Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Mauricio Admits To Cheating On Kyle Richards

In the new issue of Star Magazine they have a story which came from a hooker that Mauricio Umansky was hitting on. The hooker says that Mauricio told her that he cheated on his wife Kyle Richards from Real Housewives - Beverly Hills. “I’m married, but I stray once in a while.” The story goes on to say that there are tons of stories about his extra-marital activities and all his friends know about it but that Kyle closes her eyes to the subject and refuses to acknowledge that her husband ever cheats. Mauricio's rep says the whole thing is just harmless flirting and that he often buys drinks for hookers in hotel bars and exchanges numbers with them. That it is all just business.


Jane said...

Yes! Wednesday! I just read about this on Radar.

Pip said...

Hookers and Star magazine are reliable sources.

Jane said...
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Jane said...

I know right? When I saw Star as the source, I felt a little let down but at least we all got the right couple

AuntJess said...

Huh. I thought he was a good guy. Disappointing.

FSP said...

She has boy name.

Anonymous said...

RHOBH has just started, or is just about to start, filming. Me thinks this is a ploy by Kyle so get a spot and a prominent storyline on the new season. The Richard sisters are crazy fame whores.

KendraWM said...

I love how the rep thought by saying he just buys them drinks and gets their numbers was supposed to make it better.

You are a married man, you should not be buying hookers anything and certainly not collecting their numbers.

Laura said...

My cousin, who is a girl, was named Kyle. She hated it because she thought it was a boys name so she changed to Kyra when she was 34. It was hard to get used to calling her a new name but she is happier.

I doubt this will make Kyle believe.

Diane said...

Oh this is worth waking up extra early this morning. Thanks Enty.

KendraWM said...

Kyle owns a 3% stake in the show (in exchange for getting the women to sigh on) we will never be rid of her or Kim, sadly.

Karen said...

FSP: getting to the heart of the matter!

I'd actually name a girl Kyle. I dig the boy names for girls and often don't like them for boys.

Ari said...

Happy Wednesday! Blind revealed! I always knew it was true, but now that it's true, I feel bad for Kyle (I know I'm weird)

VIPblonde said...

Boom! Remember what Allison DuBois said about her at the infamous dinner party? That Mauricio would never emotionally fulfill her and once the kids grow up they will have nothing in common.

WareCat said...

Haha! @FSP. Either that or Mr. Ware has a girl's name ;p

eris hilton said...

that's what his REP says? he should get a new rep. Why does he even HAVE a rep?

EmEyeKay said...

Makes me sad!

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

Is it bad i hope this leads to a domino effect with more people coming forward? Kyle has to know, the way she overreacts anytime a woman is even near Mauricio she flips. Nice call ent.

@kendra, that's interesting, is that the same with the Manzos then?

VIPblonde said...

Here are the blinds that we will need today :)

ZORBITOR said...


Della said...

I don't really understand the Real Housewives shows. They have never appealed to me. I don't get all of the hype.

it took forever said...

Good work enty

Laura said...

I bet (hope) Brandi starts talking!

it took forever said...

Enty i always thought you were a pparzi, now i wondering if youre a rag editor. Good work still

Agent**It said...

Re Kyle's 3% stake of the show ....???? Sounds odd to me.

VIPblonde said...

@Kendra Jill Zarin helped get both Ramona and Bethenny on the show, didn't get any money for it, and still got the boot

greenmountaingal said...

I'm so not surprised about this. Mauricio is skeevy looking to me.

Jacq said...

This also happened four years ago, apparently... I just keep my Star subscription for the crossword

KendraWM said...

I have no idea if it is true, but my friend was involved with the production company, but on a different project,told me at the time of the casting, they were having a hard time getting women signed on, Kyle said if she could help facilitate the women signing on she would like a share in the franchise. The number I was told was 3%.

Now this could be all BS, but I do believe my friend.

crila16 said...

I know Star is FOS...but seriously? You honestly think this guy is faithful to Kyle? He's a good looking man, and he's way hotter and sexier than Kyle, he has a little bit of fame being on a reality show. I'm sure women throw themselves at him...and I'm so sure he doesn't say no. There was also a BV about a reality show couple who seemed like they were so in love and happy, but the husband was a cheater. The popular guesses were Lisa/Ken and Kyle/Mauricio.

Terri said...

He does like for her to dress like a hooker and she always wants his approval for her clothes. Even when I was young and skinny my husband didn't like for me to dress like that.

Agent**It said...

Kendra, thanks. That is a fascinating tidbit. The Beverly Hills real estate agent's wife getting some of his clients to appear on the show..and getting a commission.. that's believable !!

Unknown said...

