Sunday, April 08, 2012

Nadya Suleman Says IVF Was A Mistake

Nadya Suleman told NBC that she regrets undergoing IVF and having 8 additional children when she already had six. I think what Nadya is doing is trying to get the world on her side so she can get a reality show and not be condemned for what she did. She has said in the past she does not regret it and I believe there are at least one or two interviews where she says that she would be willing to have more kids at some point. Considering her thoughts about sex, I would assume those children would come via IVF again, so although she might regret having to be on welfare and not having enough money, I think if she had millions of dollars she would not regret it. I think she had these 8 kids to get famous and it worked for a few days.


MISCH said...

You think !

auntliddy said...

I dont know why ior what she is doing, but I feel bad for the kids. They will always be regarded as like circus freaks.

EmEyeKay said...

I'm having a Seth and Amy moment... REALLY?!?

car54 said...

I'm surprised Nadya hasn't thought of becoming a paid surrogate--she could have the baby for people with a known track record of successful pregnancies and deliveries--and still take care of her kids. If the couple controlled the egg and sperm so that they wouldn't have to use hers and risk inheriting the crazy it might provide her with some income and make use of her only skill.

StanleyRoper said...

She's definitely mentally ill. There's nothing wrong with that as long as the issue is being addressed by medical professionals, but for fuck sake...don't have 14 kids ON TOP OF untreated mental illness. Poor, poor kids.

Does anyone know if the baby doc that cooperated in this lost his license or got reprimanded in any way?

Mamaroni said...

That's not getting me on her side. Now her kids can look back on this interview and read about when their mom regretted having them. She's the worst

Jasmine said...

I forgot about her odd no-sex thing until you pointed it out Enty!

It's actually pretty ironic that a woman who supposedly doesnt like sex or want to engage in it has a brood of over a dozen children.

And yeah @car54- that's actually a GREAT idea for her!

McDooks said...

This trick is a nonstop lyng liar. You hit the nail on the head with the phony remorse. She would sell her soul for a show, the kids would simply be the stepping stool to HER being a celebrity. She wants easy money and adulation. She can go suck it.

Cecilia00 said...

I have no desire to see these children suffer hardship, but I am glad it didn't work out the way she planned. It's time the Duggars, Kate Gosselins & Nadya Sulemans of the world stop depending on the public to make and keep them famous and maintain that lifestyle for them.

ForSure said...

She is definitely suffering some type of mental illness and she needs help for that. I hate to see those kids separated, but they need to be taken from her until she can get herself together and get her finances under control. Like Britney, she needs a caretaker. It's a horrible mess she got herself into, but I am concerned for those children and hope they don't suffer too much because of her.

seaward said...

@StanleyRoper I'm almost positive the doctor had his license revoked. Recently, too, but I'm not 100% sure.

seaward said...

I guess it wasn't that recently, looks like it was last summer:

seaward said...

I'm curious about how she was able to afford all her IVF procedures. Isn't IVF crazy expensive?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

This is such a mess, it boggles the mind. I feel that any type of hardship on Nadya ultimately ends up in her children suffering the most. And yet, I hate to see her rewarded financially or any other way for choosing to be a human freak show. It's a lose/lose situation, but I think the welfare of the children takes priority over everything. Poor babies. And I feel especially bad for the older kids whose lives you just know have been reduced to indentured servitude.

NernersHuman said...

Just out of curiosity, is it possible that these 8 children could all have different fathers? I find it interesting that some are blonde. Having no real idea of all the mechanics of IVF, I'm wondering if that could happen.

Sherry said...

My thoughts too. It's expensive as hell.where did that money come from? Go back and get some from there to raise them young 'uns.

Katja said...

I thought the Dr. did it free for the publicity.
This whole situation makes me shudder. 15 years ago IVF cost $10,000 per cycle.

Anna said...

Maybe she regrets that it hasn't paid off as handsomely as she had hoped?

NernersHuman said...

Well, with the advent of IVF and heavier duty fertility drugs, it would seem multiples are a lot more commonplace now.

mastik8 said...

She's mad lucky the kids are not challenged in some way. Mad lucky.

