they all were whores, so congratulations for this one Enty!

MontanaMarriott said...

For those who always claim Enty is a fraud, he's been telling us this bit of Tea for yeaaaaars.


-B said...

I have a friend who participated in this group for a couple of years...maybe 8 years back. I really hope she didn't have to resort to this. Oh well

zerooptions said...

I knew it!!
I didn't see any musical talent among any of them, it had to have been something like this!

Cinnamon Sticker said...

Wasn't Carmen Electra with the PD for a while?

-B said...

Yes Carmen was in the squad

Surrender Dorothy said...

Spill that juice!! I want to see all this stuff get blown wide open!

Sd Auntie said...

Expose all the pimps quickly. Me thinks Pimp K is next. Chynna and her lawsuit perhaps??

hothotheat said...

Nicole Scherzinger was a ho?!?! No way 😝

OKay said...

Can anyone REALLY be B-list if no one has ever heard of them?

Scandi Sanskrit said...


FlirtyChick74 said...

So was Christina Applegate. She was their MC. It's.nowhere on her Wikipedia page though.


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