But this is better than unnamed sources - the Star prints the sources name here as well as the location of the incident. If this is false, then the hooker just opened herself up to a lawsuit. Makes it a little more credible for me.

elisacg said...

Can't say I am surprised. I used to love Mauricio but as the seasons have passed, I think he is a bit swarmy. I can totally see him cheating on Kyle every chance he got.

Nice insider knowledge @Kendra. I had no idea but that kinda makes sense. Disappointed that Kyle will always be on RHOBH though. Haha

Unknown said...

And I remember Camille being all smirky about Mauricio hanging out with the babysitters a lot.

Anonymous said...

Completely forgot about that!! Now I need to go back and watch that episode:)

car54 said...

Enty, you called it!

I guess we have our plotline for next season.

VIPblonde said...

@Prima @Michelle Yes! Style Network played it last weekend, so I have it saved on my DVR! And you're right; Allison said something along the lines of "I bet Mauricio loves his nannies," and Camille said "He loves more than just his nannies" (wink wink), and then they all laughed

Anonymous said...

Enty called it! I thought it was them. Explains why Kyle is so insecure. That bridge shit in Paris was crap.

@VIP I was thinking about Allison too! Maybe she wasn't far off but she was still a crazy bitch!

VIPblonde said...

@Kenra Sorry, wasn't trying to dispute the 3%. Sometimes comments get lost in translation :) I was trying to say (rather inartfully) that even if she is getting 3%, I doubt any 'wives are "tenured," so she could still be on the chopping block at some point (and would then be getting 3% from a show she's no longer on). Not a bad deal!

Unknown said...

ditto crila16. im finishing up season 3, and at some point, brandi said "us pretty girls get along" referring to herself and camille. and i agree, i think that there are some major insecurities (with all of them, but moreso) with the ladies that aren't the most attractive.

with that said, i find ken more attractive than mauricio.

Anonymous said...

I also thought on Monday's night part 2 reunion Kyle looked kind of PO'd when Mauricio said he liked Brandi, she was a "fun girl".

I hope Brandi wouldn't with a married man though, apparently Mauricio is no better than Eddie!

Onyx Loathes Hydrangeas said...

@vip&prima, oooh I totally forgot about the nanny line. And remember how Kyle was so happy when Camille's marriage failed and she was so quick to write off Alison's prediction to being about Camille and not her?..she was Camille's friend, I'm sure she already knew Kelsey was cheating, as did Camille.

And slightly ot, but Mauricio annoyed me at part two of the reunion. He totally threw Kyle under the bus about them not talking to the Vanderpumps. He's a shitty husband.

Agent**It said...

VIP, might have been for a limited time that she rec'd a stake? Andy Bravo is not financially stupid. I bet Enty can find out..

Laura said...

Kyle's glitter eyeshadow at the reunion show was so distracting! I was way too focused wondering of it was heavy on the eyelid.

Unknown said...

My theory is that he works for one of the large talent management agencies. Imagine how much reliable gossip goes around those companies.

Charis said...

I'm just so relieved it's not Lisa and Ken. But I don't think Brandi would flirt they way she does with him or that Lisa would tolerate it if Ken was a cheater.

Laura said...

Lisa loves it when Brandi and Ken flirt, her reactions make me laugh.

Unknown said...
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EGB said...

Kendra, love the dish, I remember reading something similar about her maybe getting a producer credit? This is so not surprising, sadly. And it just solidifies Maurice's creepy, mouth breathing, dumb dumb persona.

EGB said...
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EmEyeKay said...

I just read the article, and looked up photos of the source - my god she's a plastic surgery disaster...

@Laura, I loved Kyle's eyeshadow, I spent half the reunion not paying attention because I was wondering if I could ever pull that off. So yeah, I guess it was distracting :)

ethorne said...

Alison DuBois is cackling over her e-cig & 4th glass of wine. Mwahhh hah hah!

VIPblonde said...

Here's a YouTube clip of Allison DuBois doing a reading of Kyle at the dinner party from hell

Agent**It said...
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Sasha said...

Why does the first blind say "none of it began until the show did, which is ironic considering"?

Why is it ironic none of it began until the show did? Is it that the show should have brought happiness instead of grief?

uofazwildkitty said...

so the wannabe demi has a cheater in the latin lauer hubby.

quelle surprise.

Unknown said...

By large I mean the "big four".

Unknown said...

They were together watching Lisa on Dancing with the Stars Monday night. This seems to be RHBH plot lines ever season-housewives marriages falling apart-season one-Camille, season two-Taylor, season 3 Adriane- will 4 be Kyle?

TheTonyReilly said...

That's a valid point, as long as Lisas marriage doesn't end I'm fine!

NomNom83 said...

