Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thomas Kinkade's Mistress Wants To Write A Book

Although Thomas Kinkade left his wife two years ago, they never got divorced. Kinkade left his wife for another woman. That woman wants to write a tell all which should be pretty good. Apparently Thomas did not lead the wholesome kind of life he always portrayed and his DUI arrest was just the tip of the iceberg. The girlfriend/mistress signed a confidentiality agreement last year and now Thomas' wife is trying to get a restraining order against the girlfriend to stop her from writing the book. The issue here is that just because Kinkade has died does not mean his empire won't keep churning out stuff. He never really sold original works anyway so his death is not going to stop the money making. In fact, it will probably make a lot more now because people will think it is going to be worth something. Having some nasty tell all coming out might put a crimp into that money making.


Bit dams said...

i thought privacy died with the person. is that outdated law? also, how is she a mistress if he and his wife were separated doesn't that make her the girl friend?

seaward said...

"It will probably make a lot more now because people will think it is going to be worth something."


Baka Neko said...

Doesn't matter. His pictures are nice either way.

hamster party said...

Ugh, hate him and hate his paintings.

SusanB said...

I kind of like some of his pictures but wouldn't go so far as to buy one. Don't know anything about his personal life and don't care - won't buy or read the book.

Del Riser said...

How can they go up in value when there are a bazillion of them out there? They're as common as toilet paper, in fact there's probably Kinkade decorated toilet paper.

Does anyone really care about this guys sex life?

timebob said...

I thought they were prints and they the hire artists to put finishig touches on it to make it seem like a real painting.

I can only imagine the look on people's faces when they go to those auction roadshows and find out their "authentic kinkade" was made in a factory and worth less then the cost to ship it.

auntliddy said...

I'm gonna go with try and imagine how little anyone will care.

Sherry said...

Honestly Warhol did the same thing with his art although critics don't find his as cheesy. But bleh! Who wants to read about his sex life? Pass.

auntliddy said...

Also, wife may not be so worried about sales as perhaps embarrassing children/grandchildren. Legit concern.

Bella said...

@Del Riser - Agree. Don't care about this guy either. Next please.

Momster said...

Del Riser said...
How can they go up in value when there are a bazillion of them out there? They're as common as toilet paper, in fact there's probably Kinkade decorated toilet paper.

You can probaby store extra rolls in a lighthouse :)

Del Riser said...

@Momster, yeah, but would you want to? Actually, wiping your ass on them is the most appealing thing about them.
I don't want the Kinkade lighthouse either. I know, I could hide them behind one of Bob Ross's happy little trees. I'd take one of those.

Barton Fink said...

Chapter Twelve: Some of His Chiaroscuro Was Récherché

Redd Penny said...
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Redd Penny said...

So the fact that the self-appointed Painter of Light (title stolen from actual artist) was really a womanizing hack who wrapped himself in the cloak of Christianity for a buck is supposed to be a surprise?

Sorry, It's not.

MISCH said...

His pieces are worthless ...wait till the poor fools try to sell the zillion or so of each's a joke.

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I want to hear the dirt.

lazyday603 said...

Who will they get to buy the book? Kinkade's demographic doesn't read for fun. They're just literate enough to read a cereal box, nothing more.

Not A Ninny said...

As I understand it, the tort in these cases is that the supposed defamation decreases the value of the estate, just as if you burned down the house of the deceased. But yeah, I thought that it was impossible to defame a dead person.

Basically, you can file any tort claim you like and it's up the defendant to decide whether to risk going to trial.

Lulu G said...

His work is so mundane and well, there is NOTHING appealing about it to me. It looks totally commercial. I hope his work just goes away, I am tired of having it shoved in my face. A little dirt would be interesting, maybe his widow feels that now she can get paid back for all she put up with for all those years. Maybe that is her motivation?

Momster said...

@ Del Riser--yes! I miss Bob Ross. :(

Robert said...

I'd definitely want a Bob Ross original! Thomas Kincaid? Nah. They both fall into the category of what I consider "Denny's art," or "Motel 6 art," bur I liked Bob Ross--as did many others, it seems.

DavidsFan said...

Well done Enty. I live in the same area as his family. My children went to the same private schools with his. This is all true. Am surprised it takes this long to come out. And haven't seen it in the main stream news yet. And here Enty has it. This is an open secret in this town. His wife, Nanette, is a very sweet and nice ladies. So are the girls. I think no one talked bc they all wanted to protect his wife and daughters.
Am glad that she will get all his $$$$ and the wh!re got nothing. His wife is filthy rich now, she could get an attorney to shut up this home wrecker for ever. I feel for her family and this ho should just shut up and disappear.


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