Monday, June 17, 2013

Bobbi Kristina Boozing And Doing Drugs Constantly

You would think that someone who has lost their mother from a drug overdose and seen their mother go to rehab and use drugs for the better part of the life they can remember with her would try and stay away from drugs or at least people who are always using them. Bobbi Kristina is not one of those people. Former neighbors of the daughter of Whitney Houston says that whenever anyone got a look inside the apartment she shared with her brother/lover they would always see booze bottles and drugs and paraphernalia all over the floor. Bobbi Kristina would spend almost all day and night holed up in the apartment and would only emerge if she needed to be somewhere. Neighbors say she was violent towards them and would confront them if they complained and that Nick would threaten the neighbors with his gun. Currently Bobbi has been going from hotel to hotel to live since she was kicked out of the apartment earlier this month.


Momster said...

It's hard to judge her when #1, she grew up with that, and #2, she's just 20 years old. I feel sorry for her.

Cathy said...

I feel bad for her, but it's also time for her to grow the f up.

Unknown said...

It's just a shame after losing her mom that she doesn't want to clean herself up. I agree - she has tons of maladaptive habits from being raised by those two - but come on girl!!!

auntliddy said...

Its all she knows "As the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

Count Jerkula said...

She has no talent. She don't need to have a job. I'd be getting drunk and high all day too.

detown359 said...

She has had drug problems for many years. Reports came out when she was as young as 14 of her doing drug and alcohol.Why wouldn't she? That's what she saw growing up from both of her parents. Very sad.

Freya said...

And the cycle continues...

Freya said...

What happened to her budding singing career (special emphasis on bud)?

Unknown said...

Dumb privileged druggie + several million dollars and stable influence in life = disaster.

Sherry said...

What Texas Rose said. Unless she wants to do something good with her lifer she probably won't change. Nothing sadder than a rich kid with no (positive) ambition. And that I blame squarely on her mother and father. They instilled no values in her. Sad.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

She doesn't have the charisma nor the vocal ability her mom had, unfortunately.

Cocokitty said...


Anothergrayhare said...

adoptive or step brother or something. Genetics are hard to avoid, and their is a genetic predisposition to addiction I believe.

trudi said...

Was her life filled with school, extra curricular activities and applying for colleges or searching for matches for her parent's crack pipes?

Barton Fink said...

She's not dead yet? Huh.

Jessie said...

She has been given so much. She should give back and maybe karma will help her out of the hole she's digging.

Sylvia said...

I guess whatever millions Whitney left her is going down the drain.

I don't feel sorry for her, she knows what it did to her mother and father if she wanted to she could have gone thru a different path.

nightowl said...

But, but, CDAN compatriots say there is nothing wrong with using, that only boring, stupid Republicans aren't! Who are all these trolls saying drugs are bad? I am so confused?!?!?

Munch said...

She's not a child anymore and she's seen firsthand what it did to her parents so she's starting to run low on sympathy round here.

I'm beginning to think she's not so much damaged as just selfish and stupid.

Drug abuse isn't a victimless crime, there are people being trafficked, robbed and murdered for the drugs to get to your door. Theft to support a drug habit costs us all collectively in policing and insurance.

But Bobbi's got the loot in the bank without working a day for it so what does she care about the damage to society as a whole?

Anonymous said...

It's all she knows, it's going to be up to her to figure out her own life, as with everyone. She isn't just in to pot night owl. I think everyone can agree that using any drug constantly, yelling at people and waving a gun at them is wrong.

evie2345 said...

Some people look at the mistakes their parents made, and vow to do better. Others just let history repeat itself. It's sad to see she's chosen the latter.

csproat said...

Apples and trees folks..

And I'm not just the president of hair club....I'm also a member!

B said...

Leave her alone! She is in a great deal of pain and has no one!

Anonymous said...

Learned behaviors - aka conditioning. This is obviously the only way she knows how to cope. Self medicating. Don't judge - we've all got our poison - some people use food (and we don't say "put the fork down lard ass") or work or sex etc.


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