Thursday, September 11, 2008

Blind Item - Fashion Week

#1 One of the more noticeable absences from Fashion Week is this former B list pop singer and now sometimes actress who used to be a mainstay at fashion shows around the world. Seems she has been missing, not because of money issues, but because she has been spending time in rehab. Yes, someone you never thought would be in rehab.


Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore?

junglekitten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colby said...

Why does Natalie Imbruela (no I'm not going to find the correct spelling of her name) or Brandy??

junglekitten said...

Mandy Moore fits! Natalie is Australian! Has she done any acting??

mooshki said...

Yay, a surprise late post! Just what I needed! Please tell me MM is in rehab trying to get over her addiction to bad boys.

Amy said...

I am on the Mandy Moore boat. She is certainly a maintstay at fashion shows and we haven't seen her for a while.

A Voracious Brain said...

I'm pretty sure I saw a picture of Mandy at fashion week...

A Voracious Brain said...

Ooh, never mind! It was a pic from Feb - didn't find any pictures from fashion week.

Oh man, I wonder what her poison is?

Siren said...

What about Hillary Duff?

femconsult said...

Hillary Duff?

Reese said...

Does sound like Mandy, doesn't it?

Majik said...

Natalie Imbruglia was an actress first, popstar second.


Was MM a "mainstay" at fashion shows, tho?

trogdor said...

Although, I try not to let the first name guessed sway me,

Mandy Moore seems good.

I bet she'd addicted to that awful, awful junk: Facebook.

Poor Girl!

Linda Manz said...

Debbie gibson?

mooshki said...

LOL, Trogdor - aren't we all?

Majik, there used to always be random photos of her at that kind of event.

Unknown said...

Alas Mandy Moore does fit but I pray its not her. Miley Cyrus let it be her.

lutefisk said...

My 1st guess was Mandy, but there are many others that could probabaly fit here.

palealebrew10 said...

This just has to be Mandy-cocaine? Meth? Oxycontin?

oh, the possibilities..hang in there Mandy! You're better than Zach Braff.

von said...

I don't think it's Mandy Moore. She was at the Stand Up to Cancer event and that was just a few days ago. This sounds like someone who is currently lying low in rehab.

Plus, I wouldn't call her a "sometimes actress". She's a working actress. But I do admit, it does fit her. But I don't think it's her.

Cheryl said...

Mandy Moore fits and according to wikipedia, she hasn't worked much musically or theatrically since last year. She has admitted in interviews to being sad but not clinically depressed. Dating douchebags will do that to a girl. I'll bet she's a drinker.

Mother Campfire said...

But really...what could her poison be? Unless it's one of those self-esteem rehabs that Heather Locklear went to. *snort*

Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore gave a concert at my hometown just a couple of days ago (opening for Vanessa Hudgens, which is sort of tragic), she looked fine and even went out to dinner.

Andy said...

Aw poor Mandy. She deserves a whole lot better.

Dead Angel said...

Jesus, Mandy opened for Vannie Hussy?? I hope the audience had the sense to walk out of the venue when Mandy was done singing.

Lord that girl has the worse taste in men, well come to think of it both of them have bad man taste.

cinephan said...

Mandy was my first thought too. Too bad, she always seemed pretty stable as far as that crop of teen girl singers.

Beth said...

I think there's enough evidence to put the Mandy Moore guess into question. Also, everyone has been referring to Fashion Week in NY. This BI seems to be about someone that is a little more international. Did MM frequent the Paris, Milan or London shows?

Norseman said...

Hey, weren't there two BIs yesterday?

Ayesha said...

I was thinking Mandy Moore too, but Hilary Duff kinda fits. Although wouldn't she be kind of A-list in the pop area? She's B-list now, but a few years ago, Lizzie McGuire was as big as Hanna Montana.

mooshki said...

I still think it's Mandy, but I bet she just got out of rehab recently. The blind doesn't say that she's still there. And if it worked for her (hopefully!) that would explain why she's out and about and looking good. :)

selenakyle said...

Oh, I see we got a late BI--thanks, Ent! If it's Mandy, best to her. Seems like such a sweet girl who had a very nice upbringing so should have a good head on her shoulders.

OT--just saw dlisted's pix of Amy Winehouse this morning.

I get this sad feeling in my gut that she will die soon. I can feel it. So sad. Must weigh about 80 lbs.

T.M.Miller said...


As much as I can't stand Oprah she has on her website until 7pm PST tonight a free book about Why Men Cheat. This is a full book, not just a sample. Here is the link:

Having been on the receiving end of this just thought others may find it interesting also.

Sorry for the interruption, back to the topic now.

Anonymous said...

mandy moore was my first thought, id be surprised if it was her.

Anonymous said...

Mandy Moore was at Stand Up 2 Cancer. Does that not count for Fashion Week?

mooshki said...

Gigi, I prefer to make the blinds match my guesses rather than making my guesses match the blinds. LOL.

mooshki said...

Dumbass. Tara Reid just had her rep tell Us Magazine that she's not engaged. Why would she do that? Why would they let her do that? Do they have no media savvy whatsoever? The proper response if it's not true is "no comment!" Keep the buzz going as long as you can, girl.

ms snarky said...

selenakyle - there's hope for Amy, look at how long Keith Richards has been around!

classalpha said...

... Fashion Week is Fashion Week and usually "Em"volves the Mercedes Benz "shows". Check the site for more *details*...

That said... I like Mandy Moore... she's naturally pretty... but wasn't there a blind item "Em"volving her and *Coke* (not the "liquid" kind) on that Blind Item rehash site?

mooshki said...

Snarky, look at the pics - she makes him look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. It's really bad.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was pretty well known that Hill-Duff was a big coke-head. When i saw her in person, I totally agreed.

I'm on the Mandy Moore boat. I would never expect it from her, making it perfect.

bionic bunny! said...

not duff. she was on bonnie hunt's new talk show yesterday.

can i get a hooray for bonnie hunt being back on the tube??

The Writer said...

What about Jessica Simpson? She used to be a mainstay at Fashion Week -- and she doesn't seem like the rehab type.


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