Hookers/escorts may seem seedy, but if you and your partner agree he can get some on the side from time to time, would you prefer a business transaction like this or one long-time lover? Just something to think about.

I don't think Kyle is an idiot, of course she knows and maybe they have an agreement. But that doesn't mean she needs to share it with everyone. If I were her, I would stick to my "happily married!" version of events, too. What, are you going to be at a luncheon with the girls and admit, "Mauricio's allowed to have sex with escorts provided it's never made public, doesn't happen more often than X times per year and I get right of first refusal on the sex before he gets it elsewhere."

Or maybe she really is oblivious? They have young kids, I can see why she would choose to believe he's faithful.

NapAssasin said...
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NapAssasin said...

I think in the statement on Radar (isn't that who Adrienne sells all her stories to, BTW?) that Maurico was networking and people mistook that as flirting. Ken & Lisa seem very convinced they were dropped as friends after Mauricio sold their house & now he's only chummy with Adrienne in order to sell her property. I would believe both Kyle & her husband have ulterior motives at this point, and I'm sorry to say I like her a lot less this season- seems Faye is rubbing off on her a little too much & she's lying a lot & breaking friendships. I think the facade is cracking.

OKay said...

Of course it's all just business! That's what hookers DO!

Primadiva said...

The timing of this is sketchy and it makes me think maloof has leaked again. They didn't support her over the abuse claims at the reunion and then showed public support for Lisa by attending dwts this week...I have no doubt he's cheated but why is the story released now??

Nina Roux said...

I think that Mauricio and Marissa Zannuck are aiming for a spin-off real estate show. But his popularity has waned, so who knows. Kyle has her head buried in the sand about a LOT of things: alcoholism/addiction are a family disease, and she thinks all the responsibility of recovery is on her addict sister. She's the perpetual victim of her sister's disease, and doesn't see how she contributes to it.

VIPblonde said...

@Nina Marissa is on Selling LA on HGTV (or at least she was)

Unknown said...

Mauricio is a skeeze, neither of them are with each other for love. Mauricio gets fame from the show and Kyle gets the appearance of a happy, loving, hottie husband. Has anyone ever noticed that when they are around each other, Kyle never lets him go? She is always touching him in some way like she is proving their relationship to everyone.

I wonder how many of the other Housewives Mauricio has fucked. Brandi for sure.

elisacg said...

@ Primadiva,
I agree. Pretty sneaky. I also thought it was strange that now all the sudden Bernie is attacking Kyle and almost defending Lisa in his latest rant. Has Adrienne come out and said Bernie's statements about Kyle were false? I haven't read anything. He's a nutjob, well so is Adrienne. Haha

di butler said...

I thought it was gonna dry and crack open like a highway in an earthquake. I was mesmerized. First time I remember old Splits Richards ever keeping my attention. Drag out the poop pillows, im ready for this whole story.

Primadiva said...

@elis don't think Adrienne has denied anything Bernie said publicly, and I don't think she ever will muzzle him, he probably gets treats everytime he trashes her enemies.

The Tiffany said...

Remember last season or the season before, when Kyle was saying in her talking head about how it's ok if someone cheats and marriages can move past it? Something along those lines... Anyway marriages hit rough patches, maybe that's all this was. Or maybe she's just a vile bitch and he is a throw-anybody-under-the-bus type of person, just in it for himself. Anybody read House of Hilton? Wow, that book totally trashes the Richards family. Can't stand Kyle, Kim or Kathy. Or any of the other K's. All evil people!

Mango said...

If this is false, then the hooker just opened herself up to a lawsuit.

I'm cracking up picturing a process server trying to serve the hooker her lawsuit papers. He pulls up to a hooker on Melrose, rolls down his window, sticks his head out, takes a look... nope, not her. Next!

Kyle owns a 3% stake in the show...

That's still not a good enough reason to have Kim on the show. She's a show stopper and not in a good way. They need to get rid of her boring ass!

VIPblonde said...

@Primadiva and @elisa Lisa was on her twitter defending Kyle last week over some new thing Bernie had published on his FB page that was picked up by Radar (should we all be sending friend requests to Bernie? How do we even look him up? Bernie the chef?). That's why I'm always Team Lisa. She always sticks up for people, even when those same people don't stick up for her

And now I have a mental image of Bernie dressed up as a seal, clapping and barking as Adrienne throws him treats :)

VIPblonde said...

@di OMG, the shit-stained pillow! I almost forgot about that part!! LOL

Mango said...

The shit-stained pillow - I didn't get that! WTF didn't Kim just throw it away? Even if it was a frickin' DIOR pillow, once it's shit-stained, in the trash it goes!

ethorne said...

