Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blind Item #1 - Easy Easy

At an event for a shopping channel this week, this former B list reality star convict and now married B list celebrity/reality judge was with three of her people when she approached an elevator that had four people already waiting for its arrival. One of her people announced that the four people would have to wait until the next elevator because "Ms._______ does not ride in elevators with people she does not personally know."


LottaColada said...

Nicole Richie?

Laura said...

Bitch please.

violet said...

I co-sign on Nicole Ritchie. And what a Bitch- seriously

Elissa said...

Until I hear the rest of this story, I'm going to imagine that the four people in the elevator responded with a hearty, "Get bent!"

CamColty said...

Naomi ?

Laura said...

Happy Oscar day!!

crazycatladyx6 said...

God I hope they stuck it to her. Miss Bitchie ftw

LottaColada said...

I found some pictures of Nicole at a QVC event this week.

Other reality stars also but not convicts.

ardleighstreet said...

WHY??? WHY Do the people not say "Fuck You and the horse you rode in on. There will be another elevator along in 5 mins."

FrenchGirl said...

Ritchie? but maybe she's paranoid

Just Another Girl said...

Ditto what @Laura said. Give me a break.

Kelly said...

I knew there was a reason I can't stand this bitch.

Count Jerkula said...

I can't believe people put up with that shit. My initial reaction would be to say, "I guess she is waiting for the next fucking elevator or taking the stairs then. And if you put a hand on me, that will be assault, and I will restrain you until the police arrive." Fuck that. Some people are itching for a clean shoot, I daydream about the chance to administer a clean beating.

I remember stories of Jen Hopez at Red Sox games with Tool Affleck and having her people barricade the bathroom while she was in there. Problem being the old ass stadium only has 2 restrooms on opposite sides.

Both cases are probably becasue they don't want anyone to see them hovering up blow.

ethorne said...

Nicole Richie is like the second coming of the Olsens with her 70's bag lady designs. Take a damn seat & wait for the next ride bitch.

LottaColada said...

Since it doesn't specify in this BI what happened after that, I'd like to remain optimistic that the 4 people told her to take a hike and wait for another damn elevator.

This should be tagged as a Jackass blind item.

Nyan said...

Agree with everyone--no class bitch! And I hope the 4 people laughed in her face and pressed the close door button! I know I would have :)

SaintsFan said...

I agree with Lotta Colada, it doesn't say what their reaction was so I'm going to assume they told her coke head self to take the stairs or wait. I'm applauding the thought of them doing that anyway.

Pip said...

I hope to be in a situation like this one day, so I can tell the celeb to fuck off.

JSierra said...

Yeesh, the shit celebs think they can get away with. Then again, there are nut jobs in the real world who think they can pull shit like this too. Sometimes, I really, really dislike people.

JSierra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mr. ray said...


auntliddy said...

Would never take that crap. SHE can wait. Wtf do these people think they are? Mb that shit flies in hollyweird, but not in realworld, usa. Id love her to try that in nyc!!!!!!!

CJ said...

^ this.

amanda_jf said...

Martha stewart

chopchop said...

Martha Stewart is married??

Anonymous said...

Me too Pugglewug! I'd love to look at someone like that and say "who? We were here first get in line" what a c**t. No wondered and Paris and her were such good buds. Fuck both of them.

Anna said...


sifichick said...

I'm trying to be a performer & I've told my friends to bitch slap me if I ever tried to pull something like that. I don't care if you're the queen of England. That is just inexcusable, rude, and arrogant.

Trick please! You are not all that and a bag of chips.

Mama June said...

Definitely Nicole, what a piece of work. Considering the fact she used to be tight with Paris, plus other stories we''ve heard, how can anyone stand her?

And really, a QVC event? Bahahahahahahahaha!!!

JoElla said...

Who knew the lame QVC party was so star studded?! *sarcasam*

I watched a bit of it (nothing else on tv) and it was really lame, even for QVC.

smash said...

Someone said it best on that reddit "I went to school with a celebrity" post. "Stars don't become assholes, assholes become stars".

Sherry said...

Puggle my dream as well. Like most here there is no way I wouldn't say something were I in that situation. You can wait your turn.

mooshki said...

Oh, hell no. I would've told her "well, I'm sure an empty one will come along for you soon."

Jeannie said...

I went to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer convention years ago (yes I'm a huge nerd!) and one of the bit part actors there was talking with me and my friends and told us how the actress who played Harmony (Mercedes McNab) pulled the same thing. She would refuse to get into an elevator with "regular" people, and even refused to give a 5 year old an autograph. If a relative nobody like her thinks she can pull that crap just imagine how bad some real celebrities are.

The Real Dragon said...

I would said will that that bitch to take the stairs.

Anonymous said...

Nicole posted a pic on Instagram with her and some peeps in a elevator captioned "going up"

Shocky said...

She gets a lot of stick on here but Rihanna once shared an elevator with a friend so at least she's not pulling this.

Vkn said...

Ugh what a nasty buck toothed wife of skeletor.

Mango said...

Unbelievable. That would get a, "Well she can GO FUCK HERSELF while waiting for the next elevator," from me.

I don't believe in a class system, but I would actually step aside for the QofE or a head of state but anyone else can get bent.

PugsterMom said...

I rode in an elevator in Israel with Shimon Peres who a few years later became Prime Minister of Israel. He was so nice. Said "Shalom."

PugsterMom said...

PS I have no filter and would have told Ms. Richie and her goons too f***ing bad but they would have to go find the Princess Elevator cuz I would be on this one as soon as it arrived.

Steampunk Jazz said...

I would have said "Who?" and hit the door close button.

Blondie! said...

I'm thinking Martha Stewart. Was once stuck in an elevator with her. The temp dropped drastically when she walked in.

HalleGoLightly said...

Why don't she and her people fucking wait then. If they want to ride alone, they can wait until they're alone...however long it takes.

KittensRUs said...

If it's Nicole, I've ridden in an elevator with her although it was back in her Simple Life days and she sure as hell doesn't know me. Maybe this is a new bit of crazy?

hilloochka said...

I've heard many stories about ms. richie being a bitch/diva before, so it doesn't surprise me.

crila16 said...

What a HUGE B. She's a nobody. She's not an A list celeb. She's cray cray. She's a D lister. Sit your @ss down biatch.

Bsyeventer said...

This is Lil Kim all the way!

littlemanwhatnow said...

they actually called us common this is my blind

littlemanwhatnow said...

it was at the four seasons

Count Jerkula said...

Good need to take some "Go Fuck Yourself" lessons. It aint that hard to say, and it is a good weapon in many instances.

That said, I don't know the entire story, or if Hotel Management was there whips and chairs in hand to keep the unwashed at bay, or it was just "her people".

Gabby said...

@littlemanwhatnow - so was it Nicole?


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