Monday, July 16, 2012

And Then Jason Kidd Drove

Brand new NY Knicks basketball player and former convict for domestic violence, Jason Kidd was arrested for DUI this weekend while celebrating his new contract and new team in the Hamptons. Kidd was so drunk that he had to be carried out of the club. He then drove until he hit a telephone pole and was arrested. He should be on his knees and grateful that the telephone pole was not a person walking down the street or another car. Also, I would really love to know what kind of people carry someone out of a club and then let that person drive. Kidd knocked out telephone and cable service to the neighborhood for about a day also.


a non a miss said...

D'oh! What a moron

cheesegrater15 said...

Wow. He is DAMN lucky he didn't kill anybody. He should pay for the telephone/cable repairs, have his license suspended, and do whatever "regular people" do when they fuck up like this.

EmEyeKay said...

It's upsetting whenever anyone drinks and drives, but Jason Kidd pisses me off. I actually like watching him play.

Basketball is the only pro sport I'll watch anymore, and he's one of my favorites, dammit. Get it together. Apparently his friends really tried to keep him from his car.

mikey said...

It's a shame he isn't paid enough t9o afford a driver.

Pisses me off - he knew he was going out to celebrate, hire a driver!

Mindreader said...

Fucking Unbelieveable

FSP said...

They need to lock up this wife beater. "Had to be carried to his car"...did his friends start the car for him too? Idiots!

SueRH said...

Why don't these millionaires hire a car service???

tamarind said...


dia papaya said...

The can-do-no-wrong culture of top athletes in our country. Sadly, you know he's done this before...

OT: CNN has a great story on a woman, Vicky Triponey, who stood up to JoePa and "The Penn State Way". She was forced out and lost her job. The experience ruined her 30 yr career until the Sandusky stuff came out. No wonder people were so afraid to tell police about what was going on there.

seaward said...

UGH and instead of being punished, he just gets to go back to his multi-million dollar/year job, I'm sure.

auntliddy said...

who the hell wld load a drunk into a drivers seat????!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's been pretty well established that Kidd is an alcoholic. Wouldn't be surprised if he winds up in rehab over this incident.

Has anyone else heard that he has a teenage daughter that he basically ignores and now she's an addict and part of some Hollywood teen prostitution ring? It may be a stone-cold lie, but I sort of believe it. Between Kidd and her mom, the poor girl didn't seem to stand a chance.

Hendrix said...

This makes me mad. It's the equivalent of taking a loaded gun and shooting blindly into a crowd. He's just lucky he didn't kill someone. Such stupidity; such entitlement. And these are our sons' role models.

Frufra said...

I agree with those who mentioned a driver. Duh, folks! Of course, I'm sure this asshole (I call him that due to the domestic violence conviction) feels he's far too superior and macho to need any help at all ever. Throw the book at him, New York!

OT, but have to mention that having a driver is a dream of mine. If I won the lottery, I'd hire a dude to drive me around in my Honda Fit. It would be so awesome - curb pickup, no schlepping through the parking lot in the rain or snow, and I could read or whatever while Jeeves did the driving.

lostathome said...

Gee whiz, that Jason, he's such a role model.

Jesse D said...

@Frufra that's my dream, too. Forget the mansion. I just want to know that I NEVER have to get behind the wheel of a car again. No more DMV nonsense, no driving test, no more worrying about insurance or paying vehicle taxes. No more scraping ice off my windshield, fixing flat tires, getting oil changes... heaven.
As for this asshat, I hope they throw the book at him.

Robert said...

"Once around the park and then home, James," is a line I've always wanted to say, as well.

Agent**It said...

@Robert (my peer) I always wanted to say "TAKE ME TO THE MIDDLE OF THE GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE!"

SusanB said...

I'm with Frufra & Jessie D - if I hit the lottery, I'm never getting behind the wheel of a car again. I HATE driving!!!!! Kind of makes me laugh, I was so hot to get my license when I was in high school.

faye said...

it should be in their contract that if they get in trouble with the law over something such as this or assault, they lose their contract. the whole culture in professional sports needs to change, and the teams need to step up and make their players act like men. children look up to them!

Mari said...

That's EXACTLY the awesome ad they run here in Canada! The car keys morph into a gun the guy starts waving around. Very good illustration of truth.
Yes, the saying is true. The Drunk Driver is usually fine. Not so everyone else.

Sheckyearl said...

I think the fucking assholes that "...carried him out of the club....TRIED TO STOP HIM FROM DRIVING BUT COULDNT..." should be held JUST as responsible, if not MORE!!! WHAT THE FUCK do they mean THEY COULDN'T STOP HIM????

__-__=__ said...

He's a big guy. I couldn't stop him. Drunks get crazy. We know he's violent.

Sunny said...

I really like your idea of a morality clause. Not like "You can't smoke a joint in your own home", but something in there about domestic violence, drunk driving or other more serious drug charges. I can already see some problems trying to enforce (people trying to provoke you in a club so you lose your contract etc), but these 2 things with Jason Kidd seem pretty damn clear to me. Like everybody has already said, how the hell do you not have a driver or take a damn cab? Disgusting. Wake up, buddy. You need to turn this all around ASAP

Marna P. said...

I agree with y'all. How could you NOT stop this guy when you had to carry him out of the club? You know how you stop a drunk driver? TAKE HIS KEYS. Boom. End of story. I know he's a big dude but a big DRUNK dude who you're carrying out of the club won't be able to slap your hands away from getting his keys out of his pockets. Hell, I bet they were with the valet anyway. What valet hands the keys back to someone who's clearly so drunk? I don't care how famous he is, STOP THE ENABLING.

jane3113 said...

Many many years ago I was at a party and Russell Crowe was there. Jerk as he may be, he had a driver. It isn't difficult, famous people.

MadLyb said...

The Stupid burns. Ah, sweet youth.

JMS said...

You big dummy!!


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