@VIP- one of the commenters on TVgasm (hilarious recaps btw) friended Chef Bernie then was promptly unfriended. I guess he didn't like the comments, lol.

Primadiva said...

@Vip, I'm not on twitter, but thanks for the update! I love Lisa too and again she shows what a classy lady and good friend she is. We are all bound to bicker and discuss our bickering with our friends, but when someone is attacking your friend, the petty bullshit gets tossed aside and you defend your real friends. That's what I think Lisa was trying to explain to Kyle. You don't throw your friend under the bus just because you have some personal drama with each other.

I died picturing Bernie as Adrienne's pet seal LOL

Primadiva said...

Omg yes!!!! Wtf was the shit stained pillow about?! I believe something like that to come out of NJ not Beverly Hills!!!

VIPblonde said...

@ethorne I'll have to check them out!! OT, but a couple of years ago, after the Scary Island episode of RHONY, Bethenny asked her twitter followers to tweet her their thoughts on the episode. Here is my exact tweet to her:
"@VIPblonde_: @Bethenny Watching RHONY now. Kelly seems to be missing a sensitivity chip (among other things)
Pretty restrained, right? And I didn't use Kelly's twitter handle in my tweet. Less than 6 hours after I tweeted that to Bethenny, Kelly Bensimon started following me on twitter! Super creepy! Does she troll all of Bethenny's tweets to see who's talking about her? She finally stopped following after about 6 months

Primadiva said...

@vip I never watched ny until this past year, I missed all the Jill Zarin/Bethenny drama, sounds like these bitches were bold! Any links where I can watch the earlier seasons??

VIPblonde said...

Finally got around to reading the Bravo Blogs. Kyle basically says that the negative press coming out is backlash for Kyle stating that she didn't believe that Paul abused Adrienne at the reunion

VIPblonde said...

@prima Not sure where you can watch them for free (maybe scour YouTube?), but you can buy the earlier seasons on both Amazon and iTunes. Well worth the investment, IMHO!

ethorne said...

@VIP- Wow, yours was probably one of the nicer comments.

Primadiva said...

@vip thanks!!! And I'm getting to the blogs now too, looks like Kyle confirmed what many of us suspected, does the Hoof not see how blatantly predictable she is??? Brandi exposed her tabloid tricks last reunion and she does the same thing again this year???

I'm going to scour YouTube tonight but if I get lazy ill just use my amazon gift card, thanks again!

hollywood dime said...

they're swingers. Mauricio and Kyle are rarely apart when they go out. I would see them every weekend at the Beverly Hills hotel before they started that show. They both flirted and hit on me. They made it very clear they were interested in a 3some. I never said yes. Mauricio is hot in person. Kyle runs that relationship. He was known to tip a waitress he thought was cute $500 minimum, even if the check was $50. If he cheats Kyle is there and knows all about it.

Anonymous said...

@hollywood dime. Interesting... I always forget she's part of "those" Hiltons, no way she's not a degenerate in some form. I can't imagine her hitting on anyone. Other than when she tries to do the splits constantly I never see her as flirty or sexual, she must be a better actress than I thought.

@Primadiva, I gotta agree with VIP the first two seasons of RHWNY were stellar and the Scary Island trip was the best. The new season was kinda meh although I think Carole is a class act. Try to catch those early episodes if you can.

Regarding the shit stained pillow I just kinda wished Brandi hadn't of said that. It was gross and probably best kept off air. For some reason I find her saying that worse than the surrogacy comment.

Barton Fink said...

And the hooker didn't have sex with him because she doesn't sleep with men on the first date?

Dee said...

I have and that book is FABULOUS!

Dee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dee said...

But Mauricio just claimed they have no skeletons in their , so this can't be true. :o)

Pip said...

Omg, I want to fb friend Bernie now to troll his page!

Primadiva said...

@vip and all early housewives friends. I'm watching the first season of rhwny and if looks like they do interviews right after a scene.i like that and think its more genuine, have you noticed in recent years they're only wearing a few diff outfits, and it seems like they comment in their interview in the same outfits ALL season completely made up with perfect lighting?? Even the husband and kid interviews seem like they're on the spot after or during filming of a location during this season, I'm on the hamptons episode now.

Unknown said...

Primadiva, contact me privately by email if you don't have any luck w/ youtube. I know a site that probably has all of RHONY eps. I just finished watching last season of Mad Men on this site. I also watch a Brit. reality show called Made in Chelsea on this site.

stephaniem (AT) total (DOT) net

Anonymous said...

Nice call on this one Enty!

Unknown said...

me thinks primadiva is brandi.

Unknown said...


Primadiva said...

@morgan haha sorry to burst your bubble, I'm just a fan and usually only comment on housewives threads, I am #teambrandi ;)


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