Bit dams said...

poor little babies. childhood needs to be a fun time. i'm not sure what could happen to make theirs "work". hopefully they enjoy each other and have happy times together.

Amanda M. said...

I have to say I do pity her. Having 3 toddlers myself is quite the challenge, I cannot imagine 8 toddlers on top of 6 others. No. Effing. Way. reap what you sew.

AKM said...

@mastik8 - I thought that a few of the older kids did have disabilities, if not some of the eight as well.

AKM said...

Hadn't heard about this article/interview before, either...

paula said...

well, duh!

wenx said...

Man, do I feel sorry for ALL her kids :(

Henriette said...

A few of her kids are autistic, and I think on has something else.

All the kids have the same donor father from what I've read. It's such a weird story.

I think all the kids should be placed in better homes. It's obvious this nut can't take care of herself let alone 14 children!

warmislandsun said...

Those poor kids.

warmislandsun said...

So $2000 a month in food coupons (from the bankrupt state of CA) divided between 15 people for 30 days a month comes out to a little over $4 per day per person. How do you even make that work for children? UGH. This upsets me too much.

Krissie said...

Are you sure she said this, Enty? I've heard before that Nadya told media outlets she regretted having the octuplets, and then she always denied the quotes afterwards.

I think she's irresponsible and a bit ridiculous (bad plastic surgery, gigantic fake nails right after giving birth, etc etc) but I don't understand the seething hatred some people have for her (and for people on welfare in general, for that matter).

Jesse D said...

Aren't they just about two years old? HA, yeah, I can certainly understand her attitude shift. I don't understand the hatred towards her, either, but whatever. Haters gonna hate.

Sarah said...

He just lost his license.

Sarah said...

She's nuts. I feel like she saw Jon and Kate and thought she could outdo them and that companies would line up to offer freebies like diapers and everything.
On one hand I'm glad that this person doesn't have money being thrown at her for her lame paper-chasing idea, but 14 kids are paying for it.
There's no way to give them the attention they need, much less security.
Hopefully the sibling bonds are strong enough to cover for some of what they can't get from a parent.

Jennifer H. said...

I've never been against her. I just don't understand her. I think she had some mental health issues when she got the IVF. I don't know that her current statements are driven by greed, or if they're motivated by more clarity in her perception. Various mental illnesses come in waves, or stages, of intensity. I don't hold it against her, trying to get some help, any help. I would want help, too. I don't get the intense levels of hate towards her. I can't imagine that she ever sat rubbing her hands together in evil glee, exclaiming, "Bwahaha! I'm going to have way too many kids, because I'm an evil genius that way!"

I hope for her sake and her children's, she's able to find a way to make it.

Megley said...

People don't understand the hate directed towards her? Look at that picture Enty posted. That's why people hate her--she has 14 children she can't manage and can't provide for. She brought 14 innocent kids into her mad existence and people can't understand the hate for her? That's why I feel hate for her. Kids do not deserve this. Every single one of those children deserves undivided attention from Mom at times, and with 14 of 'em, that ain't gonna happen. She tried using these kids to do God only knows what, and in the end, the kids will bear the brunt of her utter lunacy.

ardleighstreet said...

I agree with Megley. This trick couldn't afford the babies she had. She goes out and has 8 more. Hello crazy cat lady but she's hording children.

I dislike the fact that ANYONE goes out and has more kids they can't afford because other people will pay for them. Welfare was meant to be a helping hand not a way of life.

Amy said...

I just look at that photo and want to cry. Those poor, poor children. They do not look happy and they don't even know yet how crazy their mother is.

Liz said...

Mental illness/issues?? No, it's just greed and an overwhelming fascination with trying to be rich and famous. She was outed by her publicist in 2009 or 2010.

figgy said...

I would love to see those children ALL placed into good homes.

AKM said...

Wait, outed by her publicist as...what?

Amartel said...

Stop giving publicity to disastrous a**holes. This one just doubled down on stupid.
Obviously, IVF was a bad idea for her in the first instance; she could not support the children she already had. But it's not appropriate, NOW, for her to be acknowledging that. These children have enough trouble without having to hear quotes from Mommy Dearest about she regrets them.

Twin Fist said...

in other news, scientists today announced that water is apparently........wet


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